Sunburn. (Bbc)

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"Your fault, sherl." John whispered, gently applying the aloe Vera gel to the his lovers shoulders.
"I didn't think I'd burn so badly." Sherlock huffed, sitting in his underwear on the edge of the bath.
"I told you to put sunscreen on, but you were so Persistent that on a case you were immune to the sun."
"Okay, i get the hint. But when on earth did I say I was immune to the sun?!" Sherlock hisses defensively.
"I'm only teasing, calm down love. Hopefully you'll tan after all this goes down." John reached for the bottle again, pouring some into his palm. Sherlock tutted, occasionally gasping to the pain. It was only a few hours of walking around a beach town in summer clothing. "You have little freckles." John smiled, staring at Sherlocks face.
"Barely." The leaner man sighed, adjusting his posture.
"They're pretty."
"Oh bog off!" Sherlock laughed, looking at the floor in embarrassment. "Your becoming a sap with age."
"You calling me old?" The shorter man chuckled, giving a gentle slap to his chest.
"Ow! I'm burnt Jawn, you cant be hitting me!" The younger man squealed, hissing at the pain.

After John finished applying some more of the gel to Sherlocks back, they walked back to their bedroom getting sherlock in a bearable position.
"Everything hurts." He mumbled, pressing his nose against the pillows.
"This could of all be avoided." John added, adding a emphasis on all.
"I don't know wether I love you or hate you John Hamish Watson."
"I will hit you again." He threatened, looking up from his book.
"Please don't." Sherlock groaned.

(Very crappy, running low on ideas<3)

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