Chapter Seventy-Eight

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damn and number 2 in #jamespotter today?? cheers folks :)

As September turned into October, the professors of Hogwarts really ramped up the work, using the threat of failing OWLs to justify it to the students. Silvanna didn't really mind it that much - now that they weren't doing translations in Ancient Runes anymore, there weren't any subjects that she really hated. Even Herbology was quite appealing, especially when it was linked in with Potions.

Silvanna wasn't thinking that when she spent two hours writing an essay on the ethics and uses of the herbivicus charm, though. What Silvanna was thinking was, how the fuck am I supposed to finish this before the library closes? It turned out, that was a trick question, because she couldn't finish it in that time - not with her revision anyway. No, she was kicked out at eight o'clock, and left to write her conclusion in the common room.

When she got there though, and sat down at a free table, where Mary and Marlene were doing moon charts that Silvanna did last week, she saw something that surprised her a little. "How long has that been going on?" she whispered to the other two.

The three of them looked over to where Louisa and Sirius were locked in a tight embrace, before hastily turning back to one another. "The bloody casanova of Hogwarts," muttered Marlene, a grin on her face.

"You're okay with this?" asked Mary, looking genuinely baffled.

"Yeah," said Marlene with a shrug. "We broke up, he can do what he wants."

"But Louisa's your friend," Mary pushed, as Silvanna shook her head and returned to her essay.

"Meh," said Marlene, "She'll be back at Beauxbatons next year. Let her have her fun." And with that, it seemed the conversation was over.

It did confuse Silvanna a little though; why had Louisa acted like she didn't like the boys for the first month she'd been here? Did she like them? Had it been an act all along? Or had she found them annoying and Sirius had changed her mind? That wasn't completely unrealistic - if there was one thing she knew about Sirius Black, it was that he could turn the charm on to get in and out of anything. And apparently anyone. One thing was for sure - other girls really confused her.

"Jesus fuck," someone muttered as they passed through the common room.

"You can't say stuff like that!" hissed another familiar voice, followed by a whalloping sound. The three girls turned around to see Lily and Remus coming past them, badges gleaming.

"You two heading out for patrol?" asked Silvanna, finishing off her essay with a triumphant flourish of her quill. She got no response, and looked up to see Lily had engaged in a whisper with Mary, and Remus was staring at Louisa and Sirius, frown lines between his brows. "Oi, quit your perving," said Silvanna, whacking Remus too. She knew Louisa was extremely pretty, but she thought Remus had more common sense than to go after his best mate's new girlfriend.

He jumped and looked down at her, blushing and looking startled. "I wish you lot would stop hitting me," he hissed. "It's abuse." Mary let out a little giggle, and Marlene and Lily frowned together. "Oh, sorry," said Remus, "Didn't realise."

"Realise what?" said Silvanna, surprised to see they were looking at her.

If anything, Remus frowned further. "Come on then," Lily said quickly, ushering him away. "See you later!"

"Bye!" chorused the three girls, turning back to each other. Mary was still staring at Silvanna.

"Will you help me with this?" asked Marlene quickly, shoving her wildly incorrect map of Saturn's moons towards her. "I can never remember which one's Pot and which one's Phoebe."

Silvanna burst out laughing. "It's Pan, not Pot, you dipshit!"

Marlene grinned at her, shaking her head and blushing. "Alright then," she said, good-natured as always, "But where does it go?"


On the Friday of that week, Silvanna woke up to find it was still very dark, even for October. Black clouds flourished through the sky, and by the time she made it down to the Great Hall, it was pouring with rain. As Silvanna headed out for Arithmancy with Remus, Sirius, and Lily (who was still distancing from Sirius after two years), somebody grabbed her arm, and pulled her away.

"Get off!" she said, struggling against their insanely strong arms. One might think after a summer of shifting boxes she might have a bit of strength, but alas, it wasn't meant to be.

"Merlin, Silvanna, chill out," said James, letting go of her and holding his hands up.

"The fuck?" she said, loudly enough to earn a glare from a seventh year prefect.

"Keep your voice down," said Pete, who Silvanna hadn't noticed until now. "We need a favour."

Silvanna looked at them, and James mockingly pouted. Trying not to laugh, she crossed her arms. "Hurry up, or I'll be late."

"Great," said James, grinning and clapping his hands together. "The three of us are sneaking out of History, alright?"

"Not you," Pete explained. "Sirius. Us and Sirius."

"OK," said Silvanna slowly. "I don't need to cover for you - Binns won't even notice."

"But Moony will," said James. "So we need you to tell him we were all feeling ill this morning after breakfast."

"Are you pranking him?" she asked quickly. That would be quite funny - at least one of the boys would have a taste of their own medicine.

"Yeah," said Pete quickly. "So you'll help?"

"Duh," said Silvanna, before rushing to Arithmancy.


In History, Silvanna waited, watching as the lightning cracked through the sky. It was unusual, she thought, having a thunderstorm this time of year. Interesting though. She wondered if it had anything to do with the stars...

"James, I'm gonna be sick," came Sirius's whisper. Silvanna tried not to grin.

"Me too," whined Peter.

"Well don't do it in here," said James in a loud whisper. "Come on, I'll take you to Madame Pomfrey."

"Do you want help?" asked Remus, sounding genuinely concerned. Bless him.

"No, I can manage," said James, and before she knew it, they were gone from the room.

The rest of the lesson passed without fuss, and Silvanna reused the sneezing charm on her brother once or twice, just to pass the time. When the lesson finished, Remus wanted to skip Creatures and check on them, but Silvanna dragged him to their classroom, as planned.

"They said something about feeling funny at breakfast," she said casually. "They'll be fine, and you can see them later." And although disgruntled, he knew she was right. Silvanna was feeling pretty smug of her efforts.

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