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"Morning" I hear a voice say as the bedroom door opens. I look over and see Leah with a tray, I immediately sit up, "breakfast in bed?" I ask and she smiles handing me the tray. "You didn't have to" I say sitting up, "you need a little cheering up" she says sitting alongside me. "Last night cheered me up" I say smirking at Leah, "shut up and eat your food" she says laughing, "this is so good" I say stuffing my face. "I can't wait any longer..." I hear Leah say, I look up at her. "I wanted to do this a while ago, but I wanted it to be special but we don't have much time until you leave so umm where do I start. Bella every since you've came into my life you've made me the happiest person in the world. The little things you do always make me smile and I can't keep pushing my feelings aside. I thought I lost you when I done the most stupidest thing ever, I didn't think you'd forgive me but you did and I'm not wasting this second chance. I love you and I'll always love you, will you be my girlfriend?" Leah says with tears in both our eyes. I pause trying to process what she has just said, "you are the nicest human I've ever met, I love you too L and of course I'll be your girlfriend" I say as Leah crashes her lips on mine.

We stay in the moment for a few minutes, "this is why I was hugging your mum, I told her I was going to ask you and she said she loved the idea and gave me a hug" leah says making me smile, it all makes sense now. "She loves you" I say to Leah, "my mum loves you more than me" I say laughing. "I think my mum loves you more than me as well" leah says making us both laugh.

*Time skip*

"Call me when you get there" leah says as I get out of the car, "I will, I miss you already" I say, "bye, I'll see you in a week. I love you" Leah says as she give me a hug, "love you too" I say before giving her a kiss.

The journey was boring and I texted Leah most of the time. I was greeted by a very excited Georgia when I got out, she gave me a hug before I got into her car. "You had fun" she says giggling pointing to my neck. "Very funny, your England roommate actually gave them to me" I say seeing a disgusted look on her face. "Ew" she said and I started laughing.

"Trainings in a few hours so be ready, bye" she says as she drops me off at my appartment. "Thank you, see you soon" I say before shuttugg n the door. As soon as I got in I fell onto my bed, travelling takes a lot out of you.

I made myself lunch before getting ready for training. It was a good day off but now it's time to get back to work. I arrived at the ground and everyone was in a great mood, this is going to be a great week I thought to myself and I walked into the changing room. "Stranger danger" Ellie shouts making everyone burst out laughing, I sit beside her and give her a push. We all get changed and go out for training.

"Bella a word please" Gareth says as I'm messing about with a few of the girls, oh god this can't be good. I walk over to him, "okay so as you know arsenal this week, can you tell me a bit about them? We know they're a good team and if we have a chance we have to break them down. Got any tips?" He asks me making me sigh of relief, "of course, would you like me to have a meeting with you and discuss it?" I reply, "that would be great, how bout I make it a team thing after training" he says with a smile, "sure" I reply and head back for training. Talking in front of the whole team? Why did I agree to that I thought to myself as I begin to train.

Training went really well, everyone was on fire especially Georgia, that girl means serious business. After we all got changed we went into the meeting room, "so ladies as you know Bella knows a lot of information about arsenal so we have asked her to help us break them down, she kindly agreed and is going to go through the team. Take it away Bella" he says earning a few cheers. I spoke about who I think the starting line up is going to be and certain things about each player and the playing style. They all took in the information well and it came to an end, i spoke for quite a while but I'm glad the girls didn't mind it.

"Girls before you go janine has some news for you" Gareth says making everyone sit back down, I took a seat beside Lucy and Keira. "Umm I just want to start by saying thank you to each and everyone of you, my time I've spent here has been amazing and I wouldn't want to spend it with another group of girls..." her eyes start to tear up, "unfortunately my last game for city will be against arsenal, I'm going to Portland in America, it's a new challenge and I'm looking forward to it but I'm really going to miss you guys" she says as a tear rolls down her cheek.

All of the girls get up and a few rush over giving her a hug, they've known her longer than me so I took a step back and let everyone get their hugs. I went before Ellie who was not taking it too well, "sorry about everything before" she said making me laugh a little, "it's all good, good luck with everything for the future" I say before standing back. I left the room and let the girls have a talk with her.

As I'm walking to get food Ellen comes up to me, "hope all of that was true, that's a lot of info to give out" she says with a laugh. "Course it was, and I used to study everything a lot when I was in the academy" I say getting my food. "Wow. Impressive" she says making me smile, I mean she was one of the strikers I looked up to so to hear that was unreal. We sit down and have food together and I talk about arsenal and I ask her about how she handles a few things, it was a much needed conversation. I'm young and need experience and I mean to get a few tips of her is a big bonus.

I eventually got home after a long day and fell asleep on the couch. I woke up from someone phoning me, reluctantly I answer not caring who it is.

Bella: hello?

Leah: it's me bels

Oh god I shot up, I forgot to phone her.

Bella: I'm so sorry I completely forgot, i was so busy and Janines speech, I'm so...

Leah cuts me off.

Leah: Don't worry it's fine. Your busy I understand, I'll let you get your rest.

Bella: I'm sorry I didn't call, I'll talk tomorrow. Night Leah.

Leah: night bels, love you.

Bella: love you.

I feel so bad, I hope she understands and is not just saying that. I go up to my room and get changed, I put on a pair of arsenal shorts that have the number 6 on, I smile and get into bed. What a day.


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