chapter twelve

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-Jana pov-

It was dusk now, and a calming mood had set over LA. Grayson still drove his motorcycle but his actions seemed more subdued, less frantic. I had settled into the ride, resting my head against his back and sitting comfortably with my arms around him.

"I'm starting to think you just wanted to ride around." I commented.

He laughed. "I may have taken a few wrong turns. I like feeling the wind, it's a sort of therapy. Sorry if you-."

"No, I think I needed this too. However, my butt is starting to hurt."

Another amused laugh. "Good thing we're here then." Grayson rounded and corner, coming across a parking garage. He zoomed up the ramps, all the way to the top.

We didn't speak as he parked the motorcycle on the roof and helped me get off. We removed our helmets and placed them on the bike. I noticed how no other cars had chosen to park up here as I walked toward the edge, intrigued by the gorgeous sunset.

My jaw dropped as I reached the ledge, noticing the perfect skyline of LA. The buildings stood stark against the glowing dusk, the Hollywood sign in the distance. ""

"I know right." For the first time, Grayson's voice didn't startle me when he snuck up. Instead, I found it comforting.

"It's amazing."

"And I may have withheld some truth earlier. I wanted you to truly see the LA skyline, against the sunset. That's why I took a long time driving here."

"Really, Grayson, it's beautiful." I turned, meeting his strangely soft gaze. "Thank you for bringing me."

We fell into silence, both watching as the sun grew low over the horizon. I could hear his steady breathing beside me, as he leaned against the ledge along with me. It wasn't long before the sun disappeared entirely, and the city erupted in a dim glow of the last remnants of sun combined with the rays of the moon.

Neither of us moved as the moon and starts came out, the city lighting up with man made light. It was beautiful in different way than the city during the day. Now it was quieter, almost a smooth and calm feeling. But also a dangerous and cynical feeling lingered underneath.

However, all I could feel was comfort from the person who stood next to me, his arm grazing mine ever so often. My mind wandered to the past few weeks, even back to when I met him.

His harsh gaze and rude words had turned into late night drives as he took me home, soft flirting in the kitchen, and now star gazing on top of a parking garage.

I could feel my heart beat quicken. This was moving too fast. I barely knew him, he had a girlfriend felt like I was flying. No logical thoughts ran through my head while I was with him, only emotions.

"What are you thinking?"

"Huh?" I looked at him, panicked. "Oh, nothing."

"Do you want to head back?"

"No, I just–what is this Grayson? Why are you being so kind to me?"

We both turned fully to each other now, our eyes locked. He smirked. "I don't know, why do you think?"

"You want a distraction...just like me," I muttered, "need a distraction."

"Why do you need a distraction Jana?" He was considerably closer to me now, his lips inches from mine.

I couldn't pry my gaze from his plump lips as I spoke, "I want to forget sometimes, I guess."

"I get that." Grayson hesitated. "I feel that too."

We fell into silence again, unspoken words only being said through our gazes as our eyes flittered back and forth from each other eyes and lips.

"Can I kiss you Jana?" His voice was gentle, seemingly unsure about his words. 

My lips formed the word no, but my desires overtook me. "Please."

His lips were on mine immediately, one of his hands tilting my chin for better access as his other hand grasped my hip, pulling me flush into his frame. I melted, positively melted into his touch, my lips perfectly meshing with his. He pushed me against the ledge, his knee pushing itself in between my legs. I felt an almost euphoric feeling as I kissed Grayson, my hair being whipped by the wind with the LA skyline behind me. All he had to do push too far and I would fall. I kissed him harder.

Time didn't exist. It could have been two minutes or two hours. All I knew was myself and Grayson, that's all that existed. Our longing became more and more intense, teasing hair, tongues in mouths, kisses down necks, wandering hands, soft moans. 

Suddenly Grayson pulled back, panting as he rested his forehead on mine. "You–ah fuck." he swore, pulling completely away from me. He paced, pulling at the ends of his hair. His lips were swallow, cheeks flushed surely to match mine. I crossed my arms over my chest, feeling insecure. What did I do wrong this time?

Grayson looked over at me. "You can't tell anyone about this."


"I mean it, Jana, not even Stella."

"I won't!" I shook my head. "Let's just go."

He huffed, stomping over to his bike. I wouldn't allow him to help me with my helmet or onto the bike. I was too pissed that he just made out with me just to stop and scold me about telling someone about it. Was he embarrassed about me? 

"Take me home?" I asked, leaving no room for him to decline. 

He simply nodded, getting comfortable on the motorcycle before taking off, swerving down the ramps of the parking garage. We were closer to my apartment complex than I had thought and soon enough he was dropping me off.  

I pulled the helmet off, not sure what to do with it. "Take it, you can bring it tomorrow," he said. 

I held the heavy helmet by my side, standing by the complex door. He flipped back down his visor and revved his engine before taking off. I shook my head, very confused over the last few hours. How can he be hot and cold? I'm sick of figuring him out. I scoffed as I walked inside, better to keep my distance. 

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