Chapter One-Hundred-and-Twenty-Nine

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How's it popping everyone? We all still alive-ish? Good. Enjoy... :)

 Back at Hogwarts at last. Spring air floated through all the classroom windows, and the April downpours freshened up the grass. The library was filled with students preparing for exams, providing at atmospheric buzz, silently filtering through the shelves.

 She kept her head down upon her return. Nodded at her brother and Regulus as she passed them, just to keep up appearances. Studied for her exams, with Marlene constantly distracting her. She didn't mind though, not one bit. And she wasn't so fussed about beating everyone these days; she just wanted to be equipped.

 One week in, and three days before one of the Gryffindor quidditch matches, Silvanna found herself studying in the dormitory. She did this occasionally, when she really needed to focus and it was empty. She would've been with Marlene, had James not been working her into the ground after she went home for Easter. Apparently they actually had a shot at winning this year.

 The door opened, and Lily and Mary filed in, whispering to each other. They both straightened up when they saw her, and Lily squared her jaw. "We need to speak to you," she said, making it sound like it was the last thing she wanted to do.

"Oh yeah?" she asked, not really paying attention. This part of text was particularly interesting, and their Astronomy professor had hinted it'd be on the exam.

"We're concerned about you," Lily continued.


Apparently they didn't know why, because the answer took a moment to come out. It was Mary that said, "Well, we didn't think you liked your grandparents-"

"I don't have to like them, but they're the only family I have to go to," she said, the answer slipping out her mouth as though it were the truthful reason for her visit. She'd rehearsed this conversation in her head, so she had an answer for everything in her arsenal.

"There's no need to snap," Lily scolded. "We're only trying to help."

"Not to be cruel Lily, but maybe you should look after your own family problems before interfering with mine."

Her cheeks turned pink as the thought of her sister reared up. "Alright then," Lily said, heat and venom tinting her tongue, "We won't help you, but we will defend ourselves. I don't like your family."


"They're elitist," she continued. "And probably Death Eaters. And we-" she gestured to herself and Mary, "are Muggle-Borns."

"You see, this conversation would've been over by now if you'd got to the point in the first place." They didn't say anything. "You think I'm going to smother you in your sleep?"

"Well, maybe," said Mary, rather more sheepishly than Lily, who was now stood with her chin raised.

Silvanna smiled at the ridiculousness of them, mostly to mask her own hurt. She turned back to her book, and muttered, "You should have more faith in me."

"What's that supposed to mean then?" Lily asked, slightly gentler now. They were onto her. That's what this was about, gathering information.

"Just that I thought years of sharing this room built a bit of trust." She gathered her books and notes, slipping her shoes on. They were new - Evelyn's pick. "Excuse me."

The library would be more peaceful than this.


The argument went unmentioned. Well, she was almost certain they'd told the others, but Marlene didn't bring it up, so she wouldn't either. But it had made her worry, now more than ever about what might happen after the war. If this was who they believed she was in three months, then what about three years? They'd be complete strangers by then, and would reparations ever be made?

But no, she had to stop herself there. Her fear would get the better of her otherwise, and she'd be no use to anyone, and it'd all be for nothing. It was simply her boggart, bothering her far more than it should.

Gryffindor ended up in the lead after their match, so it was all dependent on Slytherin and Hufflepuff's game in two weeks, and then the final. She thought about joining in with the common room festivities, but decided against it. Who would she laugh with? Marlene, and let the gossip circulate about how they remained friends? No, a quiet night in her room was best.

The following week led for another interesting Defence lesson. The class had its usual hum as Fishwick approached the chalkboard to write that week's topic for discussion. He didn't quite look at anyone as he turned to face them, and Silvanna craned her neck to see the board.


The space next to Silvanna felt suddenly very empty, and Remus's absence by her side was noted. She felt like this was long-awaited, something she could - and should - guide him through. But he was sat next to James, no doubt listening intently as he always did.

"I'd like to remind you all," said Fishwick, "That this is an extremely sensitive topic, and one that will not be taken lightly. Mockery and prejudices will not be tolerated in my classroom. The complexities that knit together our understanding of werewolves are fragile, and to discuss the ethics of their treatment and behaviour in turn would be akin to digging a hole at the beach with nothing but a fork. With that in mind, we will simply start by discussing anatomy, and hopefully we will reach the forward-thinking attitudes of a modern witch or wizard by the end of our lesson."

Avery was the first to speak up. "I thought this was Defence Against the Dark Arts? The point isn't to be nice, if one of them attacks us we need to know how to kill it."


Silvanna couldn't help herself, proving Slytherins wrong. "Actually, you'll find most animals only attack out of fear or aggravation."

Animals. But she knew the only way to reason with someone was to speak their own language.

"Oh yeah," said a Slytherin girl she didn't know. "Not because they're bloodthirsty and desperate to spread their disease. Nothing like that."

"I think you've hit the nail on the head there." She sent over a smile.

"As I said," Fishwick said, before things could get any further out of hand, "Digging through sand with a fork. In response to your point Avery, that is why I will cover the anatomy and treatments first and ethics later. Now, on page three-nine-four you'll find an annotated diagram..."

They carried on without further excitement for the rest of the lesson. A lot of it was quite interesting, but her mind kept wandering to Remus. She was grateful when McGonagall provided an interruption, looking stiffer than usual and carrying a small book.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I've brought Miss Snape a book we discussed?" After a gesture of approval from Fishwick, she stepped forward and placed it on her desk. Silvanna tried to throw her a questioning glance, knowing there had been no discussion, but McGonagall didn't look at her, merely put it down and walked away.

She didn't get a chance to take a look at it until that evening, when her curtains were drawn around her bed, and her wand was the isolated source of light. It was a high-level transfiguration text, one she'd be certain to read, but that wasn't the important part.

A rectangle of parchment slipped out from between the leaves, with familiar writing on it in violet ink.

Very well done, but smile more next time.

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