Goodbye Detriot

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A week later

(thinking) Friday night we won the championship. I scored 32points, 2 assists. What can I say imma beast lol. After the game I got some good news from Coach Parks: She told me that I'm the number five in my district which I already have scouts looking at me me and I'm just a sophomore. OMG I'm so excited!! Enough excitement today is my last day in Detroit. I'm gonna miss this place. So many memories here I mean this is where I grew up, all my friends are here, this is my life. I'm kinda excited bout moving but at the same time I'm not. I mean it's Atlanta Georgia for crying out loud.

Since it's my last day I  decided to spend the the day with my best friend Carmen. She's been always there for me. She my ride or die.

"I can't believe you're leaving" my best friend Carmen said sniffling a lil.

"Girl stop all dat you're gonna make me start lol"

"I'm sorry it's just I'm gonna miss u boo" she said hugging me.

"I'm gonna miss u too sisters for life"

"Always" We did our handshake.

"Wanna help me pack I could really use it" I said shooting some free throws.

"Oooo is Lamar gonna be there"

"Ah yeah he's always there I swear u ask me everyday damn" I put on my truckfit snapback so did Carmen.

"I can't help yo step dad is sexy" she bit her lip.

"First of all he ain't my daddy second of all keep dreaming baby girl"


It was time to go. Everything was packed. The whole team came to see me. I'm really gonna miss them.

"All right that's the last of em ready baby" my ma asked me.

"I guess" shrugging my shoulders.

"Lemme know if I have to shoot somebody over there and send me pics of cute guys all right" Carmen said doing our handshake.

"K" I chuckled.

"Hold up we got sumin fa u" my friend Rashad said.

"What is it boy before I pimp slap yo ugly ah"

"I'm gone miss that Kiara u always were my favorite baller" he said.

"Awe that's sweet now where's my gift bruh?"

He pulled something from behind his back. It was wrapped in a grey silver box.

"Think of it as a gift from yo bae" He licked his lips looking at me up and down.

"Umm excuse me?" my friend Alexis said. Everyone laughed. She's always this huge crush on him but he's a hoe.

I opened it. It was a pair of drumsticks. "Thanks guys" I said trying to hold back the tears. I gave everyone a hug. We all took pics and the last one was a group pic of the squad. As I got in the car I waved at them. We drove to the airport. I hope I'll like Atlanta.




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