Chapter 12

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"Y/n, your family is here!" Pepa shouted at me across the house with a little thunder cloud floating over her head.
"Oh, COMING!" I shouted back before giving Mirabel a little wave and making my way to the front door.

I greeted my parents and abuela and showed them the way to the dining room.
We all sat down after greeting each other and I sat between Dolores and Mirabel while facing Camilo from the other side of the table.
He gave me a little smile and then quickly turned his head to hear Alma's greeting speech before we started on the food.
"And we're all very happy to have y/n here, in the Casita with us. Your daughter has been so nice to us all and we are all thankful for the four of you to join us tonight. We are looking forward to connect close roots with another magical family..."

I felt a kick over my shin and made a little Grimasse in response to the pain. I looked back at Camilo, the kicker. I gave him a questioning look. He nodded towards the ground and now I was even more confused. He just smiled and reached an arm under the table. I did the same. I searched for his hand for a few seconds and finally touched his fingertips and made my way into his palm. I could feel a little piece of paper and took it, gliding my hand away from his almost in slow motion. I wanted the touch to last just a second longer. I unfolded the piece of paper in front of me and started reading.

"You look very pretty today.
I have to show you something after dinner, meet me outside when we're done?"

I smiled widely at the compliment and then nodded at him in response, he smiled back. I put the little note into my pocket, treasuring it forever.

"Psst! What did it say?" Mirabel whispered at me.
"He wants to show me something after dinner." I whispered back into her ear. She smirked at me. I shook my head with a sly smile and started picking at my fingers.
" let's dig into the lovely meal Julieta prepared for us." Alma ended and finally sat down.
I started poking at my arepa with a fork. I took a pea-sized bite out of it.
I felt another kick against my shin.
"Wanna switch plates? I haven't touched anything, I just realized this salad has got tomatoes in it." He pouted at his plate.
"What, you don't like tomatoes??" I switched our plates' positions with a confused face.
"I despise them." He acted like he was throwing up to show his undying hate for tomatoes.
"He's very picky." Dolores muttered beside me.
"I'm just saying, if I ever was in a room full of explosions, and the only way for me to get out of there, was to eat a tomato, I would die." He shrugged.
"How the fuck would you even get in that situation?" Luisa stared at him from right beside him with a concerned look.
"In case a mad crazy person decides to kidnap me to be his lab rat?" He answered.
I grinned at how dumb his comment was. His attention flew to me at that.
"See, y/n has a sense of humor." He smiled proudly.
"Or maybe she just laughed at how ugly your face is." Isabela smirked pettily from the end of the table.
"She would never. I'm too handsome for that" he strikes a pose.
"Nah, I think I'll have to agree with Isabela" I teased.
"Wha-" he lifted his upper lip in disbelief at me. I wasn't sure if he knew I was joking, so I just quickly mumbled "joking." In response, to make sure it was clear. Big mistake.
"So you think he's handsome?" Mirabel gave me and elbow in my side.
"I didn't say that." I giggled nervously.
"But you thought it." Mirabel tilted her head at me with a teasing face. She was putting me in the spot now. My cheeks gleamed pink at that.
"Ooooh, y/n's got a boyfriEeEnD" Julia sang from a few seats away. Gosh she was so annoying.
"Shut up, Julia!" I looked her straight in the eyes, fighting so hard to hold my smile back.
"You have a boyfriend, mi amor?" My mamá smiled at me from beside Julia's mischievous grin. I will deal with her later.
"Noo!" I whined. This was getting out of hand.
"Who is it, querida?" My dad smiled at me.

"Me!" Camilo stood up with a big toothy grin plastered on his face. What the heck was he up to now?
Everybody was stunned at that and the table went silent.
"Wait, what?" Julia was completely lost now.
"Yea, me and y/n are dating. You said it yourself, right?" He smirked at the poor girl, scratching her head. I wanted to dissolve into the floor and never see the light of day again.
"Uhhh, sí?" She attempted, leaning her head to the side in pure confusion.
Now it was my time to kick a shin. I gave him a look, saying something like "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU DOING??" he just gave me a reassuring smile, like he knew exactly what he was doing. He was playing a big prank on everyone and they all believed in it.
"We might as well make it official, now that you're all here. We even agreed on getting married in the future." He smiled proudly at the crowd.
"Psh you wish." Mirabel whispered, making me chuckle a bit.
Camilo cleared his throat to continue, but couldn't hold it in any longer. He started laughing. Really loud. The kind of laugh that comes from deep in your stomach, a real laugh.
"look at your faces!" he held his hands to his stomach, breathing for air and wiped a single tear from under his eye.
"IT WAS A JOKE" he cracked up at his own prank and everybody stopped holding their breaths and went back into mumbling to each other. He sat down again with a proud grin.

"Are you crazy?!" I loudly whispered at him.
"Maybe, but I thought it was funny. don't you?" He snickered.
"NO? My parents are going to ask me so many questions!" My eyes widened at the thought. This is going to be extremely embarrassing.
"I'm sorry." He tried to hold a straight face while keeping eye contact with me and that made both of us crack up for no reason. This was so dumb. We had to leave the table because we couldn't control our laughter.

Camilo started saying stupid shit, making me laugh till there wasn't coming any sound out of me. I tried waving at him, to stop, cause I couldn't breath at this point, but he didn't stop at that and we had a wonderful time, just making complete fools out of ourselves in front of our families.

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