Chapter 50

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(Blake's POV)

I looked over at Ruby, Weiss, Nora, and Penny.

Blake: Are you sure breaking into an Atlas Command Center is a good idea?

Ruby: Of course it is. It's the only way we'll be able to get Amity Colosseum up to get back global communications.

I took a deep breath and looked out at Atlas. After Ironwood decided that we are wanted people, any one mistake can be the deciding factor of victory or defeat.

Penny: Oh!

Ruby: Penny. Is something wrong?

Penny: Something is flying towards us at a high speed.

Weiss: Is it an enemy?

Penny: I can not tell. Something is familiar about it.

I looked over to where Penny is looking. I saw something flying towards our direction. As the thing flew closer, some of it's details started to be visible. I can see that it's (Y/N)!

Blake: It's (Y/N)!

Ruby: Really?!

(Y/N) flew down and landed in front of me. He looked up at me and immediately wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

(Y/N): Blake... I'm sorry for leaving you again.

Blake: (Y/N)...

I returned the hug, tightly holding him and not wanting to let go. We eventually broke the hug.

(Y/N): I, uh, like the new look.

I felt my face heat up from his compliment. I moved my short hair slightly.

Blake: You really think so?

(Y/N): Of course I think so. I wouldn't lie to you, Blake.

Ruby: (Y/N)'s here! You can help us!

(Y/N): Eh?

(Y/N) looked over at everyone else. He froze when he saw Penny. He took a step back as a bead of sweat came from his forehead.

(Y/N): H-How are you alive? You should be dead! I saw it with my eyes!

Penny looked concerned for (Y/N).

Penny: I'm not a real girl. I'm a robot, so it's easy for me be rebuilt.

(Y/N): Something is different from before. It's like your soul is the same, yet also different.

Ruby walked up to (Y/N) and put her hand in his shoulder.

Ruby: Her father used some of his aura to rebuild her. That's probably what you're thinking of.

(Y/N) looked over at Penny with curiosity.

(Y/N): Why does she have Maiden powers?

Nora: That's a long story that you probably won't listen to, mister leave any time we see each other.

(Y/N) stayed silent and looked away from everyone.

(Y/N): Where is my father?

Weiss: Oscar? He's not with us.

(Y/N): That doesn't answer my question. Where is my father?

Blake: Please don't worry about that right now.

I walked up to (Y/N) and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Blake: Now is not the time for those kind of things. Can we just be together without having something we can't control get in the way?

Pure Evolution (Male reader x Blake Belladonna)Where stories live. Discover now