Chapter 25

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The day had come and we all did our best to get ready for the big party. Even my family came to help with getting the casa ready.

Dolores walked right past me as I tried to swing a garland over a nail.
"Oh hey Dolores, can you give me a hand over here?" I asked and handed her the other end of the colorful garland.
"Yes, but I don't think even I can reach that high. Why don't you ask Camilo?" She smiled, not even giving it a try.
"Oh. Okay then." I gently smiled and looked around the big open space around the entrance of the casa, but found no Camilo.

"He's been staring at you for the past thirty minutes now." Mirabel scoffed as she sneaked up beside me.
"What?" I questioned and Mirabel pointed up to the tower window over us, where Camilo was washing his dads face with the cleaning cloth he was using, completely unaware of his act as he was looking down at me and Mirabel with his chin resting on his other hand.
I sputtered out laughing as Felix called his name and Camilo jumped up at his yell and snapped back into reality.
He fell back on his ass and muffled around on the ground as Felix shook his head in disappointment.
Mirabel and I cracked up laughing until our stomachs hurt and Camilo gave us a look from the window.

"No time for laughing, the guests are going to be here in twenty minutes! Get going, find a broom, be useful!" Alma shooed us away.

Mirabel and I then found our way to the tool room in order to find what was needed.
"You got a date yet?" Mirabel smirked as she pulled out a broom from the corner.
"A date? I didn't know you were supposed to bring a date." I replied and Mirabel stopped.
"Oh come ON. It's only like the number one rule when there's a big celebration in town." She explained and waved me with her out of the small room.
"How was I supposed to know that, I've only lived here for like a few weeks?"
"Good point." She said.
I closed the door behind us and there was a little silence as we walked.

"Maybe you should be the one to ask." She suggested.
She nodded against the boy in a yellow ruana running across the hallway while turning his head in all directions. He was clearly looking for someone.
I gulped. How was I going to ask him? I hadn't prepared anything.
He ran backwards right at our direction with his hands full of boxes with glitter, serpentines and other decorations.
Unfortunately I hadn't the time to move aside, leading us to crash together as he was speeding at us quite fast and confetti slowly fell from the sky as we both looked up in sync.
We landed on the floor just as all the stuff he was holding earlier and I took a hand to my head.
"Dude." I slightly hissed at him, not feeling too angry about it.
"Whoops. Sorry, princesa, didn't see ya there." He excused and started collecting small table decorations in his hand.
I instantly helped him.
"Uh I gotta go, y/n.... To uh, do important stuff." Mirabel quickly excused herself and winked at me, hinting it was time to ask him about the fiesta.

I sorted the unused balloons into a plastic bag and hesitated to speak.
"Uhm, so Camilo..." I tucked my hair behind my ear to see better what I was doing.
I looked up at him, realizing he was staring directly at me and had stopped putting glittery stars into the box next to him.
My heartbeat sped up as his eyes catches mine in the moment.
"I- uh, I wanted to uhmn.." I cleared my throat as I felt my voice getting a bit shaky. What was I so nervous about?
"-I wanted to ask you, if..... ifyouhaveadatefortonight?" I stammered and gulped down my words unpleasantly.
I kept my eyes at my hands as he processed my question.
"No." He responded.
"Are you asking me out, hermosa?" He implied with a lower tone in his voice, clearly to tease me. I could feel his annoying smile through his words.
"N-No, I was just uh. I didn't mean it like that-" I mumbled, feeling my cheeks start to burn.
"How did you mean it then?" He asked and we both reached for the same glitter glue, leading our fingers to connect and I felt my heart skip a beat as I quickly took my hand into my chest.
"Uhmn... Just asking." I replied hesitant and looked up into his lovely green eyes.

Cat eyes (Camilo Madrigal x reader) Where stories live. Discover now