Chapter One-Hundred-and-Fifty-Two

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Last one! Details of the sequel at the bottom :)

To Miss Silvanna Snape,

Below are you Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test results. We wish you the best of luck.

Alchemy: Outstanding

Astronomy: Exceeds Expectations

Charms: Outstanding

Defence Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding

Herbology: Outstanding

Potions: Outstanding

Transfiguration: Outstanding

Congratulations on all your hard work.

Department for Wizarding Examinations

An E in Astronomy? What kind of scam was that?

She showed Evelyn, who informed her that Severus had got straight Os, but it was alright for Silvanna, because, "It doesn't matter quite so much with you."

Because she was a woman who was going to get married? The thought made her wretch.

On the positive, she was due to start at Gringotts in a week and a half. Also, everyone else had done extremely well: Lily had straight Os, Remus three Es (which was fair because the full moon was during exams), and Marlene got an O in Defence. But she still declined her offer to the Holyhead Harpies (which Silvanna had snogged her face off for), for 'reasons I will explain later'.



She spent penty of time with Regulus at various events, which both had expected, and also at dinners with their families. They went on walks in their various gardens and land, letting their conversation become more honest day-by-day. By the time August came around, they were verging on being completely open with each other.

So when they were left alone in the drawing room at the Black house, she thought nothing of it, sipping her wine perfectly contentedly. "Come here," he said from his place by the window, the sun highlighting his shiny black curls and shallow cheekbones.

She obliged. "Hm?"

He got down on one knee, pulling out a small box and opening it. Inside was a gold ring with a huge, deep-purple gemstone in the centre, framed by two glittering diamonds.

"Will you marry me?"

Silvanna felt sick.

But she'd had time to think about this.

If she said no, it would be game over. If she said yes, she didn't even have to get married - she could prolong the engagement as long as she wanted.

"Yes," said a small voice.

The word felt foreign in her mouth, and she didn't recognise her own voice. He issued a small smile, climbing to his feet and putting the ring on her finger. That finger.

She was disgusted with herself.

"I know," he said, embracing her and planting a kiss on her cheek. She was repulsed. "It'll be okay. Thank you."

She nodded and he led her to sit on the sofa. He picked up her hand, looking at the ring. "It's a family heirloom, obviously. I picked it out especially."

"Thank you." She didn't mean it.

"Because you wear purple so much." She hadn't realised. But he had, and Evelyn had probably done it on purpose. "It's the rarest colour of diamond."

"I appreciate it, really." She promised, lying. She kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

She threw up when she got home.


There was an announcment in the Daily Prophet, which meant all her friends would see it. Witch Weekly sent her a questionaire to publish. She was treated like royalty. She felt like shit.

The next few weeks were a blur. Starting at Gringotts, part-time because of Evelyn; all the balls and dinners, the congratulations. A letter from Dumbledore, trying to reassure her.

When she saw Marlene next, she tried to apologise, but Marlene shushed her.

"Thank you," Marlene whispered.

"Why have you stuck with me all this time?" They lay in the bed, framed by sunlight that gushed in, hair eveywhere, bodies hot and pressed against each other. "And then I do this." A fat tear dripped down her cheek, and Marlene brushed it away.

"My amortentia smelt like books, and this flowery soap," she admitted. "It smelt like you."

She remembered her own smelling like oranges.

She breathed deeply, and picked up Marlene's regular citrus soap.

Her weight pressed into the warm bed. She would stay here forever, she promised herself.

But wasn't her life full of broken promises?

So I know the last chapter's shorter, I'm really sorry about that but I wanted to leave it here. Thank you so much for sticking with it and reading to the end! I really couldn't do it without you :)

Chapter One of And Counting | Silvanna Snape will be published on the 30th May 2022. Cover below:

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