Chapter Forty-One

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Aw I love them so much why did they all die?! :)

Sirius Black's fourteenth birthday was far from quiet. In fact, the boys deliberately made it the nosiest they possibly could by making a loud air horn sound whenever somebody walked through a door. For every door in the castle. Silvanna overheard Alice Fortescue talking with her friend at lunch, and apparently they'd covered all the secret passages that people knew about too. Silvanna desperately wanted to know how they knew about so many of said passages when she hardly knew any at all. Maybe it was because she spent so long in the library...

At the weekend, Silvanna was dragged out with her hair plaited and red stripes on her face. The Gryffindor versus Slytherin game was always more entertaining than the others because the crowds got so riled up. But this time, she didn't really like it. Mostly because of Sirius's reaction to the new Slytherin seeker. He bitterly regarded his brother, clapping faintly. Of course, throughout the game he cheered and clapped for Marlene and James, but Silvanna could tell it bothered him.

Despite the relentless goal scoring of the three Gryffindor chasers - Silvanna thought their keeper must've been hit in the head with a bludger, he was so bad - Regulus Black caught the snitch a mere twenty-five minutes into the game. And Slytherin won.

A few weeks after that was the full moon again, this time falling on a Monday. On Tuesday after Runes, Silvanna headed up to the hospital wing as she usually did, expecting to see all the boys there, grumbling about the extra double-history they had, but they weren't there. She could tell Remus was disappointed, but reassured him that they'd probably be there after dinner as she talked him through the seize and pull charm theory.

But when she returned from the Great Hall, they still weren't there. "We were supposed to be working on this prank thing together," Remus told her, frowning at his bedsheets. "They probably had homework, it's not a big deal." But Silvanna knew full well that it wasn't the case.

At seven o'clock, she was kicked out the hospital wing. She went straight to the library, looking through a book of funny jinxes to use. That one looked good: pullus. She was going to transfigured them all into chickens.

When she arrived in the common room, she was surprised to see Sirius sat alone by a window, flicking through Numerology and Grammaticca.

"Where were you?" she hissed, storming over. "You left poor Remus alone." Sirius looked up at her and shrugged, turning back to his half completed essay. "Do you even care?" Sirius just ignored her. Now she felt bad about hexing him. He looked so...downtrodden, and defeated. "Where are the others?" He shrugged again.

Infuriated, Silvanna stormed up the boys' staircase, and knocked sharply on a door reading Third Years. She hadn't been up here since first year, and was sort of glad because it smelt a lot worse than the girls' staircase.

The door opened to reveal Peter, who frowned at her before wordlessly stepping back to let her in. He slumped over to his bed, where he was sorting through a mountain of chocolate frog cards. James was in there too, pouring over a huge and ancient-looking book that he slammed shut upon her entry, stuffing an old piece of parchment inside.

"What, so you two thought you'd just leave Remus by himself?" she demanded, crossing her arms and tapping her wand against her hip. Like Sirius, they just shrugged. "What is wrong with you all?" They ignored her. "You're shit friends, you know that?" Nothing. Silvanna let out a loud groan of frustration, before turning to exit. She changed her mind at the last minute. "Pullus," she said, pointing her wand at James. He transformed successfully into a brown, speckled cockerel, but didn't so much as cluck. Peter didn't even flinch.

By the next morning, Remus had been released for the hospital wing, and a rumour had shot around like wildfire. None of the boys were talking to each other. None of them were talking to anyone, except Remus, who didn't feel much like talking anyway.

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