Chapter 18

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"Yea, but why did you have to wake me up at 9 AM?" Camilo swung my hand back and forth while the four of us were strolling down the city to the cat lady's house. I heard she owns about 13 cats, but I wasn't completely sure.
"Well, what time do you usually wake up?" I asked. "We all wake up at 8 AM on usual work days, but in the weekends I wake up at around two or maybe three PM?"
My jaw divorced the rest of my face. Mirabel giggled next to us, "that's only because you go to bed at around 4-AM."
My tummy started rumbling. "I'm hungry, can we stop for food?" I took my other hand to my stomach. "Sure, we still have 20 minutes before we have to be there." Mirabel answered and we went to a little bakery near us.

A little bell chimed over the head of the door frame, when we entered. A boy my age stood behind the counter.
"Hello Mirabel, long time no see." He smiled warmly at her while drying his hands in his apron. "Hola Marcos."
Camilo, Antonio." He greeted the boys. "Marcos." Camilo gave him a cold look.
"Hello mr. Marcos!" Antonio waved, Marcos waved back. "You know him?" I whispered at Mirabel. "Yea, he's kinda my ex boyfriend." She excused a smile.
"I don't recognize your pretty friend though, are you new here?" Marcos leaned on the counter. I blushed a little at the sudden compliment. "Uh yes, I moved here a couple of weeks ago." I replied shyly.
"Ahh. What's your name, bella?"
"y/n... nice to meet y-"
"MARCOS!" A deep male voice called from the back. "Hold on, my boss is calling me." He turned to the door behind him.
"I fucking hate that guy." Camilo mumbled.
"Why? He doesn't seem that bad." I wondered out loud.
"He's a menace to society. Una per-" he realized he was standing right next to a five year old. "I mean he's a P- to the - E - to the - N - to the - D - E - J - O." He folded his arms in front of him. "I can't believe you're still not over it." Mirabel rolled her eyes. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE OVER IT, he practically stole your heart and then he put it in a torture machine and then he chewed on it and spat it out, stomped on it, pushed it off a cliff, screamed at it, took a shit on it, shredded it to pieces and baked the pieces in a microwave, then he-" Camilo spouted with angry body language, throwing his arms out in despair.
"He kissed another girl on my birthday when we were dating.... Like two years ago." She rolled her eyes. "Oh." I nodded and then started to laugh a little at how overprotective Camilo was when it came to his favorite cousins heart.
"What are we laughing at?" Marcos came back through the door. "Nothing." Camilo quickly answered. "Okay then." He nervously giggled, "I'm awfully sorry for making you wait, have you decided on what to get?" I looked through the glass to check out all the pretty cakes and delicious breads.
"I want the jaguar cake!" Antonio pointed at a little cupcake with yellow frosting, forming a jaguar head with chocolate-chips for eyes.
"Then, I'll have the cat." I said and Mirabel chose the butterfly one and Camilo, the chameleon one and soon we were on our way to mrs. Lopéz' house again.

- time skip -

Camilo handed me a little feeding bottle for the baby kitten in my lap. We were all sitting in a circle on the floor with a kitten in each of our arms, me and Camilo shared as there were only three of them, which gave me the best excuse to sit close against Camilo, our sides touching.
"Look at this wittle guyy" Mirabel nudged her nose against the sleepy kitten in her arms. "Have you decided on names yet, Miss?" Camilo asked the elder woman, petting the mother cat in her lap. Turns out she did, in fact own 13+ cats. She shook her head, "Nono, you can name them." Her shaky voice spoke.
"Sweet, I'm gonna name this one Sir. Meowthington the III. OOH! Or Buttlicker or Rainbow Power Glitter Puff Pinkie-Poo, Hank The Tank, Doctor Whiskers, Cheeto Burrito, Jazzy Mcfluffster, Sylvester, Good ol' Dingle Dangle, or how about dickfa-" "When you have children... please let your partner choose the name." Mirabel did a face and I bursted into laughter, startling the kitten awake. When I calmed my laughing, I suggested, "I want to name this guy, Ignis, it's Latin, meaning fire, which reminds me of his little mark here." I pointed at the little flame on the cats' forehead.
"Wait how do we tell if it's a boy or a girl?" Antonio pouted, while lifting it to search for certain body parts.
"Look at the as- I mean butthole." Camilo answered.
"I think mine is a girl." Mirabel said.
"Mine too!" Antonio said.
Camilo lifted the kitty's tiny tail in my lap. "Yep, it's a boy. Tough luck big guy." Camilo let go of the kitten to sleep again.
"Mine is called Parce, just like my pet jaguar at home." Antonio giggled as the cat rubbed cheek against his.
"Okay, then I want to name this little cutie, Esmeralda, cause her eyes are green, which is actually really rare for a cat... I think?" She kissed the cat's nose, making it flinch back and snore with its eyes slowly closing.
Camilo pat Ignis' head.
"By the way, did you start reading the book I gave you?" I asked Camilo. He took his time to think and then remembered what I was talking about, "oh, you mean "two leaves and a rose"? Yea, I got to the first 20 pages and then I fell asleep." He admitted, I scoffed. "You need to have a little patience for the story to begin-"
"Oh no, It's raining! Now I can't go play with Julía." Antonio pouted. "You can visit her tommorow. I actually think it's about dinner time already." Mirabel said.
"How long have we been here?" I asked, "about four or five hours I think." Mirabel shrugged.
"You kids should go home, I'm sure your family is waiting for you at this time." The elder woman said from her chair.

"Thank you for having us, Miss Lopéz!" Camilo waved at the elder on his way out. The rain was pouring down like crazy outside. Camilo walked over to Antonio, holding his ruana out to protect him from the rain. Mirabel took a deep breath, clutching the strap of her shoulder bag, "here we go-" she was a millisecond from stepping out into the rain, when a voice yelled through the sound of rain from across the street, "wait!" Marcos ran over to us, holding two umbrellas, one over his head, the other closed in his hand.
"I got you these." He panted, when he arrived to us.
"Thank you so much, Marcos." Mirabel smiled friendly at him and took the umbrella in his hand. "I'm sorry, I only had two and I saw you guys standing here, so I thought... well anyways you're welcome." He chuckled nervously, his dimples showing up.
"Would you like to be under mine, bella?" He took his hand out for me to accept, "I have a name y'know.", I accepted his offer either way even though I would've preferred to be stuck under Camilo's umbrella, but I couldn't let Marcos down like that.
"Sorry, y/n was it?" We walked into the rain, our shoulders touching to keep inside the umbrella. "Yea." I shivered and rubbed my hands on my arms to gain heat.
"Are you cold?" He asked, I hummed in response with an excusing smile. I was clambering my arms to my chest, realizing the stupidity in wearing a t-shirt in this kind of weather. "Hold this." He handed me the umbrella and then took off his jacket. "I hope this will do." He handed me the jacket and took back the umbrella, our hands touching at each giving and receiving. I put the coat around me, breathing out in relief, my teeth shaking. "Better?" His brown eyes smiled at me. "Better." I smiled back, "thanks."
"So, where are you from?" He asked, and we soon began small talk through the rain.

When we reached to the house, he told me to stop by his bakery again some time. I said I would be honored and he bowed a "farewell m'lady" and kissed my hand goodbye like a real gentleman, leaving me a bit awkwardly speechless.
As soon as he turned to leave, Camilo saw his opportunity to shape-shifte into Marcos and mock his "farewell m'lady", making me laugh a little.

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