Chapter Ninety-Five

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Sorry I'm a bit late to the party guys :)

"Oh for fuck's sake," Remus muttered as he passed the notice board on the wait out the common room with Silvanna. "Careers meetings."

"You what?" asked Silvanna, peering at the fresh notice.

Please see below for your allocated time slot with Professor McGonagall

Silvanna glanced down and saw that hers was on Friday morning during Arithmancy. "What's that for?"

"To help us decide what to take for NEWTs," said Remus. It seemed like the notice had put a damper on his mood. Silvanna wasn't at all shocked.

"You're being ridiculous," she scolded as they entered the Great Hall.

"I didn't even say anything-!"

"You're thinking about it though," she said. "And you're doing so much better these days. I'm sure it won't affect your jobs."

"Can we please not talk about it?" muttered Remus, casting weary glances up and down the almost empty table.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to!" he snapped, sloshing coffee all over the table.

"Oo, Lover's Spat," said Marlene, grinning as she sat down with Lily and Louisa. "You're both coming to watch against Hufflepuff on Saturday, aren't you?"

"When have we ever missed it?" scoffed Silvanna with a grin. But she was still worried about Remus.


Remus returned from his appointment on Tuesday, and wouldn't at all tell Silvanna how it went. She herself had no idea what to expect, let alone what she wanted to do with her life. So when she ducked out of Arithmancy on Friday morning, she was nervous to say the least. It didn't help that there was not only one Professor there, but two.

"Uh - sorry, Professors," she said as she poked her head around the door. "I've got that careers thingy?"

"Yes, sit down, Snape," said McGonagall, placing a pre-filled teacup in front of her.

"How are you today, Silvanna?" asked Professor Dumbledore, who was sat between her and McGonagall.

"Good, thanks," she said vaguely. She didn't mind him being there, but she certainly hadn't expected it. And she was really quite nervous.

"I feel the need to inform you that Professor McGonagall is aware of the discoveries you made last summer," he continued, and Silvanna glanced briefly at her blank face.

"Right," said Silvanna slowly. There was a brief stretch of silence, before McGonagall became impatient.

"Would you be interested in a career that utilises this particular skillset?" suggested McGonagall, making it sound like an extremely forced question.

"I suppose," said Silvanna. In all honesty, she was pleased they were getting somewhere. "Might they be useful in the war?"

"Extremely," said Dumbledore, looking please as McGonagall made a tiny note. "Is that something you'd be interested in?"

"Well, yes," said Silvanna. "That's why I agreed to it in the first place." Dumbledore chuckled lightly.

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