Chapter 13

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Camilo and I had to excuse ourselves from the table from giggling too much. We stumbled like drunks out the door, my cheeks hurt from laughing so hard.

After we had walked a bit through town and talked about all sorts of things in the world, I reminded him of the note.
"You said you wanted to show me something?" My eyes smiled at him.
"Oh yeah! Good you reminded me, I almost forgot." He suddenly took my hand and started running, making me burst out a little "woah." Due to the random yoink.
We ran through town and up towards the mountains.

I started to get a bit impatient with all the walking and began huffing out annoyed groans once in a while, partly because of the pain in my stomach whenever I walked.
"Are we there yet?" I panted. I had just gotten free from the wheelchair yesterday and could barely walk without that sting of pain in my side, therefore it wasn't easy walking for so long. He was craving too much of me, even though it wasn't such a steep hill we were walking on.
"Are you already tired?" He had completely forgotten about how new I was to walking.
I just hummed in response, releasing my sweaty hands from his grip to hold onto my knees, wheezing for air like I had an asthma attack.
"I'm sorry, I was pushing you too hard." He walked towards me and put a hand on my shoulder.
"It's- it's fine." I gasped. I felt that sharp pain in my side again. I insisted on getting to the top, even though my legs were getting tired.
Camilo swooped his arms underneath me and picked me up in bridal-style while casually smiling at my flustered face like it was normal to pick someone up like that. I wasn't prepared for the sudden lift and almost fell off by tussling too much in shock. "Hold on tight." He whispered and carried me all the way.
I started to relax and just enjoyed the comfort of his grasp. Either he was incredibly strong or I had just lost 10 pounds from not eating shit for almost two weeks.

Finally he put me down on the soft grass and he sat down beside me. We were sitting on top of a high cliff, with a single tree next to us. It was a really big tree too, and it had a little swing on it. The view was beautiful from up here. I could see the whole town from where I sat. I crawled closer to the edge to see better. The sun was about to set, giving everything a red-ish glow. It was so peaceful and quiet up here.
"It's... amazing." My eyes sparkled at the aesthetic of it all.
"I know." He crawled up next to me, our feet dangling off the edge.

"I uhm. Made you something..." he reached into his pocket.
"I know it's small..." he held out a little ceramic cat in his palm. It was painted black with glowing yellow eyes. "It just sort of reminded me of you. Sorry, it's a little stupid" he rubbed his neck awkwardly with a shy giggle.
I gasped in awe, "i love it." I gave him a big grin from ear to ear and took the key-sized creation into my hands. He gave me a crooked smile in return, "I'm glad you like it."
I reached to give him a big hug. He chuckled and hugged me back, a little tighter than I expected.
"Thank you." I whispered into his ear, smiling into the crook of his neck. He smelled like fresh oranges and sunlight.
I pulled away awkwardly from his arms with a shy smile on my lips.
An awkward silence flew by for a few seconds, before I turned my face back to the sun.
"Thank you for taking me here." I watched my legs dangle happily, like a dog waving its tail.
"You're welcome." I could feel his stare on me and I felt a rush of blood streaming to my face. Gosh the affect this boy had on me was extreme.

"So," he laid down on the grass with his arms folded behind his head. "How was it living in your old town?" He asked.
I turned my head back at him and then muffled my way down next to him.
"To be honest... I miss it sometimes. I grew up there y'know?" I looked up at the clouds.
"I get it. If I were to leave the Encanto I would cry for days." He said, making snicker a bit.
"Do you think the others are getting worried about where we are?" I turned my face at him, staring into his beautiful green eyes.
"Nah. They're too busy, talking about how they like the smell of their own farts anyway." I scoffed at his stupid response.
"Right." I faced the sky again.
"Hey, that cloud kinda looks like a heart!" I pointed at the sky, to where I found it.
He nudged a bit closer to my arm, to follow its direction with his eyes. he gasped, "you're right!" He erupted. "And that one looks like a dolphin!" He pointed at another cloud.
Now I had to work my way closer to him, making my head crash into his. "ow." We chronically took our hands to our heads, touching the source of the pain.
"Sorry." I giggled.
"You only get away with that because you're pretty." He mumbled with a little smirk on his face.
My lips slightly parted at that and my cheeks flushed again.
"What?" He giggled at my dumbfounded face.
I realized that our faces were inches from each other, making me sit up instantly.
"Uhm... uhh, can you push me on the swing?" I panickly spat out to move on from the situation.
"Sure." He got up and reached me a hand, to pull me up.
"After you, princesa." He shapeshifted into some sort of fancy butler and held out a hand to lead me onto the swing.
"Why thank you, good sir." I played along, holding in my laugh while sitting down on the swing.
We watched the sun set while he pushed me gently on my back.
I held an extremely tight grip onto the ropes, since my whole body was practically floating over about 15 meters to ground every time I flew forward.
I started giggling of pure joy and dangled my legs again. I felt sort of free every time that funny tickle reached my stomach. I laughed and started happily screaming "I'm king of the world!" At the top of my lungs, making Camilo cackle behind me and whoop in excitement.
I tried to close my eyes, enjoying the feeling of fresh air rushing at my face. My hair danced behind me and for a moment I felt infinite.
This was definitely one of those unforgettable moments in my life, I will always remember.

Cat eyes (Camilo Madrigal x reader) Where stories live. Discover now