Chapter Sixty-Five

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Bit of a fun chapter for you here :)

Silvanna had had a very long day. She was extremely tired. Henry had lost his game in round two to a Koldovstoretz student, which was disappointing but not surprising. Hannah had beaten Beauxbatons, Koldovstoretz, and Ilvermorny to get to the semi-finals, where she was now playing again against Koldovstoretz. Silvanna too, played against the Russians. Well, she said played. She was tired and thus, losing. Oh no - they'd just knocked out her seventh stone - she'd lost.

As always with 'professional' Gobstones, Silvanna really didn't mind, because she had every hope that Hannah could win, if she grit her teeth and pushed through. She shook hands with her opponent - a pretty blonde girl with twinkling hazel eyes - before being led back to the chamber once more.

"Might take a nap, if that's alright, Professor?" asked Silvanna as she approached. The Ilvermorny teacher smiled faintly from where she'd been talking to McGonagall, before nodding and heading back to her own students.

"It most certainly is not 'alright'," snapped McGonagall quietly, "Stand up straight, the three of you." Henry and Anne were uncharacteristically quiet. Silvanna thought she might have stepped in something.

When Hannah came through and back into the chamber, she looked like she was going to be sick. In fact, Silvanna wouldn't have been surprised if McGonagall had a bucket on hand, just in case. "I've never competed in the Championship final before," she moaned quietly, eyes wide. "I'm going to mess it up, I know I will."

"We've every faith in you, Hannah," said McGonagall, forcing a smile. "You wouldn't have got this far if you weren't capable of winning."

"Yeah," said Hannah, swallowing and nodding. "Yeah." That wasn't the word Silvanna had in mind. The only time she'd got that far was when half the schools had dropped out. Silvanna would have been saying something along the lines of, 'holy-fucking-shit-bollocks', but each to their own.

"Hannah Finchley, table one," called the burly man from the doorway. Hannah took a very deep, very shaky breath, as everyone looked their way.

"You'll do prime," Silvanna promised, reaching down and squeezing her hand like her mum sometimes did when Silvanna was sad.

"Kiss for good luck?" said Hannah, forcing a smile. It took Silvanna a moment to register what had been said, before she stood up and pecked her cheek like Mary sometimes did for Marlene before quidditch. Hannah's smile widened slightly.

"Good luck!" whispered Henry and Anne as Hannah tottered towards the door.

Silvanna was the most nervous she'd been all day. Maybe it was because she couldn't control what happened from now. It was out of her hands. Everyone was staring at their leaflets, wondering what was happening. Silvanna talked with McGonagall about Transfiguration, and Anne about her family trip to France. She even told an Ilvermorny student all about Hogwarts and what it was like. Nothing would tame the raging beast inside her.

And then, after over an hour of play, there was a ripple around the room. "Oh, Merlin!" said the Ilvermorny teacher very loudly in their obnoxious voice. Silvanna scrambled for her leaflet and tore the leaves apart, looking at the victor of the Championship.

Hannah Finchley, Hogwarts

The door opened, and Hannah strode in, beaming from ear-to-ear and shaking, shaking like an uprooted rose bush in the wind. She walked very quickly over to them and hugged Henry first, who she'd played with all these years, and Anne squealed, "Well done!" as Hannah hugged Silvanna next, and then she shook McGonagall's hand, and Silvanna really could not stop smiling as the schools all clapped for Hannah and loud chatter echoed from the amphitheater.


Silvanna had slept halfway back, and listened to Henry talk about the TransFloo network the rest of the way, which - in fairness to him - did sound quite interesting. What would she be doing when she left Hogwarts? Maybe she'd work for a bank, or be a Healer or something. Plenty of time to decide though. She spent the rest of the time writing a letter to Jim detailing her 'chess club' trip to Russia.

The last week of term was pure bliss for Silvanna, and she spent almost all of her free time outside with Lily, Mary, and Marlene. She was constantly reading while they talked, but she saw no problem with it. It beat sitting alone in the library, of that she was certain. She had no idea what the boys had been working on - for years now - but she hoped it was over soon so they could all get back to normal and Remus would sit at their table again.

On the last Wednesday of term, there was a knock on the Defence classroom door and it opened to reveal Professor Dumbledore stood there, smiling faintly. "My apologies for intruding, Professor Gastrell. I wonder if I could borrow Miss Snape from you? I have some questions about the Gobstones tournament."

"Of course," said Gastrell, as Silvanna began to pack her things away. "Three feet of parchment on the basics of revealing spells over the summer, Snape." Silvanna nodded before rushing out the door after Dumbledore, casting a glance across at her brother as she did. Normally in Defence, there was no stealing his attention from whoever their professor that year was. Today he was staring right at her, his eyes cold and unforgiving. Silvanna surprised herself by forcing a smile his way, which seemed to throw him off.

Once the door was safely closed, Dumbledore began strolling silently through the halls, and Silvanna rushed after him, casting a glance around. "Is this about the Princes, Sir?" she asked quietly.

"Indeed it is," said Dumbledore. "I have conferred with both them, and your mother, and had your home fireplace connected to the floo network." Silvanna's heart leaped with joy - now she could see Remus whenever she wanted. "Your mother saw it prudent that your father did not know this?" He phrased it as a question.

"Well, he's a muggle," Silvanna explained quickly. "He stays separate from all this...stuff."

"I see," said Dumbledore, nodding. He didn't believe her, she could tell. They stopped just outside the Transfiguration courtyard, and he looked down at her. "You are prepared?"

Prepared? Silvanna didn't think she needed to be prepared! "Sorry, Professor," she said quietly, "But I don't even know why I have to go yet."

He nodded silently and stared at the oak tree before them, clearly deep in thought. "I believe your grandparents think you and your brother have a desired skill set. One that they will go about unmasking during your time with them."

"Right," said Silvanna slowly. "And why can't Severus know?"

Dumbledore actually twitched at this, but only slightly. Silvanna pretended not to notice. "He will, in time. I believe you are more ready than he is. It could be many years before Severus discovers the truth of his heritage."

"Is this to do with his friends?" asked Silvanna. Dumbledore continued to stare at the oak tree. "Sir?" Shit! Had she stepped in it? "Or the war?" Finally, something he would answer.

"Yes," he said truthfully, but which question he was answering, Silvanna didn't know. "But such details I should not share with you." He checked his watch, before smiling down at Silvanna. "Good luck," he said warmly. "And remember - do everything they say."

"Yes," said Silvanna, somewhat blankly and a little bit shocked. She felt important. Should she feel important? "I mean - yes, Sir."

Dumbledore smiled pleasantly. "You'll spend your weekends with them and weekdays at home as usual. Anything you learn can wait until you get back - or else I will contact you."

"Yes, Professor," said Silvanna. The breeze today was warm and ruffled her hair - she'd cut it again before she went home. "What should I tell Severus if he asks?"

"You are close with the Lupins, are you not?" asked Dumbledore, still smiling. Always bloody smiling.

"Yes, Sir," said Silvanna, as a bell chimed high up in the castle. "I'll say I was there, then."

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