Bath times<3 (bbc)

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It had been a long day and the couples were passed exhausted, their limbs ached as the walked along the wooden floor.
"I'm shattered." Sherlock whispered, his head falling on top of johns, needing some form of attention.
"I know Sherl, I know." John responded with a soft smile, wrapping his arms around the slender body. "How about a bath?" The doctor was aware of sherlock lacking in the area of taking care of himself, so he was more than happy to step up.
"Now?" The detectives voice hitched, cracking some of his fingers.
"Why not? Then we can go to bed, Hm?" Johns voice was faint, not needing to raise it over a whisper.
"Okay.. okay."

The couple were in the bathroom, most of Sherlocks clothes were already littered on the floor, while he slowly started unbuttoning john's shirt, admiring the blue checkered pattern and how well it matched with his precious eyes.
"I got it, darl." John hummed, gently running his nails down Sherlocks spine, sending small tingles throughout his body.
"Sure?" The slender man whispered, receiving a reassuring nod. Sherlock removed his underwear, sliding into the warm water with a relaxed exhale, his eyelids closed as he appreciated the small gestures that John does. The other man slid into the water on the opposite side of the bath, he felt Sherlocks legs close to his own being carful to be mindful of his space. Though this didn't last for long, as the brunet shifted his way onto johns chest. His chin was barely above the water, occasionally drifting in. His arms were loosely hooked around johns neck, holding himself up. While johns arms just supported his lovers back.
"Why don't we do this more often?" Sherlock sighed, planting small kisses on his partners chest before nodding off in exhaustion again.
"I 'unno Sherl." John responded quietly.
"I wish we did."
"Me too."

The couple stayed in the bath for another while longer, Sherlock listened to johns heartbeat calculating how many beats per minute, While John massaged the top of his partners curls. Their aches didn't completely disappear, though definitely decreased in pain.
"Your pruning." Sherlock uttered, running his finger over johns hand.
"Want to get out?"  The only response needed was a small nod, and that's exactly what he received. The two climbed out, drying each other off with their towels before tip toeing back to their room, they didn't bother with clothes and just slid under the covers with ease.
"Everything hurts." Sherlock admitted, his face pressed against the silk pillow.
"I know darling."
"Can we watch crap telly?"
"Absolutely not. Come on, we both need some shut eye."
"Hmph.. fine." The lean man adjusted himself with his legs looped over johns, and his head pressed against his chest.

"I love you." Sherlock added.
"I love you too."

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