Wish Me Luck

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When we got there I thought I was dreaming when I saw this big white two story house. I've always wanted to have a bedroom upstairs. Woah ma got it made. I wish she would quit her job though. It's wrong selling your body just so men can get a taste of what they want. But I can't make her it's her choice.

"Ok u guys can put the couch right there...no...there.....perfect thank u" my mom said to the movers.

"Babe where u want me to put this upstairs" Lamar said.

"Yeah be careful" she walked over and kissed him. they eventually ended up making out. Ugh.

"I'm gonna go up to my room" I really didn't wanna see any more before thing got more intense.

I am in love with this room.My room was a light blue with my Chris Brown and Michael Jordan posters already on the wall. I put a picture on the side of my bed. It was me and my dad when I was nine years old. I put my hand around the locket my dad gave to me that day.


"All right baby u got this" my dad said.

"I can't daddy it's too high"

"Look at me Kiara bend your knees and make sure your arms are loose not so stiff just be loose" he gave me the ball.

I did exactly what he told me to and the ball went in the net.

"Yay I did it!" I gave him a high five.

"Daddy I'm gonna be a famous basketball player when I grow up" I smiled at him.

"Well baby u can be anything u set your mind too but remember one thing don't give up ok. If u give on yourself you're giving up life ok?" he said.

"Ok. I love u daddy" I gave him a bear hug.

"Love u too baby girl here I got something for u"

"What?!" smiling like crazy. He took out a gold locket from inside his pocket. It was engraved: To K.T. my #1 baller. Love you.

~Flashback over~

Ever since then basketball has always been part of my life. The championships,the awards, my dedication all thanks to him. When I grow up I do plan on going to the WNBA but if that doesn't work out I plan on having a career being a nurse in the military. It's always been my dream to help others. That day my dad died my whole world crashed. It was two years ago. My mom got a telegram saying me died in battle. I cried for a whole week.  That's when my mom really let herself go. she started drinking and soon lost her job. Now she works for some pimp that doesn't give a damn if she gets diseases from sleeping with men. (sighs) I pray for her every day. Her and my dad did everything together. Eric Jerome Thomas was her soul mate. I know she still loves him because she still wears the heart shaped necklace that he got for her on their first date. It's hard  on all of us but I know he's watching over us.

I took a shower and put on my UGA sweatshirt and white basketball shorts put my hair in a ponytail and got in the bed. I stared at the ceiling.

"Wish me luck daddy" then finally went to sleep.




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