I Have To Do What???

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He stopped in his footsteps time he saw me. He gave me a cold stare and I gave one back. He changed his face expression when he saw my ma. He started licking his lips. I know this negro ain't crushing already. Back off  bruh.

"Jacob stop that boy" Miss Tish hit him in the arm.

"Aahh ma" he said rubbing his arm. Lamar gave him the death stare lol. My dad always did that to any gut who looked at my mom.

"Boy close your mouth and say hello to our guests" Miss Tish said. He shook their hands. When he got to me,he gave me the burning sensation in his eyes.

"Jacob where are your manners say hey to Kiara" she said.

"Hey I'm Jacob" he put on a fake smile.

"I've heard bout u" I gave him a fake smile back.

"Jacob why don't you show Kiara to the inside court to play basketball? I've heard she's the best in her district maybe she's even better than u" Miss Tish smiled at me.

"Please basketball is my game. Nobody's better than me. Lemme go change right quick" Jacob smirked.

Jacob changed into sum red basketball shorts and a grey t-shirt. He led me to the room. Wow I've always wanted an inside basketball court. Then I felt myself being pushed into the wall.

"U think it's funny to hit huh" He spat in my face.

"Look if u don't get your hands off me u gonna have a black eye this time and I know u don't wanna jeopardize your face oh wait I already did" I got in his face.

"Whatever slut" he said.

"Man whore" I mumbled.

Jacob POV

Whew there's just something bout Kiara that irks me. Her ugly ass. She's just jealous of Alix. But I ain gone lie Kiara got a body on her. Mhmm I do sum thangs to her. What am I saying I don't like her.

"So u play basketball huh" I asked her. She ignored me she was on her phone. I snatched it away.

"Girl I know u heard me" I said to her.

" I did I just don't answer to jerks like u" I said with an attitude. He chuckled.

"A lot of girls like this jerk including u" He said dancing round a lil.

"In your dreams nigga" I rolled my eyes.


"Ma'am" Jacob said.

"Me and Ciara were talking and we decided that since Kiara is an A+ plus student in pretty much all of her subjects then we thought she could tutor u in math. And don't try and argue it's final"

This is officially the worst day Ever. Somebody just kill me now.

Both POV



I can't believe I have to tutor him. Shit would've been better off giving me Satan not his son. We had dinner with them. Me and Jacob kept shooting glances at each other. After the dinner we said our goodbyes and walked home. I put on sum boxers and a grey sweatshirt and hopped in the bed. I was on my phone texting my cousin Ny'shia(She lives down here too so I see her at school).I was telling her bout the whole Jacob situation.

~Text Convo~

BO$$ Diva: Girl that's sum bullshit

Kitty(nickname when I was younger): IKR It's not fair. Now I have to deal with seeing his shit-faced ass everyday at our house.

BO$$ Diva: What's yo problem? He's sexy girl. All the hoes have been wanting to get with him. You're lucky. If I was in your place ooh things I'd do to him mhmm.

Kitty: Calm down with yo thirsty ass. He ain't all that. I don't like him I despise him.

BO$$ Diva: Whatever tell me what happens on your lil date with Jacob tomorrow*mocking*

Kitty:I'll kill u

BO$$ Diva: Yea Yea see u at school

Kitty:*chucks up the dueces*

~End of convo~

I decided to text Rashad. That's one of my best friends. He's liked me since the 5th grade its so cute. I remember one time he made me kiss me because he won at a game of ball. I punched him in the face then he went home crying to his mama. Haha punk ass.

~Text Convo~

#1 Drummer: wassup Rashad

Sexy lightskin nigga: Sup

#1 Drummer: U still comin down this weekend cause I was wondering if you'd like to go the skating rink with me and my friends?

Sexy lightskin nigga: Yea. Yo friends gone be like* girl voice*  K.T. girl yo friend too fine. Hook me up. I want him to be my baby daddy. I'll have all of em.

#1 Drummer: Please nigga they don't want yo ugly ass. You betta not their boyfriends gone get u.

Sexy lightskin nigga: So u callin me ugly. U wasn't saying that at Lexi's pool party lol. *mocking* Girl Rashad too sexy with his eight pack. I think in love mhmm. Hahaha.

#1 Drummer: Whatever no I wasn't.Lexi was looking at u the entire time biting her lip. Y'all need to go together Rashad. She's cool, cute, got style why not? Aww is Rashad a whittle scaredy cat lol?

Sexy lightskin nigga: Nigga we do for yo information I asked her out today. That's bae. Hmm that ass tho.

#1 Drummer: OMG go y'all but don't try nun or I'll come up there and kill u. Hurt my best friend and you're dead.

Sexy lightskin nigga: Ok I'll treat her like a princess. Don't worry I got her.

#1 Drummer: Ight gn best friend luv u good luck at state tomorrow

Sexy lightskin nigga: Gn drummer girl thanks wish u were her. Need our section leader Anthony ain't shit.

#1 Drummer: Lol ikr anyways gn

Sexy lightskin nigga: Night

~End of convo~

Rashad POV

Wassup ladies. It's yo boy Rashad. I know I'm with Alexis but I kinda still have feelings for K.T. I mean she's everything u want in a girl: cute, athletic, got swag, and a beast at playing the drums. She's better than all the guys at Lincoln. I've never actually told her how I feel but she knows. She thinks it's stupid cause she's afraid of getting hurt again like last year her ex Dante cheated on her with biggest hoe in the school Marissa. I felt bad for her so I beat his ass. Yeah ain't nobody gone hurt my best friend but I wanna be more than friends. I'm trying to get over her by going out with Alexis but it's not working every time I see her I think of K.T. Smh a nigga in love. She was the first girl I met when I moved from New York. Took me taught me how to play drums now I'm co-section leader with Anthony's dumb ass think he know everythang. If we had K.T. we'd have the state championship no doubt. She can beat Nick Cannon in drum battle. This weekend I'm gonna tell her how I feel. I hope she feels the same way.

A/N: Rashad is played by @NolenPryor_




Is He The One?(A Jacob Latimore love story)Where stories live. Discover now