Chapter One-Hundred-and-Fourteen

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The boys are so easy to write, I love them sm :)

With October approaching, the Quidditch teams were selected, which meant both Marlene and James were spending plenty of their free time down on the pitch. Technically they only had two team practices a week, but there were nine hours out of lessons where the pitch wasn't booked at all, and free periods on top of that. Silvanna knew this, of course, because she bothered to check the general notice board and had sat down with James and Marlene to plan it out. Usually, the boys would insist on sitting down and observing practice, and in the past Silvanna had been known to join them. But this time, they had a plan. A plan to use their time wisely.

"When you said wisely," said a very exhausted Silvanna, having just finished a study session involving fluxweed, the cure for boils, and how to turn vinegar to wine. And she had Astronomy tonight. "I thought you meant a study session." They were currently in the boys' dormitory waiting for James to return from practice.

Peter let out a loud laugh. "Studying, ha!"

And Remus sighed. "Believe me, your pain is mine."

"But," Sirius began, "You don't want to miss this. I have a plan."

"Quite frankly you can't miss this," said Remus. "The plan revolves around you."

"Developments is one word for it," said Sirius. "We're about to tell you our biggest secret."

"Well-" Peter began.

"Biggest. Secret." Sirius said forcefully.

Silvanna leaned forward in her armchair. "Am I about to find out what you lot got up to in - second year? Maybe third."

"You are indeed," said Sirius, standing in front of her. He handed her a piece of parchment, smoothing out the corners as he did.

Silvanna unfolded it, and saw that it was blank. "It's very - smooth - parchment. Did you - er - did you make it yourself?"

Sirius grinned down at her, shaking his head. "So cute, Anna, so cute."

"In a sense," Peter piped up, "we did make it ourselves."

"Look beyond the parchment," said Sirius, in a mystical tone.

"Stop being pricks," said Remus in the same mystical tone, making Silvanna laugh. "It's a map."

Silvanna turned it over in her hand, frowning. "A magic map?" she asked, narrowing her eyes. "Specialis revelio - oh, oh wow," she said, as the flurry of spells used to create it washed through her. "Where did you find this?"

"We already told you," said Remus, "We made it."

Silvanna scoffed.

"We did!" protested Sirius, outraged. "Ah - Prongs! Prongs, she doesn't believe us!"

"What!" exclaimed James, who had burst through the door all sweaty and damp from practice. He turned to Silvanna, and she shrank away, shrivelling her nose up. "What?"

"I need a cigarette," said Sirius, saying it as though he were French.

"Yep," agreed Remus, taking one from Sirius and popping it between his lips.

"You don't smoke!" said Silvanna, astounded. Never had she seen so much as a roll-up near any of the boys. Remus scoffed and took a drag, leaning out the window but avoiding the rain.

"Get that away from me," said James with a grin as Sirius offered his lit cig to him.

"Right," said Peter, standing up and drawing his wand. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." At once, the chaos of the room froze. James and Sirius paused in the action of simultaneously trying to gross out the other while not being grossed out, Remus momentarily, having dropped his cigarette out the window, and Peter and Silvanna in shock. She watched, as lines and dots and words appeared slowly on the page in front of her.

"Fuck's sake, Wormy," said Sirius eventually, the first to snap out his trance. "She's looking at the wrong bit." He snatched it from Silvanna, turning it round and handing it back, before taking a long drag. Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present...the Marauder's Map.

"It's a blank map, that's the point," Peter defended. "How was I supposed to know-?"

"Instinct," whispered James, before disappearing into the bathroom.

"It's a map of Hogwarts," whispered an astonished Silvanna. "Are those - that's Professor McGonagall and Madame Pomfrey!"

Remus leaned over from behind her. "So it is," he said lightly.

"And - oh Merlin - there's Mary and her boyfriend!"

"Ha!" said Sirius. "That's nothing. Wait until you hear tonight's plans for it."

"Tonight's plans," Silvanna repeated. "Involving me...You do know I have Astronomy at eleven?"

"So four hours," shrugged Sirius. "We best get going."


Silvanna squinted in the torchlight at the map in front of her, trying to see what Sirius was looking at. "I mean, this must have taken hours-"

"More like years," he said. "And we're still adding to it. Anyway, be quiet."



"What are we-?"

"Your brother's coming," Sirius said, folding the map away and sticking his wand in his pocket where he could easily access it. "Your time to shine, Diane Keaton."

"Who?" she asked, as they emerged from behind the tapestry.

"What-?" Sirius began in disbelief, before shaking his head. "So uneducated."

Silvanna opened her mouth to protest, but before she could, his tongue was in there. Oh. That was new. Well, not new - nothing she hadn't done before. New with Sirius. Unexpected more than anything. But she kissed him back nonetheless.

His hands began to roam around, walking freely with their own minds. He was quite a good kisser. No spark or fire or anything, but a far sight better than Jim and Daniel.

Stop thinking about them when you kiss another boy.

Why? It's not like you owe Sirius anything.

Don't owe them anything either.

But Silvanna was distracted as he began to loosen her tie, then undo the buttons on her shirt. She broke away. "Not sure how much I want my brother to see?" she reminded Sirius.

"Shut it," said Sirius with a grin, kissing her again as his hand found her way to her boob. Really going for it, isn't he?

"I fucking warned you, Black," came her brother's snarl. Here we go...

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