Chapter 20

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- Camilo's POV -

A bright light was shining through my eyelids and I couldn't ignore it anymore. I softly groaned and squinted my eyes open to the bright sun, embracing the whole Encanto with it's rays of light and life, but soon I realized what position I was in and my cheeks went gleaming red. My eyes widened at y/n, laying there, peacefully sleeping in my arms. I slightly gasped when I noticed how we were wrapped up in each other like a braid. Her leg was laying in between mine and her hands were snuggled up between our chests, leaving out minor twitches once in a while. Her head was resting on my right arm and my left one was curled around her waist. I gave out a couple of fast blinks before taking it all in. I think this is the closest we have ever been to each other. I felt my heart racing a bit inside but at the same time I was calm. I lifted my arm to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear to see her better. She was beautiful even when she was sleeping. I caught myself smiling at her sleepy figure before I removed my hand from her and she gave out a little hum and started to work up her face muscles. Shit.
I quickly put my arm back around her waist and shut my eyes closed. I have no idea why I instantly faked my sleeping, but my reflexes kicked in and it was her time to wake up.

- y/n's POV -

I scrunched my eyebrows together in annoyance of ending my dream so fast. I wanted to continue so bad, but you can't go back to a dream you can't remember.
I blinked my eyes open, staring into the collar of a white shirt. My eyes popped open at the sight in front of me. I left out a soft gasp before looking down, feeling my body come to life again. How in the whole wide world did we end up like this? My heart started racing while I silently took a few seconds to process what was really going on. I then smiled at his sleeping figure and enjoyed the closure of him.
I saw my opportunity and moved a few centimeters closer to him in order to sneak my arm around him and snuggle my head closer to his chest. I gave him a little hug and then let go to roll over and crawl out from his arms, but Camilo pulled me back by the waist and was now cuddling me from behind. I felt my cheeks blush at that.
I blinked nervously at his arm around my waist. My heart fluttered, I curled my legs up and closed my eyes. What was I thinking, leaving his grasp like that?
After a few minutes I felt my eyes getting used to the bright sun shining directly at my eyelids and felt my mind going blank as I peacefully almost made my way into a deep slumber, when I heard Mirabel's voice after stumbling her way to get up from the madras, "well aren't you two just adorable" deep inside I wanted to ignore her and pretend to be asleep, but my eyes very quickly revealed that I was still awake. Mirabel smirked down at me with her arms crossed in front of her. "Shut up." I whispered back at her, I couldn't help but smile a bit.
She scrunched her nose in response and started carrying her pillows and such back to our room.
I turned around to face the sleeping Camilo, my eyebrows colliding and my lips curled into a smile in awe. He looked absolutely adorable when sleeping. I couldn't resist, I stretched my neck and gave him a small peck on his cheek before crawling out of his arms.
I started helping Mirabel with carrying out anything but the madras Camilo was laying on.

"Where the heck were you guys last night?" Isabela stopped us in our tracks when we suspiciously passed by her with a couple of quilts and pillows in our hands.
"Uhh, in our rooms?" Mirabel tried with a toothy crooked smile to convince her sister, but she didn't believe a word, "then why weren't you there when I went to check?" She looked down at the gulping girl.
"I think she caught onto us." Mirabel whispered to me like Isabela wasn't standing right in front of us.
"Yea no shit." I whispered back, keeping eye on Isabela.
"You know I can hear you right?" She crossed her arms while raising a tired brow at us.
"Abort mission." Mirabel whispered to me fast and we both pushed our way past Isabela and ran back to our room and locked the door.

We both slid down the back of the door and tried to calm our breathing. We had eye contact and started giggling at each other. I got up to reach Mirabel a hand. "That was close." She gave me a little smile while I helped her up.
We heard a knock from the door.
"Who is it?" I yelled.
"You got a visitor, y/n." Luisa yelled back.
"A visitor? Who could that be?" Mirabel asked, I shrugged in response and went out to the front door.

"Marcos." I smiled at the boy in front of me.
"Hey, y/n." He smiled back at me.
"What are you doing here?" I leaned on the doorframe.
"Honestly I came to se you." He chuckled, seeming a bit shy from last time I saw him.
"Oh. Why?" I gave him a confused face.
He laughed a little again, "why? Because you're interesting." He smirked and looked me in the eyes, caughting me off guard.
"You think so?" I scrunched my nose in disbelief and let my head lean a bit to the side.
"Oh come on, don't embarrass me like that." His eyes were glimpsing at me, "I wanted to ask if... if you would like to eat dinner with me?" He blew his curly hair away from his eyes and smiled warmly at me.
"Uhm sure, I don't think I have any plans today. What time will you be here?" I asked him casually. His face lit up a bit, "is six thirty okay with you?" He asked me, his eyes twinkling at me.
"Yea, I-" I said, a voice behind me sneaked up on our conversation, "who are you talking to?.... Oh. Hi Marcos." Camilo's voice quickly dropped its positive tone.
"Hello Camilo. How are you, amigo?" Marcos shifted his weight from foot to foot.
"Fine." I could tell Camilo wasn't in for small talk. "I'll see you tonight, Marcos." I excused a smile and waved him goodbye. "Yea, see you tonight. I'm looking forward to it." He winked at me before I closed the door.
"..."See you tonight"?..." Camilo raised a brow at me, "he invited me to dinner." I answered him.
His face melted into a more serious expression, "'re going on a date with him?" His lips slightly parted.
Wait a minute. "He was asking me on a date?!" My eyes flew up to his. Camilo's lips curled into a hidden smile. "Oh no.. I've never gone on a date before" I panicked.
Did this mean he likes me? Was it a friendly date? What will I even wear?
"Then don't go." He suggested, turning around to go up the stairs, "no way! I can't do that to him just because I'm chickening out." I dramatically took a deep breath in through the nose, "I got this, It's gonna be fine."
"Except you don't." He grinned to himself.
"I don't." I slightly gritted my teeth before asking him, "will you help me? Please?" I gave him my best puppy eyes and let my hands beg him for help. He scoffed, "Those don't work on me." He smirked and my face gave up on the act.
"But you'll do it anyway because you're a good person?" I smiled at him innocently while he opened the door to his room.
"I guess I will." He sighed and dumped down on his bed, curling his legs up to a comfortable position.
"Thanks." I smiled and let myself plop down next to him and my head fell into his lap.
"Ugh but what if he likes me? What do I do then?" I groaned, letting out my thoughts.
"Well, you don't have a crush on him, right?" He looked down at me almost pausing his body in position.
"no." I answered back. Camilo breathed out and came to life again, "good, then just tell him to fuck off. Easy peasy." He started to play around with my hair.
"I don't know Camilo... I can't just tell him off like that." I frowned a little while thinking for a second. "how do you tell someone you don't like them, without TELLING them you don't like them?" I then asked with a more serious look. I needed genuine answers.
Camilo scratched his chin to make it seem like he was thinking big thoughts. He then smacked his lips after getting an idea, "you could say you hate men with muscles and ugly dimples and that you would never date a baker because they stink?" He suggested, I raised my brow at him, "how the heck would that solve anything?" I asked.
"Duh. You would roast his ugly features while talking about your ideal type, which makes him realize he doesn't have a chance with you." He explained proudly with a little grin.
"I don't want to be rude to him." I then said. He twirled my hair lock around his finger, "hmm..... then just say you have a boyfriend." My face lit up at the idea, but then I remembered something, "no, he would just ask to get introduced to him and then things would get too complicated." I sighed.
"Then I'll play the boyfriend." Camilo suggested and I didn't really think it that much through before answering, "okay then." with a smile. We then started practicing lies about how we got together and such.
To be honest it sounded a bit fun to have a fake relationship like this and I couldn't help but get a little excited about it.

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