Chapter Eighty-Two

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Sorry I'm a bit late today guys. Enjoy :)

All was forgotten about the Silvanna whacking Sirius incident. Or pushed under the rug and out of view, at least. She still felt horrible, but Marlene assured her she was alright, and after filling Lily in, she agreed she would have done the same thing.

After a Friday night of partying, and a Saturday night of partying, by the time Sirius's birthday rolled around on the Sunday, the Gryffindors - even Sirius and Peter - were ready for a nice easy day. Especially given that it was the first Hogsmeade weekend of the year.

"So, I'm thinking," said James as he dug into a humongous pile of eggs, "We all do our separate things, and then meet at the Three Broomsticks at two for birthday drinks?"

"Just butterbeer, please," groaned Mary, who looked very clammy.

"I can't do two," said Lily quickly and quietly and busying herself with making another cup of tea.

"Why not?" asked Louisa as she buttered her toast. Lily didn't respond right away.

"Oh, for fucks sake, she's meeting Snivellus," said Marlene. Lily turned pink. "You are, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am," said Lily hotly. "He's busy this morning, but we were going to go shopping this afternoon. Sorry, Black."

"What's he up to then?" asked Silvanna coolly, "Attacking the third years? Or maybe he's found some fourth years who fancy murdering a few muggleborns?"

"Oh, for God's sake, Silvanna," said Lily, setting her mug on the table with a harsh thud, so that the tea splashed over the edges and formed a ring on the wood. "Grow up, will you?"

"I need to grow up?" hissed Silvanna, so as not to attract attention. "Only children are as oblivious as you are!"

"And that's enough talking about Snivellus on my birthday!" said Sirius loudly, throwing a sarcastic smile their way. "Two o'clock, don't be late. And Evans, don't bring him with you if you decide to come."


Lily didn't decide to come. Silvanna actually felt a bit guilty as the eight of them sat there. She'd hit Sirius. She'd snapped at Lily. What next? Was she just going to tell Marlene she was worthless? Or that Remus's voice was irritating? Which they weren't, that was the point. Silvanna just seemed to be attacking every bloody person in her life at the minute.

So despite the cheery mood, after Silvanna's second butterbeer, she'd decided she'd had enough, and stood up to go back to the castle. "Too much firewhiskey last night?" teased Sirius with a grin.

"That's me," said Silvanna, playing along only because it was his birthday.

"Do you need anyone to walk you back?" asked Remus with a frown.

Silvanna forced a grin. "I can handle myself, thanks, Lupin."

"Ooh," said James, grimacing and clapping Remus on the shoulder. "Rejected once again, Moony."

"You're one to talk," said Marlene, sipping at her butterbeer. "Oh, Evans! Evans! Yes, I'll carry your books. Would you like me to kiss your feet?"

"Piss off, McKinnon," said James, grinning, "Or you might just find an exploding quaffle at next practice."

So, after Silvanna finally bid her goodbyes, she headed straight back up to Gryffindor tower. Where, to her surprise, she saw Lily, her shiny hair spilling over the Standard Book of Spells: Grade Five.

Oh, bloody bollocks. Shit, shit, why - WHY - does she have to be in here? The library's open, I'll just go there-


Silvanna mentally groaned, very loudly. "Hello," she said stiffly, attempting to walk past without further conversation.

"I'm sorry about earlier," said Lily. She'd now turned around so that she was fully facing her. "I'm just - well, you know. It's stressful."

"Yeah," said Silvanna. "Yeah, I'm sorry too. Weren't you supposed to be with Severus?"

"Oh," said Lily. "Yes, we thought we'd rearrange for another time." Now that Silvanna looked closer, she saw little patches of black under Lily's eyes, where her mascara had run. Silvanna sat down with a sigh.

"Was he busy?" she asked, picking her nails.

"Um - yeah," said Lily, biting her lip. "And I'm tired, so-"

"Where were you supposed to meet?" Silvanna cut across, staring intently at Lily.


"He forgot, didn't he?" said Silvanna. "Didn't show up?"

Lily hesitated. "No," she said quietly. "No, he didn't."

"Prick," muttered Silvanna.

"Don't," said Lily, folding her hands on the table. "He's got a lot on his plate. And - I don't know - it's difficult for him."

Silvanna but back a multitude of sarcastic comments. "But you can't approve of those guys he hangs out with? Avery and Mulciber? Have you heard what they get up to?"

"I have, yes," said Lily, frowning. "But we've talked about it...and Sev's promised he hasn't got anything to do with it."

I'll bet he has.

But instead, Silvanna just nodded. "Did you do that Runes translation? I really struggled."

"I'll look it over if you like?" offered Lily, with a smile that was halfway between kind and grateful.

"You, Lily Evans, are an angel," said Silvanna, before hurrying up to their dorm and heaving a heavy sigh.


The following week, Lily spent more time with Silvanna than she had in the all the last seven years. And they shared a dorm, so it really was saying something. Silvanna hardly spent any time alone in the library anymore, because Remus and the boys had long since finished their project, so he was in there plenty. And Lily seemed to enjoy having someone to study with, other than Severus, especially since he'd abandoned her. And Louisa and Lily had practically been glued to each other whenever he wasn't there, so they had a lovely little study group going on.

"He tried to apologise earlier," Louisa told Silvanna one Friday evening while they searched for books for Creatures. "And she told him she'd think about it." She rolled her eyes.

"That's about the most Lily Evans thing I've ever heard," said Silvanna. "She's just letting it stew a bit so he'll learn his lesson."

"Stew?" asked Louisa, confused. If it wasn't for her extremely pretty accent, Silvanna would've been surprised.

"Uh - simmer?" she suggested.

"Ah," said Louisa. "Merci."

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