Chapter 17

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"Y/N! Y/N, YOU GOTTA CHECK THIS OUT, Y/N!" Mirabel kicked the door in with her arms out and a toothy smirk on her face. I was still asleep, so her noisy entrance startled me awake.
"...mmmh... what?" I muttered, my eyes were still too puffy and sleepy to open yet, but somehow still sat up and rubbed them.
"It's amazing! Antonio, he- I mean, the cats, you gotta see the cats!" She chuckled and danced around in a circle, not only her dumb grin, but her whole way of jumping up and down with her dramatic arm swings just screamed the word 'excitement'.
"Wha-" I yawned and stretched my arms out, before continuing, "what cats? What are you talking about?" I smiled once I spotted her little dance. She bit her lip before answering, "a cat had kittens yesterday and Antonio is supposed to ask them for any injuries or anything like that and WE ARE ALOUD TO COME SEE THEM! Baby kittens!" Her eyes were sparkling at me.
I fixed my bad posture and thought for a second. "Wait, now?" I asked.
"Yes, now! Get up and get ready." She turned on her heal and walked towards the door, but I stopped her in her tracks, "do you think I can bring my sister too?" I asked, knowing her love for pets.
"Highly doubt it. Oh, and if you want Camilo to join us, you should probably wake him up now, he takes like forever to get up." She rolled her eyes and gave me a quick thumbs up before slamming the door behind her.

I got up and got dressed and then went downstairs.
"Goodmorning, y/n" Antonio smiled from his seat.
"Morning, 'tonio" I ruffled his hair and sat down next to him.
"I saved you a waffle." He grinned proudly at me.
I gasped at the plate in front of me. "For me?" I held a hand to my chest, feeling honored.
"Mhm." He nodded.
"Thanks buddy. Hey, do you want to help me wake up your brother?" I took a single bite from the waffle.
"Okay then" he left his seat and headed towards the stairs while I muffled my way out of my seat to catch up.

"Shhh." I put a finger to my mouth and we giggled before pushing the door open, Camilo's sleep habits shining through, his arms and legs tossed to all sides, while sleeping upside down. His head dangled from the bed end, his mouth open widely while snoring. I smiled warmly at the sleepyhead with his left foot resting on his bed table, knocking over his lamp and bottle of water.
We went on our tiptoes over to the bedside and I lifted Antonio up to place a plastic spider on his stomach. Camilo slept like a rock.
Antonio then jumped up on the bed and started to shake Camilo awake.
"Camilo you gotta wake up I can't find my pet spider!" Camilo stopped snoring and mumbled something I couldn't understand. He lifted his arm to push Antonio away and then turned over to lay on his stomach, the fake spider falling off of him.
I quickly grabbed the spider and placed it this time on his chin.
"...I'm asleep." He mumbled and took a hand up to scratch his chin, feeling something furry against his finger. His eyes opened widely at that.
"Oh, there he is." Antonio said from beside him."EEEEEK" Camilo jumped up at those words, quickly taking his hands up to brush at his chin, "GET IT AWAY, GET IT AWAY!" He yelped, Antonio and I cracking up at his reaction. "where is it?!" He quickly turned his head in all directions, "WHERE-..." he spotted the fake spider in his lap, his frightened face slowly faded and he took it into his hands.
"It's fake." He gave us a death stare and we cracked up even harder. I high-fived Antonio, "you scream like a girl!" I cackled, wrapping my arms to my stomach. He stuck his tongue out at me and took Antonio into his lap and started tickling him. Antonio bursted into a happy laughter, "that's what you get." Camilo attacked the poor little boy with his fingers, "It was her idea!", Antonio threw me under the bus while pointing at me. I tried to run away, but Camilo catches my arm before I could take another step. "Oh nonono, you're not going anywhere hermosa!" He pulled me onto the bed and Antonio quickly ran out the door to freedom. I screamed happily, Camilo tickled me, while I fought to get away, but his hold on me was too strong. We both maniacally giggled as we tumbled around on the mattress.
"Help! Help!" I reached my hand out to push myself away from him, but he wrapped his arm around my torso and pulled me right back to where I started. "No!" I giggled so hard I couldn't talk anymore, I just gave up and let him tickle me as much he liked. My body went weak from laughing and I used my last bit of energy to pull him by the neck of his shirt and push him down on the bed. Now I was the tickler, not the tickled.

After play fighting for another 20 minutes, Antonio's head peaked through the door.
"Are you guys coming or what?" He shook his head at us, towering over each other like playful lion cubs and laughing like it was a matter of life or death.
I saw my opportunity, while Camilo was distracted by Antonio and pushed him away from me, resulting in him being shoved a bit too close to the edge and stumbling down to the floor. I cracked up at how easily he flew to the ground and Camilo joined in on my laughter. I'm guessing this is the kind of feeling people are talking about, when they say you'll laugh at anything at the moment.
I leaned forward while holding my stomach, giggling while Camilo was fighting to push his upper body over the edge of his bed, creating a tight space between our faces. I breathed for air, trying to calm my laughing, but ended up wheezing while falling on my back, down on the sheets again.
I chuckled a bit at the ceiling before turning my head to the very confused little Antonio. "We'll be there in a minute."

Cat eyes (Camilo Madrigal x reader) Where stories live. Discover now