Chapter 4

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I wake up around 1 am, per usual. I get some water and gulp it down. "Ella? Princess you there?"

"Who's there?" I whisper and I see Louis come down the stairs with a flashlight from his phone.

"You weren't kidding when you said you woke up early huh?"

"I wish." I chuckle

"Here c'mon you can lay with me."

"It's okay Lou, I know you need sleep, I'll be fine." He shakes his head and brings his hand out for me. I tilt my head in confusion and he grabs my hand. "Why does everybody grab my hand?"

"It's a form of affection."

"A-fec-tion." I sound out and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Yep it means to provide warmth or love." I nod and we soon make it up to his room. We lay down and he falls back asleep, with his arms around me. I lay awake, not knowing what to do. I wiggle myself out of his grip and sit near the window, looking at the moon.

"Out! Now! We are transferring you to a different orphanage." I look at the woman and nod solemnly. "Pack your stuff we leave tomorrow." I didn't have much to pack, just a necklace that would be soon forgotten and a radio. I look out the window and see the moon at its fullest.

The moon always brought me a sense of comfort and I can't help but smile at its beauty. "Collette! What did I say?" My head snaps towards the headmistress.

"Sorry Miss." I get up from the window and get my stuff together. I will never forget that one of my best days was on a full moon.

I glance back at the moon and sigh in content. What may be hours seems like minutes when the sun rises. I breathe in heavily and decide to explore the house. I crawl out of the room and head down the stairs. No one lay early in the morning near the kitchen. I go on the island and sit on it, glancing at the fruit in the bowl. I pick it up and tap it. It seems fake but it looks so real.

I put the apple on the table and rolled it on the island. I laugh a little as it keeps rolling. It makes weird shapes and I concentrate hard on what they're making. "Angel?" I glance up and see Harry making me smile.

"Harry!" He chuckles and wipes his eyes. "Did I wake you?"

"Yea but it's fine pumpkin." He stands in front of me so his legs are on either side of me. I take his hand and intertwine our fingers. "What are you doing there?"

"A-fec-tion." He looks up at me and his eyes widen.

"That's right honey this is affection."

"What's the purpose again?"

"To make someone feel safe or to make them feel loved."

"Do you feel safe?" I squeeze his hand and he smiles wider.

"Yes I do." He chuckles and picks me up so I'm on his hip. "What are you doing up this early?"

"I couldn't sleep. Can I have some coffee?"

"You, my darling, can have tea." He suggests and I nod.

"Okay I will try tea." He puts a weird thing on the stove and I look at it confused.

"That is a kettle, it boils water." I nod and pull him closer to me.

"I like affection." He chuckles in response.

"You're safe with me pumpkin." A couple hours later all of the boys come down and see us. Louis looks at me confused.

"I couldn't find you this morning, where were you, love?"

"I couldn't sleep so I came down here!"

"She was rolling one of the fake apples around."

"So we are going shopping for you. Is there anything specific you'd like?"

"Umm clothes, a book for drawing and some pens for drawing like colored pencils?" I ask and glance at them.

"You like to draw?"

"And cook but that's it really."

"You also like to sing." Liam adds and I nod. Louis calls his girlfriend and so does Zayn and Liam. They are going to help us shop. Soon enough I see Pierre Edwards coming through the door and my jaw drops.

"You're Pierre Edwards!"

"Oh so she recognizes her but not us." I hear someone say. She ruffles my hair and smiles at me.

"It's because me and little mix are amazing aren't we?" I nod vigorously. Soon enough 2 more girls come through the door.

"Is this Collette that we have been hearing so much about?"

"Im Collette.. Styles?" I ask, turning towards them and they nod.

"Im Eleanor."

"And I'm Danielle." I nod and Harry takes my hand.

"Do you want to get on my shoulders?" I nod and he takes me on his shoulders. "Alrighty to the mall." I giggle as I put my hands in his hair and start playing with it. His hair reaches down to his shoulders and it makes me laugh.

"Do you like his hair bubs?" Liam asks and I nod.

"I like long hair." I mumble to myself and they all just laugh. I hum to some random song while I play with his curls.

"Alright angel you gotta get down alright?"

"Okay." He lifts me up off of his shoulders then lets me onto the ground. He sits me down so I'm in the back next to Eleanor in the car. "Which one are you dating?"

"Take a guess." She turns towards me while I think.

"L-Liam?" She shakes her head. "Louis?" She nods and I cheer. "I got it right." I squeal and she chuckles.

"Yes you did."

Soon we reached the mall and I saw a bunch of people. "Harry?"

"Yes pumpkin?"

"I'm scared." I say as my breathing becomes uneven.

"Okay honey um one second." He gets out of the passenger seat and comes around to get me. He lifts me up so my face is buried into his neck. "Hide your face babes."

"My ears." I try to yell over the loud screaming. The noise hurts my ears and the amount of pain they are in doesn't help. Harry covers my ears but the pain still doesn't help.

"Oi listen here! My daughter has over sensitive ears and she is in a lot of pain because you guys are yelling. So if you would please quiet down that would be appreciated." But that doesn't quiet down the crowd. In fact, it gets louder. We rush in immediately trying to block everybody.

"Are you kidding? Now they are going to be swarming our houses. Are your ears okay?" Harry mumbles and I look down.

"I'm sorry." I speak out and everyone looks at me. "I'm sorry, if I wasn't adopted then you wouldn't have to deal with this so im sorry." They look at me sympathetically and Harry kneels down next to me.

"Collette Olivia Styles you look at me right now." I look at Harry in the eyes. "Nothing that happened today, was your fault, you understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Don't give me that sir crap, call me Harry, or dad okay?" I nod and he gets back up, taking my hand. "You are a good daughter and good person okay? You're doing great so none of this is your fault."

"Thank you Harry."


Just realized I have not updated this story in a long time, like a month. So i just want to say im sorry and i will try to do better on updating.

This chapter is dedicated to @OneAddition_1d for all the amazing comments I see here nonstop.

So thank you for all the comments, they really make my day.

*Cheek kisses*

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