Chapter 2

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Harrys POV

We are to get a child. Simon said it would be a good factor on our mental health. He's lying.

It would be good for paparazzi attention.

So good in fact, he made us get one. When I saw that little girl covered in soot and the dress she kept pulling down it made me sad. I admired Collette. I don't usually say that about people but she's 7-9 years old? And knows her feminism. As Collette leaves I bring the guys in for a huddle.

"What's wrong Haz?"

"I like Collette, we should adopt her."

"I do too, I wanted to hear her answer about the moon too." Niall adds.

"Why don't we think about it and then if we don't find someone we like better than we can adopt her." Liam says and we all sigh.

"Fine." I grumbled and we walked around.

I go up to this blonde girl, once she sees me she starts squealing. Yea, no. After a while no one seemed to peak my interest enough. I go into the cafeteria and sit down. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around.

"Um Curly?" Her soft voice is like a melody and I look at her curiously.


"Are you okay?" She asks and climbs in next to me.

"I'm fine, the boys are just annoying. What about you? Are you okay?"

"Yep! I've already had my morning coffee." My eyes widen and lips part in surprise. Coffee?

"Why do you drink coffee?"

"Can't sleep at night. Have to have something to keep me up." She shakes her head and smiles at me.

"Do you have showers here?" I ask, noticing the potent smell.

"Kind of." She cringes at her words, making me wonder what kind of means.

"How did you even get soot stuck in your hair?" She giggles at my question then starts laughing. Why? I have no idea. But her laughing makes me start laughing and soon we are both clutching our stomachs trying not to pee our pants.

"Sorry I was just thinking about the day."

"It's fine. Now how did you get it stuck. I want to hear the story." I ask wiping underneath my eyes.

"So I was climbing the tree I always climb right?" I nod for her to continue. "So I was sitting at the top and this guy, who was going to adopt someone, walks out and sees me at the top of the tree and he sits there." She pauses with a laugh and I smile at her. "And he sits there watching me with this weird pink stuff all over him. And when I get down I obviously fall but um the man tries climbing it as well and he" She laughs again. "He falls first step and lands face first."

She starts laughing and I can't help but laugh with her.

"That wasn't even that funny." I look over and see a girl around 14 and she glares at Collette who looks at me confused while I shrug. The girl has brown hair and brown eyes, she's really pretty but I wouldn't adopt her.

I look over to the door and see the 4 boys looking at us in... is that awe? Were they watching that whole thing? "Cmon Collette." I say and take my hand out for her to take and she stares at it curiously. I take her hand and see a patch of brown and I furrow my eyebrows. Is she a burn victim?

She must have noticed my staring because she snatches her hand away. "Collette!" The brown haired girl shouts in Collettes ear and she winces and covers her ears. I cover her ears with her and take a glance at the brown haired girl and shake my head. Her face drops and she scowls.

"Make it stop, Make it stop." She whispers while I rub her back in circles. She soon opens her eyes and looks at me. "Thank you Harry." I smile at her.

"Of course. Can I pick you up?" She nods and I pick her up. As we pass the boys I hear them talking about her being the one. We just have to teach her to stick up for herself.

"Miss Walsh?" She pokes her head in and I see Ms. Kay heading in our direction. "We would like to adopt Collette." I say as I drop Collette to the ground, leaving her with the guys. She opens her mouth to say something but closes it and nods.

She better not say anything.

She gives us the papers and I sign as a parent. Now all she needs is a back up parent. "Collette." I whisper-shout at her and she sprints over here.

"Yes Harry?"

"Who do you want as your second dad?" She looks over to all of the boys and a smile forms on her face. She points to Niall and Niall points to himself and tilts his head, confused. She waves him over and he comes and crouches near her.

"Whats up princess?"

"You're my second dad! Wait who's my first?"

"I am." I spoke and she squealed. "Are you excited angel?" I giggle at the end and she smiles at the new found nickname.

"I've never been adopted before. What's it like?" My eyes widen and so do Nialls. Both of us hold one hand, intertwine them and stand up so she's in between us.

"Well darling, you get to live with this family and they love you and you love them back."

"What is love?" We chuckle at her questions. But both me and Niall furrow our eyebrows and look at each other.

"Why don't you ask Uncle Zayn."

Alright so I have a casting for her so if you giys want comment if you want to see it, but its not really that important.

Sorry I havent updated, ive been a lil busy but I will definitely update sooner.

*Cheek kisses*

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