YEAR FIVE - Chapter Seventy-Four

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Back to Hogwarts we go! :)

"I really don't want you to go back." The scent of the evening air filled Silvanna's nose, a faint waft of smoke that had been carried in from a garden or a chimney by the breeze that now ruffled her hair. She leaned further into Jim's side, inhaling his washing powder as the cotton brushed against her cheek. The lyrics to The Beatles' 'Let It Be' cocooning their murmurs of conversation. They often sat like this, especially after they'd done it, just enjoying the peace and each other's company. There wasn't much of a view - the setting sun behind the elm tree. Sometimes the stars too, but they were normally too close to the city centre for that.

Silvanna let out a tiny laugh, not so loud that Marianne might hear it. "I can't just not go back to school."

"I know," said Jim sadly. "I know. But I'll miss having you here."

"Ugh, don't," said Silvanna, shifting around to look at him. "Honestly, just move onto someone else while I'm gone."

Jim looked aghast. "'Vanna!" he exclaimed, clearly trying not to smile. Silvanna shushed him, shaking her head.

"I mean it," she hissed, also smiling. "Don't stick around for me. I'll be back next summer."

"Well," said Jim, shifting as he leaned over to his nearby bedside table. "I bought you stamps again." He handed her a white envelope, inside which were three books of stamps.

"Thank you, Jim," said Silvanna quietly. "You didn't have to do that."

He shrugged. "Can't have you finding excuses not to write, can I?"


"D'you know what? Don't fucking bother coming back!" The door slammed shut behind the trio, and Eileen Snape pushed the twins down the road and into a side alley, before grabbing their hands and disapparating with them. The Hogwarts Express gleamed before them, and Severus patted their mum's shoulder before heading into the crowd.

"Are you going to be OK?" Silvanna asked her mum, biting her cheek nervously.

"Yes, yes," said her mum, looking anywhere but Silvanna's face. "Now get on the train, or you'll miss it."

Silvanna hesitated. Something didn't seem right, but she would miss it if she didn't hurry up. She resolved to kiss her mum on the cheek, and forced a smile. "I love you."

"Love you too," said her mum, and Silvanna headed towards the usual carriage. "Don't forget to write!"

"I won't!" she called back, throwing in a wave for good measure. She hated leaving her mum like this. Always had, since first year.

As always, Sirius was already in the carriage, along with Remus. The latter jumped up immediately and embraced her, to which Silvanna jumped away. "Sorry, Rem," she said quickly, patting him on the back, "Long summer." She rolled back her sleeve to reveal the cut on her arm, which was now oozing and yellow. And it stank too.

"Ugh, open a window," said someone as they walked in, and the three of them looked up to see Pete, who was either extremely sunburnt, or very embarrassed. Or both. "Oh, sorry," he said quickly, stowing away his trunk.

"Don't worry," said Silvanna quickly. "I knew this was going to happen, it's a good job I didn't close it. Does anyone know any cleaning spells?"

"As if we'd know that," scoffed James Potter, walking in. His mood dropped when he saw Silvanna's arm.

"I think it's just potions," said Remus quietly, unable to tear his eyes away. "Did your dad do that?"

"Don't worry about it," Silvanna said quickly, forcing a smile and rolling her sleeve down. "How are you lot? Sirius?" He'd become very thin over the summer, and had faint rings under his eyes. He hadn't said a word since Silvanna had entered the compartment, and his silence had been duly noted. Upon being addressed though, he grinned, restoring the light into his eyes.

"Oh, yeah, very entertaining," he said, rubbing his hands together. "They tried to get me betrothed, but the family dropped through at the last minute. Which never happens, by the way, especially not with us, so I got really lucky. Can you believe that? My mother was furious, but she couldn't blame me for it. Well, she did. Anyway-"

"I need to tell you something," said Silvanna, also grinning. How could she not tell them? It was hilarious! But Dumbledore had said not to. Maybe just leave out the important stuff.

"Go on then, Cheshire Cat," said Remus, looking entertained.

"Right, so," Silvanna began, "My mum got in touch with my grandparents, the Princes. And obviously I've not had a proper fancy upbringing or anything, so they thought it best to get me married off-"

"No!" said Sirius, grinning and looking like a wild animal, "It wasn't-?" But Silvanna's sides were already aching with laughter, and now Sirius was laughing ridiculously hard too, and they had to cling to each other just to keep from falling to the compartment floor.

It was at this moment the door flicked open, and Silvanna looked up to see her brother stood there, and Lily at his side. "What do you want, Snivellus?" Sirius demanded, the tone of the journey having changed drastically.

Severus gave him a smug sort of look, before turning to face Silvanna. "I see nothing changes, Sis? Still drooling over the first boy that looks sideways at you."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" she demanded, scowling.

"It means you're a fucking slag-"

He was cut off by a roar of rage, as the five of them started towards him, but they were cut off when Lily raised her wand. They froze, Sirius's hand halfway to Severus's neck, Remus raising his wand, James and Silvanna ready to rugby tackle him, and Peter only halfway off his seat. "Don't be such an arse, Sev," she said over her shoulder. "And I think I'll manage from here." With a huff and a scowl, Severus stalked off. "Lupin? Prefect meeting?"

"Oh, shit, yeah," said Remus, rummaging in his pocket and pulling out a shining scarlet pin.

"Aha!" cried Silvanna, all bitterness forgotten. "You massive square! Well done!"

Remus grinned back at her. "Thanks," he said, "But...the competition...?" He grimaced, and James elbowed him.

"You'll be a Professor next mate. See you, Evans!" he called down the corridor after the pair, before closing the door. "You alright, Snape?"

"Oh," said Silvanna. "Yeah, yeah. Fine."

"He's such a prick," said Pete reassuringly. "He probably didn't even mean anything by it."

"Oh, it's fine," Silvanna repeated. "He was talking about my friend, Jim, that's all." Well, more than friends. But he didn't have to know that.

"Oh," said James, clearly changing the subject. "Did you see they replaced Jenkins?"

"Harold Minchum," said Pete, nodding along. Silvanna remembered seeing that in the Prophet, but hadn't paid much attention. After all, she couldn't even vote in the election, so what was the point?

"My parents hate him," said Sirius. "Too much of a hard-liner. So obviously that means he's doing a good job." There was a chorus of laughter.

"Makes you think though, doesn't it?" said James, "That we might win the war?"

"Do you want to fight?" asked Sirius quietly. Silvanna knew exactly what he was thinking. If the two of them fought, they'd almost certainly have to face their brothers.

"I think so," said James firmly.

"Yeah," said Pete, "Me too." They looked to Silvanna.

"I guess so," she said. "Might as well make myself useful."

"Yeah," said Sirius in agreement. But she could tell neither of them were convinced.

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