Chapter Two

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Baddabing baddaboo, it's time for chapter two! As always votes and comments are really appreciated. Happy reading! :)

Silvanna had heard all about Hogwarts from late night tales from their mum. Sometimes, when she and Severus couldn't sleep, or if their dad had gone out, they would sit down with their mum and she would tell them all about the grand castle, with its towers, and moving staircases, and great feasts. But no amount of description could have readied her for this.

The castle gleamed high above them, light twinkling from the windows and reflected king in the surface of the Black Lake. The fleet of rowing boats cut through the star-reflecting glass like a hot knife to butter, and the students inside them were silenced by their amazement. "Can you believe it?" she heard Lily whisper to Severus. They'd found her shortly after she'd jumped off the train, and been searched with something called a secrecy sensor, and they had temporarily reconciled until they could talk further. That's just how the Snape twins were: always poking fun at one another, but never really meaning it.

They jumped out the boats and up some steps that led up to the castle, and all too soon for Silvanna's liking. Yes the night air was chilly, but she didn't really mind it. Not with the view she'd had.

They were led into a small chamber, where hushed whispers broke out in small patches like snowdrops in spring. Silvanna's stomach buzzed with excitement. Finally, after what Silvanna thought was far too long, a stern-looking witch with thin lips and a worn face introduced herself as Professor McGonagall, before calling them through.

Now they were in the room that her mother had described as the Great Hall. There was indeed no ceiling, and the starry sky was there for all to see. Four tables lined the floor, each with a coloured banner above them and a mass of uniformed students seated in rows along the benches. Immediately, Silvanna eyed the Slytherin table, feeling hopeful. That was where she'd be spending the next seven years of her life, just like her mum had.

The group came to a stop near the front, and Silvanna stood on her tip-toes, craning her neck to get a look at the famous Sorting Hat. The first to be sorted was, "Avery, Edmund." He was put in Slytherin, and Silvanna clapped politely. Next was, "Black, Sirius." Apparently his name was quite well-known, because there was a lot of shuffling at the Slytherin table. They waited. And they waited.

About a minute in, the brim of the hat opened to announce, "GRYFFINDOR!" Evidently, no one had expected this, because there was only a scattering of polite clapping from the red table. Several whispers from the Slytherin table broke out, with people leaning across to gossip to their friends. Black himself looked stunned, and sat on the stool for a moment or two, wide-eyed and looking at the Gryffindor table. Professor McGonagall tapped him on the shoulder and he jumped, before scurrying off from the stool.

A few more and then the long anticipated, "Evans, Lily," was called. Up she stepped, long ginger hair shining in the torchlight, before the hat was placed on her head.

It didn't take as long as Black's had, and announced, "GRYFFINDOR!"

Lily smiled at the twins, but Silvanna felt Severus deflate slightly next to her. "It'll be fine," she whispered as the next person stepped up. "You've still got me." She elbowed him, but he didn't respond. Rolling her eyes, she turned back to the sorting.

"Lupin, Remus," quickly joined Lily and Black at the Gryffindor table, and then came the 'M's. Two for Gryffindor, one for Slytherin (Silvanna clapped) and one for Ravenclaw. The remaining two boys from the train joined their friends in Gryffindor (even though it took ages for Pettigrew), and finally, they reached the 'S's.

"Snape, Severus." Silvanna hardly needed to hold her breath. It had been on his head for about fifteen seconds when the hat placed him in Slytherin. She grinned and clapped at him as he went to his seat, and earned one in return.

"Snape, Silvanna." All the butterflies that had been floating around in her abdomen suddenly began to swarm and dive, pelting her insides. Taking a shaky, deep breath, she lowered herself onto the stool, and the hat obscured her vision.

"Two of you!" said a voice in the back of her head. "Just as eager to learn, I see, but not quite in the same, no. You have your mother's drive, I'll give you that. A sharp wit too, maybe Ravenclaw. But what's this?" Silvanna held her breath, biting the inside of her cheek. "Interesting...hmm..."

What's interesting? she thought.

"Strong sense of loyalty..." the hat rambled, and Silvanna thought it may be talking to itself. "And the desire to do right by those that you love..." Silvanna thought it was just making it up now.

Before the hat had even opened its brim, Silvanna could feel the horror that encompassed her. She knew exactly what it was going to say, and she hated herself for it. "GRYFFINDOR!"

There was a bout of cheering from her house, but it did nothing to lighten Silvanna's mood. She remained glued to the stool, mouth agape as she met eyes with Severus. There was a narrow crease between his brows and he quickly looked down at the table. Silvanna wanted nothing more than to go and take her seat with him, but McGonagall tapped her on the shoulder.

She flinched violently, not expecting the intrusion, before jumping up and scurrying down to the table, taking a seat next to a girl named Mary Macdonald, who was very freckled, and had a tiny nose and long, dark-brown hair, and opposite one name Marlene McKinnon, who had curling black hair that bundled over her shoulders like a mane, in true Gryffindor fashion. Thankfully, Lily was seated way down with the prefects, with the four boys sat between them.

The sorting soon finished, and food appeared on the table, just like her mum had told them it would. Silvanna felt a pang of guilt. Her mum would be so disappointed they weren't in the same house. She managed to stomach some chicken and mashed potatoes, but really she just wanted to curl up in bed and wallow in her misery until she was forced to get up again.

Dessert appeared, and Mary and Marlene tried to make her eat some chocolate cake, which she nibbled at, while also attempting to get a few words out of her. When they saw this was no use, they let her be, and Silvanna's eyes drifted over to the Slytherin table.

Severus was looking over at the Gryffindors, but not at her. He was glaring intently at Lily, and at the prefect she was talking to about the different subjects. Silvanna scowled and shoved a large mouthful of cake into her mouth. Clearly, Hogwarts would not be as fun as anticipated.

Silvanna Snape {Marauders}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum