Chapter 12

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"What songs are you going to sing papa?" I ask as he sits himself onto a seat. He lightly smirks at me. I start taking his hair and put it into a tiny ponytail. I walk around to be in front of him.

"I'm going to sing three songs today: Walking in the wind, Olivia, and I want to write you a song."

"What are the other two about?" I ask tilting my head as the other boys also file into the recording studio.

"You." He says and I feel my smile light up.

Him and the other guys situate themselves on their seats and they clear their throats. "I want to write you a song." Dad started off with the first verse and I felt like my heart was going to implode. He wrote a song about me. "One that's beautiful as you are sweet."

They sang the whole song and when he exited the booth to see the final recording, I couldn't help but run up to him and hug him. He chuckled as he picked me up and kissed my cheek. I responded by kissing his nose. "I love you dad."

"I love you my angel." I nuzzle into his neck further and he holds me tighter. "Do you want to be in the studio when we sing?"

"I can do that?"

"You, my darling, can do anything you want." My smile only grows as I hug him tighter. I love hugging him. His touch is so warm and cuddly. He takes me back to where they record. "Alright Ella, you have to be quiet okay?" I nod and he sends one back.

"Alright this is Olivia. Start whenever you're ready."

"Remember the day when we've given up" I already like the beat and the tempo and the song brings a smile to my lips. "When you told me I didn't give you enough" I furrow my eyebrows at him, I've literally never said that. "And all of your friends were saying I'll be leaving you."

Is he talking about the adoption center? Or when I asked him not to return me?

After the song ended we all cheered and I chuckled and kissed dad's nose. I look over at the other boys and put up a thumbs up. They smile and do one back. "And what did you say the last one was?"

"Walking in the wind."

"A week ago you said to me, do you believe I'll never be too far?" If you're lost, just look for me. You'll find me in the region of the summer stars."

They changed some of the lyrics but it was mostly the same. I must've been smiling the entire time, Liam even took a picture of me with the headphones on. I leaned back onto dad's chest and put my head in the crook of his neck. He put his hand underneath my shirt and rubbed my hip in circles.

"Do you want to sing something bubba?" Liam asks rolling in his rolling chair over to me.

"Can I sing the song."

"Which song princess?" Louis asked and a shy smile graced my lips.

"The first one you sang."

"Yea, let me get out the lyrics for you." Liam says and rolls away.

"Dad." I ask and look up at him.

"Hmm?" He hums and looks down at me.

"Will you be in there with me?" He nods and we sit up going into the other side of the glass. And so I start off with the lyrics in my hand.

When I finish, my eyes are closed and lips slightly puckered. I open my eyes and see everyone looking at me wide-eyed and jaw agape. I might be good at singing but that doesnt mean I would like to have it as a job.

"Darling." Dad whispers. "You are incredible."

"I am incredible." I say cheekily and smile at him.

"She actually might be your daughter Styles." The producer says with a smug grin and I smile at him. He seems nice.

"I would've had to be 12." He quips.

"Had to be 12 for what?" I ask and look up at him and he looks down at me wide-eyed.

"You'll find out when you're older." He grins awkwardly and gives my head 2 weird pats.

"Anyway, Ella do you want to get Nandos?" Niall asks and my back immediately straightens up.

"Nandos? Where?" I ask looking around and I see Niall with a proud smile.

"That's my niece, lets go get some." I hop off of Dad's lap and race to see him. He picks me up and we start talking about what we're going to get.

On our way out we see Simon.

I see him and cower into Niall.

Nialls holds onto me more tightly as he sees him. He can tell I don't like him. I look away from Simon and drop my eyes to the ground.

"Nice to see you again Ella."

Only my family calls me that you mean prick.

A smile lights up on my face for saying that to myself. Im proud of myself. Go Ella! I mentally high five myself and I see Simon with a look of amusement.

Go amuse yourself with something else.

Maybe I'll write a hate song about him. Dad would kill me if I did that. "It was good seeing you, you coming for the second part of tour yeah?" I nod with my eyes still planted on the ground.

"Bye Uncle Si." Nialls says and walks off. I roll my eyes at them and put my head over his shoulder so I can see him walk away. I see him turn to look at me and I give him the friend's middle finger. He looks at me in astonishment and slowly looks back to where he was headed.

Mess with me again.

I dare you.

I turn back around and give myself a smug grin as he carries me through the halls. "What's got you so smitten?"

"I'm just happy." I shrug and we keep walking.

I adore Collete

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