Chapter One-Hundred-and-Twenty-Three

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Hello lovlies! Sorry I'm late this week, I was super busy yesterday. Anywho, enjoy! :)

 A notice appeared the following morning outside the Great Hall. Silvanna only noticed because there was a crowd surrounding it as she headed to Herbology and it took her interest. Elbowing her way to the front she read through it before ducking out the way.


Beginning in the first week of February, all sixth years are permitted to take the standard Ministry Apparation course at the cost of twelve galleons.

Please sign up below to register your interest.

 She quickly signed her name, knowing it to be a useful skill, before wiping it from her mind and continuing onto her lesson. She didn't focus in Herbology, having not slept much the night before. The war had lasted decades by now. The auror office weren't winning. So perhaps putting her faith in Dumbledore would be worth something. She hadn't got much to lose - her mother was dead, and her father an arse - all she had was her friends. And if she lost them, knowing she could have done more, acted sooner, she would never be able to forgive herself.

 During her free period, Silvanna wrote and sent two letters. The first to Professor Dumbledore.

 To Professor Dumbledore,

 I have given our conversation due consideration and would like to take you up on your offer. I can't imagine I'll do much better after Hogwarts, especially with the compromising position of Wizarding Britain at present.

 Kind Regards,

 Silvanna Snape

 That was professional, vague, and concise enough to send. The second took her much longer. She simply couldn't think of what to say. She supposed it would be easier if she wrote to Colette, seeing as she was the one she'd spent all the time with. Eventually, after some rough drafts, she settled on opening by asking after her cousins.

 Dear Aunt Colette,

 I hope you and everyone else are keeping well. I miss the little ones - how's their magic coming along? Nola must be getting to Hogwarts age by now.

Now to add a reason for writing.

 I remember our conversation at my mother's funeral well, and I'd like to apologise. My words were too harsh and I understand now that you too were grieving your loss. I hope we can move through this as a family.

 As a second thought, she reached into a nearby vase and splattered some drops of water on it to make it look like she'd been crying. Smiling at her handywork, she continued writing. To make them feel like they'd uncovered something she hadn't intended, she added a second reason for writing.

 I don't suppose you've heard from Severus? I seem to remember he only met you at the funeral, but I hope he's been in touch. I hardly see anything of him, and I don't know where he goes in the holidays. I hate to ask, but could you possibly reach out to him and check in? I'm sure he'd appreciate having some contact with his family.

 Now they'd think she'd only written about the funeral as a doorway to ask about Severus. In actual fact, it was so they lowered their guard with her, and underestimated her.

 I hope to see you in the future.

 Best Wishes,


Silvanna Snape {Marauders}Where stories live. Discover now