Love confessions(bbc) ANGSTY

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They were both walking back to the flat in silence, they were obviously mad at one and other. Their friendship had always been rocky, being Sherlocks friend was always going to be a difficult thing to do, but John did see sherlock as his favourite person after Mary died. They walked into the messy flat, which smelt of smoke and weed from Sherlocks.. uses.
"Are you still mad at me?" The brunette choked out, taking off his jacket.
"Yes I'm still mad at you! And I have the right to be! Do you have any idea how stupid you've been recently?!" Johns voice strained as he glared at sherlock, but there was something wrong. Sherlocks expression was not mad, nor defensive, not even a stubborn look. He looked venerable. He stood their, his posture straight as he starred down at John. His mouth slightly open while his glass eyes looked down with a sad glint. "I have stood by your side, I have tried to help you with your.. addiction! I cook, i clean, I am doing all that I can, and you can barely take care of yourself?! Everyone may see you as a genius, and you may be! But at the same time you are such a idiot!!"
"I do take care of myself! I'm keeping my mind alive John, and you may not see it the way I do but I'm still here aren't i?!" Sherlocks tone quickly changed to something much more aggressive as he screamed back at his friend.
"Your killing yourself!! Every cigarette, every drink, every injection! I'm surprised your not on the floor dead! Do you seriously think your keeping yourself alive?!" John believed he saved sherlock many times, and he has.
"I do everything on my own! I've never needed anyone!!" Sherlocks expression changed quickly, from anger to regret. He did need John, but it was in the heat of the moment.
"Fuck! Fine, I'm off. You know what sherlock, it's not that you don't need anyone, it's that you don't want anyone. Your just a selfish bastard!" John turned back to the door taking a few steps down the stairs, not intending on turning back.
"Wait-!" Sherlock yelled, running to the door. "John!! John please, I didn't mean it. John you can't leave me-" he sighed, watching John turn to go down the next few steps. "John I love you, please!" Sherlock held onto the start of the banister, seeing the grey haired man freeze as he starred up at him. "John.. I love you." Sherlock repeated, though much softer.
"What?" The opposing man squeaked, staring up. His heart skipped a beat when Sherlock said that, what did he mean by love? As his best friend.. or did he love him? Has John even gotten over Mary yet? Why is he considering that he may love Sherlock?!
"I'm sorry, I should of said something sooner so you could.. get away. Sorry this is stupid.. you can go home." Regret was running through the taller man's veins.
"Are you serious?" John turned back walking up the stairs.
"I'm really sorry." Sherlocks heart throbbed in regret, how could he do this to himself? Was John going to avoid him? He needed John, he didn't want to admit it but he did. "I know your still.. missing Mary. And I don't want anything from you, but please.. don't leave me forever." John quickly noticed how gentle sherlock was speaking, it was unexpected how much he actually meant to the detective.
"Come here." John whispered, wrapping his arms under Sherlocks, pulling him into a tight hug. Sherlock wasn't quick to the act of affection, but wrapped his arms over John. They stood like that, not knowing when to let go, or if they wanted to.

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