Tasters. (Bbc)

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"Sherl!!" John yelled, serving a small portion of what he cooked on a plate. His partner poked his head around the corner, inhaling the smell off fresh food. "Can you try this? I want to serve it when Mycroft and Greg come round, but I'm not sure how bad it is." The doctor cut up the pie into small bits with his fork, taking a taster for himself again before passing the same fork to sherlock.
"You just used this fork." The slender man stated pointing the fork at his lover, he received a look of, 'really?'.
"Sherlock our tongues have been in each other's mouths." The grey haired man had seemed proud with his statement, it must have been enough because sherlock ended up using the fork. There was a pause, and the brunette raising his eyebrows.
"You cooked this?" It was as if he was in denial.
"How bad is it?" The shorter man chuckled expecting a insult.
"No, no. This is really good John. What'd you put in it?" He picked up the plate, walking to his armchair falling into it, continuing to devour the pie.
"Oh uh. It was a recipe I found online. It's nothing special." John was trying to hide his smile, but a compliment from sherlock always went a long way.
"I don't even like pie." Though Sherlocks voice was muffled by his mouth full off food. "Wait. Mycroft is coming round?!" He jumped to his feet glaring at his companion.
"Yeah? He said you were okay with it."
"Bastard!" Sherlock Spat, taking the plate to his desk.
"What's happening?" A concerned tone ran through Johns voice.
"As of this time, Mycroft is going to receive a very unappreciated text from me."

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