Chapter 26

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Mirabel was fixing up the last details on my new dress as i was choosing jewelry for the night.
"Yea, it has always been that tradition in this place. Like my old man usually say: "a party can never be too big, if you live in the Encanto ha-ha.", so I guess you're right about that."
She imitated her dad with a funny look, a deeper voice and a finger over her top lip to act like she had a mustache. I laughed at her joke.
"Not even if the guy just want a tiny celebration for his birthday?" I asked and Mirabel dramatically shook her head in response and pulled the needle all the way back.

I looked down at all the beautiful jewelry on my desk, searching for the right answer with a sigh. I tapped my desk impatiently with my nail.
"Did you remember a gift by the way?" She asked and I nodded at the gold and silver.
My eyes then landed on the earrings Camilo gave me back then and I smiled. This was the right answer. Definitely.

I put them on in front of the mirror as we heard a knock on our door.
"Ladies? The first few people are here already, hurry up in there!" Felix called through the wooden door.
"Oki doki!" Mirabel yelled back with the needle in between her teeth.

"Is it ready?" I asked her.
"Barely." She sighed.
"Sorry i didn't finish it a bit earlier." She apologized and I put my hand on her back.
"It's fine, you had a crush to take care of. It looks stunning." I encouraged and she smiled proudly at her work.
The dress had the smallest details of pattern and shine. It was long and the stitchings matched my eye color. I loved it.

"Yep. Really does." She nodded proudly and then got up with a what's-next-sigh.
She rested her hands on her hips and grabbed her bag.
"I'll let you change. In the meanwhile I'm gonna help my mom." She smiled and left right after.
I put on the flowy dress with little golden flowers stitched along the ends. It was big with layers and it looked just right on my body.
I swirled around a bit, letting the skirt flow with me and I smiled.

A knock was performed once again at the wooden door and I opened up to a well known boy with curly hair and green eyes.
He was wearing a yellow vest and his long hair was pulled back into a tiny ponytail over the lower part of his fluffy brown curls. His nails were painted and his eyes were big and scanning me up and down as I shyly rubbed my arm.
His eyes landed back on mine, his lips slightly parted and his face turned heavily red.
I noticed he had never seen me so dressed up as I usually dressed very casual around him.
"wow. You look very uhmn......... wow." He stammered, completely lost for words as he rubbed his neck, keeping his eyes at mine, then my lips, then my eyes again with a nervous grin.
My face gleamed red at his words and I had to cool my cheeks a bit down by pressing my cold hands against my skin.

"wh- uh thanks." I giggled nervously, completely flattered by the boy.
"you look wow too." I smiled at him and he smirked back warmly.
"Thanks." He muttered, still keeping his eyes at my dress and for a second they stopped at my breasts, as the dress was a bit more open around my collarbones. I smirked to myself as I caught him in the act and sputtered out a short giggle.

I closed the door behind me and looked him in the eyes again. His sweet, warm, beautiful eyes.
"Uhmn do you wanna get a drink? My throat is kinda dry." He mumbled and I loudly laughed at him.
"What? Did I say something?" He asked, his eyes dancing around my face.
"C'mon." I cheered and pulled him by the hand to go downstairs.

The whole house was filled with townspeople casually greeting each other and funky decorations and food tables.
The sound of laughter from somewhere in the crowd echoed around us as I ran down the stairs with Camilo behind me.
We made our way through stacks of people sitting or standing and talking about the weather and we gently pushed our way towards the door to get some fresh air, but we got stopped by a hand pulling Camilo by the neck of his shirt.

Cat eyes (Camilo Madrigal x reader) Where stories live. Discover now