Chapter 5

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We ended up getting a lot of clothes while we were out. They discovered my outfit choices mainly are leggings, oversized shirts, normal shirts, and overalls. They forced me to get some dresses but I didn't mind.

I'll wear them if I'm forced but I won't wear them if it's optional.

We also got earplugs for me when we go somewhere. I focus my eyes back onto the rising sun and breath in heavily. I got a little more sleep last night, I think it's because I had tea. The sun emits a glow that makes a smile break out onto my face.

"Collette?" A thick accent asks and I turn my head to see Harry still in his bed, I had gone to bed with him last night after shopping. "What are you doing there, pumpkin?"

"Watching the sun." I answer and turn back to the window, watching it.

"Come and lay with me." I stand up and walk over to him, he's shirtless and I cover my eyes. He chuckles at me. "It's okay Ella you can look at me." I open my eyes and he's still shirtless. I crawl in next to him and face towards his chest.

"I'm sorry I keep waking you up."

"Oh it's okay, I need to start waking up earlier anyway. What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing, just observing. I got more sleep last night."

"Why do you think that is?"

"I think it's the tea. Can I have some more today?"

"Of course angel." I look at the birds on his chest and start tracing them. "They're swallows." I look up at him confused. "That's the type of bird they are, swallows."


"I also have a moth tattoo." He points to his stomach area and I giggle at it. "What's so funny?"

"It kinda looks like a butterfly." He puts his hand over his chest in pretend offense and I laugh harder. He smiles at me and stops pretending to be offended.

"It does look a little like a butterfly doesn't it?" I nod. "So I overheard you and Liam's conversation and you said the moon on your hip. Why the moon?"

"The best day of my life happened on a full moon." I respond, shifting so I'm looking at the ceiling.

"What happened on the best day of your life?"

"Well... I moved to a different orphanage." I know he probably doesn't understand why that day was the best day of my life but one day he will. "Harry."

"Yes angel?"

"I'm scared." He props himself on an elbow and looks at me.

"Why are you scared." I roll my lips in and tears well up in my eyes.

"Please don't return me." His eyes soften at my words and he shakes his head. "Please, if you return me I wont have affection or showers or anyone."

"Angel.. You're staying no matter what okay?"

"Okay." The tears that have streamed down my cheeks have slowed and I weakly smile at Harry.

"Don't ever think we would take you back, understand?" I nod and he runs his hand over my hair. "You need to shower."

"Sorry. How often do I have to shower?"

"Everyday, but it's okay to occasionally skip a day." I nod against him. I get some clothes from his dresser. I don't have a room yet because they got me last second.

At least that's what they told me.

After I shower I put on Harry's clothes along with what I found to be a purple Jack Willis hoodie. I walked out of the bathroom to see Zayn looking at me expectantly. My eyes widened immediately. "Hi Zayn."

Adopted by Harry StylesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora