Chapter 7

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"Ella. Wake up."

"No." I say and cuddle Harry, who chuckles at me. His warmth feels super good and I love the feeling of being indulged in it.

"You have to meet our boss." I look up at him with wide eyes and he nods. "You have to look nice."

"So Jeans?" I question and look at him hopeful.

"Sure go ahead, wear jeans." I smile at him. "But seriously, you gotta get up, we leave in an hour and I still have to get ready." I nod and go to his bathroom, getting black skinny jeans, white vans and a Beatles t-shirt. After I shower I put them on and walk out of the bathroom.

"Ella, come here, we're going to do your hair." I hear Louis' voice and I come into his bedroom and I see Liam there also. They sit me down and they start braiding my hair.

"You know I could have done this."

"Sh, let us do it. We haven't hung out in a while." Liam scolds and I smile at him.

"Can I carry you Ella?" Louis asks when they're both finished and I nod.

"What kind of braid did you do?"

"2 french braids for our little princess." I scrunch up my nose. "Do you not like being a princess?"

"I like being that brave girl from the movie."

"She was also a princess." I nod and play with the collar of his shirt.

"Collette! Breakfast!" Louis runs down the stairs with me still in his arms, causing me to giggle. When I sit down on the island chairs I see a piece of toast with eggs and my usual tea. Once I'm finished we head out.

"What's your boss's name?"

"Simon Cowell, and angel, you need to behave today okay?" I nod and look down. "I'm sorry it's just he is an important part of our band."

"It's okay dad, I will behave." Everyone looks at the both of us. "What?"

"She's calling you dad?" Niall questions and Harry nods.

"It just happened." They all shrug and head out the car.

We walk into the office and up to the receptionist. I look at Harry and reach my hands out for him and he picks me up. "Room 431, you are good to go through." We all make it to the elevator and I breathe in dad's scent, making me comfortable.

"Hey can you hand me to zayn?" He nods and I snuggle into zayn. He chuckles.

"What's up darling?"

"I haven't hung out with you in a while." I say and I feel him smile against me.

"I'm right here." The doors open and he carries me until we reach the office.

"Knock Zayn." Louis whispers to him.

"Right, sorry." He knocks on the door three times.

"Come in." We walk in and I see a man with gray hair and glasses, he's sitting so I can't tell if he is tall but he's a little intimidating. I cower into Zayn and Harry glances at me, confused. "Is this Collette?" No, I'm Tina. I nod slowly and he chuckles.

"Sorry, she's a tiny bit shy." Zayn says. Thank you for not making me say anything Uncle Zayn. Simon waves him off.

"It's alright, anyway we need to talk about the new album." I zone everything out and play with Zayn's shirt.

"Ella, he asked you a question." I look over at Simon.

"Do you want to check out the recording studio?" I look at everyone else and they all have worried faces.

"No thank you, thank you though." He smiles softly at me and nods. I look over at Harry and he gives me a small head nod.

"So Zayn, when do you plan on leaving the band?" I freeze on my spot and glance up at Uncle Zayn, who is avoiding my gaze. I gulp and keep playing with his shirt. When we're done, the receptionist hands me a lollipop and I give it to Zayn.

He smiles sadly at me and takes it. "You did good today Ella." I nodded sadly.

"Why didn't you tell me, you were leaving?" I ask as we settle into the car, with dad in the driver's seat.

"I'm not leaving until the end of this month. We were going to tell you, we asked Simon not to say anything."

"Were you planning on keeping it away from me?"

"Angel.." Dad pinches the bridge of his nose. "It's a stressful situation for all of us."

"I understand that but-"

"Collette!" Dad slams the center console and I flinch. My eyes are closed but I know my hands are in front of me, in reflex. I open my eyes slowly and see Harry looking at me softly. "I'm sorry Angel, I didn't." He breathes in. "I didn't mean to snap, I'm sorry."

"It's okay dad." I whisper and he looks down. Everyone's just watching us and I feel uncomfortable with everyone watching me, so I look out the window. We ride the whole way back in silence and I play with my nails.

When I got home, I just stayed in the art room, looking at all the drawings that zayn made. I sigh, I need to apologize. I walk over to dad's door and stand there. "You can do it Collette, just knock." Looking back to see Niall, I nod. I put my hand up high and knock 3 times.

"Who is it?"

"It's um, it's ella."

"Come in." I shakingly grab the doorknob and twist it. The door opens and I walk in to see Harry sitting on his bed looking out the window. I close the door behind me and breathe in slowly.

"I'm sorry dad. I shouldn't have pried for information and it's not my place to ask about it." He shifts positions so he's looking at me and I see tear stains on his face.

"Come here angel, please." His voice was laced in desperation and need. I made my way over to him and sat next to him. He put his arms around me and squeezed me. I put my arms over him and squeeze him back.

"A hug." He whispered, sensing my confusion.

"Oh. Is this affection?"

"Yes it is." He whispered and he kissed my forehead. I close my eyes and take in the feeling. It feels nice. I glance at my burns again and squeeze him tighter and he does the same. "I love you Collette." My eyes widened and I smiled at him. I pulled back, out of reflex to take in his face.

"You love me?" Tears pool in my eyes and he nods with tears in his eyes.

"Yes angel, I love you."

"I love you too dad." He chuckles and I kiss his nose, I couldn't reach his forehead. I hear whispering and I look over to the door in confusion. Dad gets up and opens the door, causing 4 boys to fall while Harry looks down at them.

"I told you, you were talking too loud." Liam scolds and Louis looks offended.

"I was not, if they hadn't stopped talking then they wouldn't have noticed." Louis looks over at Liam and Zayn whacks his head.

"Be nice to each other." Zayn scolds and I silently ask for Harry to carry me. He does, like he reads my mind.

"Cmon Collette, you're helping with dinner."


Well now she knows

is she going to stop hanging out with Zayn now?

hmm, i wonder

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