049 starless

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OCT 16, 2149


" it really hurts when i need to
so bad but i can't see her. "

BELLAMY BLAKE'S NIGHT SKYS HAD BECOME UTTERLY STARLESS. They were desolate, soulless— nothing without her.

The stars had disappeared and the sun had ceased to burn the moment he'd watched Miller and Fallon drag Dakota into the drop ship against her will during a full-fledged war. The forest had gone up in flames and when he had returned to find her once Monroe, Sterling, and Finn were by his side, nothing but burnt bodies and a broken home were awaiting him.

He had not forgotten her screams from that night.

The shrieks of sheer anguish and desperate protest, the fervent begging of his own name from the very lips he could never keep his eyes off of, had kept him awake since the moment they'd painfully parted. Circles plagued beneath his sunken eyes, his chocolate irises having lost their shimmer and turned drearily dull. A dark storm cloud that he could not shake reigned over his head; her cries of yearning for him echoing along with each heavy clap of thunder.

Briefly, the rain had stopped today for the first time since her disappearance. The moment when he had found his sister— or more accurately, when she had found him— had made him forget for a fleeting moment of bliss. With a sword on her back, and braids of a true warrior in her hair, Octavia had both discovered and saved he and their friends from a sudden attack from grounders by brilliantly using the acid fog horn. She had crashed wholeheartedly into his arms, and made the thunder and lightening retreat from his gloomy head.

But the second she had pulled away, her green irises sparkling with tears of glee, she had asked him where Dakota was. There had been such a hope in her bright, glossy eyes; such a natural assumption and total belief that where he was, the Thompson girl was too. She had asked him that, and the rain had quickly returned.

Earlier, on an expedition to find Dakota and the rest of their friends, he, Finn, Murphy— much to his dismay— Sterling, and Monroe had come across the demolished remnants of part of the Ark. Everyone but one girl dangling from a branch on the side of a cliff had been killed upon its fiery crash. Sterling had tried to help her first, and now the image of yet another one of the hundred's deaths was burned permanently into their young brains. When he had failed, Bellamy himself had taken over. Despite many different obstacles, the girl, Mel, had been successfully rescued.

Now he was returning to the crashed Ark— the new camp— with his hand gently guiding Mel by her upper back. Octavia was by his side, Monroe leaning into her as she limped painfully along on an arrow-wounded leg. Murphy and Finn had split off to continue their search for the rest of the hundred, Finn not having wanted to pause and help Mel in the midst of his crazed hunt for Clarke.

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