Chapter 6

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Harry's Pov

Ella has not been able to get past Diana's death the last week. She has been less social, not that she was that much social in the first place. I take a look at her and she is dressed in yellow and white checkered vans, skinny jeans and a jack Skellington shirt. It's not the best match but it works. "Cmon Angel we are going for a drive." I say and button one more button on my white shirt. She nods and takes my hand.

Im really worried for her. I think this is the first time she has lost someone, well besides her parents. We got into my yellow Ferrari and I put down the top. Collette looks fascinated by it and I can't help but smile. I hand her my phone to choose a song and I hear Jailhouse rock by Elvis Presley come on and I chuckle at her choice.

She sticks her head out the window and I can't help but smile. I love her, she's my angel, my child. I know we've only known each other for a little over a week but we really cliqued and formed that dad-daughter bond.

"I love you Collette." But she didn't say anything in response, making me think she couldn't hear me. The roof being open makes it pretty windy. She brings her head back in and a wide smile is on her face. She tries to sing along to the lyrics to the next song; Eleanor Rigby by the Beatles, but she fails miserably and I can't contain my wide grin as I'm looking at her in the passenger seat.

It's probably unsafe for her to sit there but I'm going to let her stay there.

I grabbed her hand and held it. Her smile grew wider and soon Rumours by Fleetwood Mac came on. I sang along and she squeezed my hand. She sang along with me.

I was determined to make this a better day for her, and so far I've succeeded.

I pulled the car over at the sunflower field and she looked at me confused. "Why are we here?" I shrugged and parked the car. I got out of the car and she did as well. "A sunflower field." She said in awe and I chuckled.

"That's right my angel, do you want to get on my shoulders." She nodded and I lifted her up so she was on my shoulders. She played with my hair while she stood above the sunflowers and tried to graze them. I felt her tiny fingers in my scalp and I let out a little chuckle. We walked around for a little bit before I heard her stomach rumble.

"Hey, I'm going to grab some stuff. Stay here okay?" She nodded and I let her down. I headed back to the car to grab the basket and blanket.

"Papa!" My eyes widened and I dropped the blanket and ran over to where I left Collette. I gulped when I didn't see her there. My gaze shifted and I saw a man with ella. My eyes widened and I ran over to him.

"Dont touch my daughter." I'm pretty sure my eyes darkened and I looked pretty scary because he dropped Collette and ran off. I immediately dropped to her level and picked her up so she was leaning into me. She wasn't crying but she was shaking. I rubbed her back, knowing that calmed her.

"I'm sorry angel, I'm here, I'm here." I murmured into her ear and she sighed.

"Thank you dad. Wait-can I call you that?" She asked and pulled back and I chuckled.

"Of course pumpkin. Are you alright? He didn't do anything did he?"

"No he didn't, he just picked me up." I nod and take her to the blanket.

"Do you want to leave? I understand if you do."

"No, its okay, I like the sunflowers." I nodded and lay down the red plaid blanket. Zayn has been wanting to tell her about leaving the band and I'm really scared of her reaction. Lately we've been making music for the new album. I also want to see if Ella has that songwriter gene. I lay on the blanket but stay sitting up while she stays sitting.

"Hey Ella, we need a song for the new album. What do you think we should write a song about?" She scrunches her face before she smiles. She plays with the pedals of the sunflower I got for her.

"You should write a song for your mom." Surprise washes over my face and my mind blanks.

"How would it go?" She thinks for a little while.

"If I didn't have you, there would be nothing left. The shell of a man that could never be his best. If I didn't have you, I'd never see the sun. You taught me how to be someone, yeah. That's all I really could think of." She shrugs at the end

My mouth drops and I yank her on top of me and I hug her. "That was amazing angel! You- That was amazing." She giggles as I kiss her cheek.

"Dad." She chuckles, removing herself from me and I hand her, her peanut butter and jelly sandwich and smoothie I made her. For some reason she really likes smoothies. She drinks her pink smoothie and I smile taking a sip of my water.

She is really cute.

She crawls over and sits on my lap. "You comfortable?" She nods and I chuckle at her. I kiss the top of her head and I hug her by the waist. After we're done eating we lay down and get some sun. I close my eyes and Collette is laying on top of me sleeping. Soon I open my eyes and see a paparazzi looking down on us and I flinch. The pap had dirty blonde hair but his eyes were covered from sunglasses as he ran away from us. I sat up and looked down at Collette and silently cursed at myself.

I just want to protect her.

I picked her up and carried her with one arm, which is really hard, as I picked up the blanket and basket. I don't want to let her out of my sight. I situate her onto the passenger seat and place the bags in the trunk. On the drive home I just turned the radio on low. I hum along while drumming along to the song.

When we get home, I leave the blanket and basket in the trunk and go up to Collette. "Collette you have to wake up."

"No." she mumbled and I chuckled.

"You won't be able to sleep tonight."


She got out of the car and I grabbed her hand. My thumb accidentally skimmed over her burn, making her flinch. "Sorry pumpkin."

"It's okay."

"Can I ask you a question about the burns?" She nods. "How long have you had them?" She looks at her hands and arms and thinks about it.

"Um since the last parents I had."

"I thought you haven't been adopted?"

"I haven't, from that orphanage. I always say different adoption centers attract different people."

"Oh. Well how did you get the burns?"

"I don't remember. I think it was affection." My eyes widen and lips part in surprise. That was the last thing I wanted her to say. I crouched down so I'm level with her.

"Collette, these burns, are not affection." She looks at me confused.

"Then what are they?"


"Hey what are you guys doing outside? Come on in." Niall shouts from the doorway and I send him a glare. "Cmon Ella we got fried chicken!" She squeals and runs over to them while I sit down and bury my head in my hands.

Who did this to my angel?

yikes, they just cant get a break, can they?

hopefully things will get better for them

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