Chapter 7

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"Morning princesa" Camilo bursted into my door with a tray of food and juice.
"Sorry to interrupt your beauty sleep" he apologized as he put the tray down.
I groaned, while turning over to the other side in annoyance.
"Woah, nice ride" he exclaimed teasingly.
"Huh?" I turned over and squinted my puffy eyes at the obstacle on the floor.
A big wheelchair with a red bow on it took place in the middle of the room.
"Jesus Christ." I sighed, melting my face back into my pillow.
"It's not that bad, you just gotta get used to it" he tried to cheer me up. I groaned into the warm sheets of my pillow. I turned my face, to see him shape-shift into me and sitting down into the chair. "It's quite comfortable I'd say" he smiled reassuring at me. "10 out of 10 for the comfort of the seat, zero out of ten for the giant bow in my neck." He tried to cheer me up, as he could tell I was feeling bad about myself being so weak.
"That's something at least" I sat up and rubbed my eye bags.
"I GOT IT, I GOT IT" a squeaky laughter filled the room at the time a little girl and boy chased a butterfly into the room.
Camilo shape shifted into a tall man and grabbed after the butterfly, capturing it between his hands. "I got it." He smiled proudly.
My sister and the boy from earlier gasped synchronized at how easily he caught it.
"Show me, show me!" Julia jumped up and down in excitement. Camilo kneeled down in front of her and opened his palm a tiny bit for the girl to see and at the same time not let the poor butterfly escape his grasp.
Julia gasped. "It's so pretty" she clapped in her little hands.
"I wanna see" the boy tapped her shoulder, letting Julia move aside. He looked in between Camilos' fingers "woahh. I've never been so close to a butterfly before" he gasped. Camilo chuckled and then turned his head over to me.
"Do you wanna see?" He asked. I nodded.
He moved over to me and kneeled in front of the bed I was sitting on.
He held out his hands, I wrapped mine around his, to inspect the insect better.
I looked in between his fingers.
"You should probably let it go" I said, noticing how it desperately paced around in confused little circles, searching for an exit. He turned over to the kids behind him. "Do you want to say goodbye first?"
"BYEBYE" Julia waved at the traumatized insect.
"Bye!" The boy also waved his goodbyes.
Camilo then let it fly out the window.

"Who is your boyfriend, Julia?" I teased my sister, receiving a glance from her.

"This is Antonio, and he's NOT my boyfriend." Julia protested. "Alright, just asking." I smiled innocently, well aware of what I was doing.
"Antonio's my littlebro" Camilo explained.
"The ugly one is, sadly, my hermana" I responded.
Camilo bursted into laughter, surprised by sudden roast.

"HEY!" Julia frowned at me, while crossing her arms like tinker-belle. I joined in on Camilo's laughing. I don't know what was so funny, but all of a sudden I couldn't stop laughing.

"Gee what a laugh you have" Camilo smiled.

"What?" I snickered, trying to calm my laugh-attack.
"Not in a mean way, I like it" he tried not to smile at my sudden change of expression. A pink hue covered my cheeks.
"Thank you." I looked down at my hands with a goofy smile on my face. Jesus, what a reaction to a simple compliment.
"WhO's yoUr boYfRieNd, y/N?" My sister mocked. I looked her straight in the eye.
"If I could walk, you'd be a very dead girl by now, you little-" Julia giggled and ran out the door, screaming-laughing down the hallway, Antonio running after her.
"You didn't answer her question."
"Nothing" he slouched over to close the window again.
"Okay. Help me up in my wheelchair, I need to chase a little child" Camilo smirked and rushed over, putting my arm around his shoulder and lifting me up, over to the wheelchair.

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