Season 1, Episode 7

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I woke up, took a shower, got dressed, and then I seen a note on my bed and it said:

Dear Bruce,
I have to leave for a while, but when I get back, I'll have everything in my mind sorted, and I'll know what I really want to do with you.
Sincerely Selena.

I put the note on my bathroom mirror, put on one of my watches, and went into the living room, and waited until Soto got done getting dressed.
Justin and Dick came in the front door, and I said, "Dick take that card I handed you yesterday, and buy you some clothes, before that card deactivates. You will then attend class second period."
He nodded, I threw him the Porsche keys and he headed back out the door. A few minutes later, Soto, Justin, Colossus and I headed to our first class with our homework in hands.
I put my homework on Ms. Shanks desk, and she whispered, "After class is over, I need you to stay."
I nodded and then sat at my table and I could pay attention, and I got my work done and then when the bell rang, I stayed and told Justin and Soto, I'd meet them at the next class. I patted Colossus and I watched as he left behind my two friends. I sat on my table and Ms. Shank stood and watched me intently. I took off my shirt, and motioned for Ms. Shank to come over to me, and when she got there, she rubbed her palms up and down my eight pack abs and then she started to peck little kisses up and down my chest.
I pulled her blouse off, one button at a time, trying to savor the moment and make it last longer then it would. When I got her blouse off, I pulled her towards me, and kissed her passionately. Then I stood up, and removed her bra and then had her lay on the table, and I pulled her skirt and panties down. I sat in my chair and began to lick up and down on her snatch, and then I put my tongue on her labia. Then I ate her out for everything she was worth, and I had her panting and breathless by the time I got done.
I pulled my pants and Under Armor boxers down to my ankles and I slid the head in, and then moved towards her nipples, and sucked on one while I tweaked the other and then I switched and did the same to the other. I slid my cock in a little further and I started to kiss up and down her body and then I slid it in a little further.
I went up to her neck, and sucked hard, making sure I left a hickey and then I slid it in all the way to the hilt, and I moved up to her mouth, and began to passionately kiss her while I banged her for all she was worth, and then I dipped my head back up and she said, "You have made me climax about five times."
I said, Well let's make it six."
I began to go in and out even faster and then I waited until she came again, and then after she was finished, I let my own flow inside of her, and I felt her body tense and then spasm one more time, and I know I had made her climax seven times.
She said, "Oh wow. I'll always remember that you are the only man who has made me climax seven times. And today is my last day teaching here."
I said, "You're welcome. And that honestly sucks, but I want you to be careful out there. Especially in Bludhaven."
I got dressed, handed her clothes to her, and I looked out the door, making sure no one was coming, and then when she was good as perfect, I kissed her goodbye, and ran to my next class. I was the first one there and Mr. Depinet was pleased to see me. Everyone else started piling in, and then I pulled my phone out, and texted Selena as Colossus came over, and sat beside me.
I said, "Hey beautiful. I miss you, and I was sorta hoping to see you laying on my bed when I woke up for class."
I waited a few minutes, by patting Colossus, and then she said, "I miss you too. I wanted to stay, but I had so much going through my mind. I just had to work them out."
I said, "I understand."
I put my phone in my pocket, and paid attention as Mr. Depinet went through the check list of who turned in their homework, and Justin leaned over and said, "I turned yours in, so don't worry. But you owe me a story of what happened after class."
I smiled, nodded and then I got to work, after Mr. Depinet gave us our laptops to work on building a world. I was finished when the bell rang, with what I had created, and it was kind of good. Soto, Justin, Dick, Colossus, and I headed back to the dorm room, then I sat down on the couch, and while Soto went to his room, I told Justin and Dick the whole story of Ms. Shank and I.
Justin said, "Damn bro. Seven times. I'm sure your gonna be running through her mind for the next couple weeks, bro."
Dick just sat in silence, while I said, "I know. And then she's being transferred and I'm gonna miss her. She seems like marriage material, but once she gets off campus faculty, her numbers won't be the same anymore."
Justin said, while patting Colossus's head, "Damn that sucks balls for real. And I don't mean you Colossus."
I said, while patting Colossus, "Colossus don't suck balls, but Ms. Shank is a good woman, and I hope whoever she marries, will be a good husband."
He barked and then Soto came out, and sat on the other side of me, and I said, "So how was that lap dance by Taylor Swift, Soto?"
He said, "Huh? Oh, really awesome but... Wait that was Taylor Swift?"
I said, "Of course. My cousin and I set it up."
Soto said, "Damn. Thanks bro. I even got her number."
I said, "I was hoping you did."
Soto said, "So who did you get numbers of, Justin?"
Justin said, "Well I got Jessica Alba's, Jessica and Ashley Simpson's, and Miranda Cosgrove's."
Soto said, "Well that is a handful, my friend."
Dick said, while straightening up in the chair, "Wait a minute. You guys be hanging out with celebs like that?"
I said, "Yeah. All I do is have my cousin throw a party and invite anyone I want, and they'll be there."
Dick said, "Wow."
After a while, we went to our next class, and Mrs. Thompson was in a good mood for some reason, and none of us wanted to ask. I pulled my phone out, and I checked my messages and there was one from my foster mom.
She said, "Hey baby boy. We haven't heard from you in a while, is everything all right?"
I texted back and then I checked my second message and it was from my foster mom again, and she had texted me Lt. Gordon's information, and then I texted him. I checked my last message, and it was from Selena.
She said, "I have a little bit figured out, and so far I know I don't want to be hurt again, and treated like some low life, like my ex did."
I texted back and said, "Well if I was your man, I would never treat you like he did. If you we're mine, you would be treated like a queen."
I got to work, and got all my homework and class work done, then I waited until class ended, by patting Colossus's head, and then we went back to the dorm room, and I sat on the chair, turned on my PS3, and started playing Resident Evil 6. I pulled my phone out, after a while, and checked my messages again.
Selena said, "You're always so sweet to me, even when we talked all the time on Skype, while I dated Justin. I hope after I get these thoughts sorted through, I'll be able to come back to you."
I said, "Me too, Selena. Me too."
I began to play a little bit more, and then she texted back, saying, "Hey did you check those pictures yet?"
I said, "No, but do you want me to check them?"
I waited a minute, and she said, "Please do, but don't show anyone else, and let me know what you think."
I said, "Okay. I won't show anyone, and hang on."
I went to my pictures, and when I clicked into the folder, I had five new pictures of Selena. The first was of her with all of her clothes on, the second was her with a bra on and she still had her pants on. The third was of her in her bra and panties, the fourth was of her in her bra and panties while posing. The last was of her without a bra and panties while doing a different pose, with her arm draped over her chest. I had to stare at the pictures with my mouth open.
I texted back and said, "Oh my god, you are so beautiful when you only wear your bra and panties, and hand bra. I'm surprised you didn't his for me."
She said, "I have to keep you around wanting more, sweetheart."
I said, "Well either way, with the pictures or without them, I would still stick around, for you."
Soto, Justin, and Dick came out of their rooms, and we went to our next class, and Ms. Tiffany was talking about Romeo and Juliet today, I was happy and paid close attention. When class started and got flowing, after she told us our assignment, I got down to work, and learned as much as I could when class ended. I got done with the assignment and then we went back to the dorm room, and I sat on the couch and checked my phone, and I had another message from Selena.
She said, "Get on Skype."
I signed into Skype and Selena sent a video chat, I accepted it, and then she appeared on my UHD Curved T.V.
She said, "I made a copy of your schedule. So I now know when you get out of class."
I said, "Well wasn't that handy of you.'
She said, "Your not mad, are you?"
I said, "How could I be mad at a face like yours."
She said, "Aww, Bruce. If we ever decided to get married, what ring would you get me?"
I said, "Well I have a couple picked out, but I don't know the size of your ring finger."
She said, "It's a size eight."
I said, "Thank you for telling me."
She said, "Your welcome. What do you want for your next birthday?"
I said, "I want the new Titin Force shirt and shorts from"
She said, "Really? You do know it makes you sweat even more then any other sweating material known to man, right."
I said, "I know, and what do you want for your birthday?"
She said, "I just want you to take me to Maui, Hawaii and hold me in your arms, while we sit on the beach and then later, I want you to cuddle with me in bed."
I said, "I can most definitely do that for you."
She said, "Thanks Bruce. I gotta go, I talk to you Thursday."
I said, "Why Thursday?"
She said, "I'm doing some stuff with my mom for the next six days."
I said, "Okay well I hope you and your mom have fun. Do me a favor while your at it."
She said, "I know we will, and what's that favor?"
I said, "Stay out of trouble, and don't get with any other guys."
She said, "I promise, I'll stay out of trouble and not get with any other guys."
She logged off, I shut everything off, went into my room, and fell asleep, when I layed in my bed.

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