Chapter: Thirteen

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I heard a slow, but steady beeping. My vision was still black. I tried sitting up but what felt like a hand set me back down on a bed. 

"1 years later and we finally revive you. Congratulations you're a new person." I voice said. My eyes soon cleared up and I could see. The man threw the bandage in a garbage. I looked down at myself. Attached to many wires. 

"O-One year? I coughed. My throat was so dry. 

"You Haven't had water down your throat in a year. Don't talk so much or you'll hurt yourself." He handed me a cup of water and I drank it quickly. Lubing my throat. 

"Y/n, I'm sure your wondering what happened." The guy with pale skin pulled a stool next the my bed. 

"Mmm....I hummed. 

"You had died. One of my ninja killed you out of anger. After I told him no relations with you. Forgive him he has no temper. It took time but, I found the ingredients to bring you back to life. It will take time but you'll be back to full power." He handed me more water to drink. 

"What about Konoha? That's all I could think about. Kakashi probably thinks I'm dead. What if he moved on and forgot about me? 

"You'll never return Y/n. Your life is here now. Think about all the power we could have together. Help me grow my army." He looked into my eyes with desire. 

"O-okay. Where will I stay? 

"Here with us. This is your room now." He held out his arm showing the bedroom. I looked around realizing I was in an actual room. With a bed and a nightstand with a dresser. 

"Oh, is the other Ninja living here? 

He shook his head and smiled. 

"No, No, it's just me, you and my other follower. They are out on missions too much to even live here." He stood up messing with the machines I was wired to.  

"Whos the other? 

"Some girl a little younger than you,  powerful just like you." He put a new bag on my IV pole. The liquid was clear before. Now its a dark blue. 

"What's that." I asked a bit frightened. 

"Something to help your body relax. You were just dead for a year Y/n. Don't question my ways to help you live." He left the room. 


I lost track of time. The only things I did was sleep and stair at the walls. I didn't eat food. I had a feeding tube in my nose. And My IV kept my Hydrated. 

"Y/n, It's time." Said Mr. Pale skin. 

"For what? I asked as he undid all the wires. 

"This might feel weird." He pulled out my feeding tube that was deep in my nose. 

"Yuck! I felt liquid drip down my nose to my lips. I wiped it up with my sleeve. Pale skin, helped me up out of bed slowly. I wobbled slightly. I haven't walked in a year. I held onto his arm as we walked out of my room and down the hall. About halfway I could walk on my own. 

He knocked on a door and a girl with collarbone length hair opened the door. She had big gray/blue eyes and light gray hair, almost white. She was so young and sweet looking. 

"Yes? She said. 

"This is Y/n. She'll be your teammate. Y/n this is Kai the girl I spoke to you about." He introduced us. 

"Um, Nice to meet you Kai." I smiled. She smiled back and nodded.

 "You two will train together. Using your powers to your full advantage. You'll spy and receive information's from organizations. Like Orochimaru, He is one of my biggest targets. Along with the Akatsuki." 

"Understand." Me and Kai said at the same time. 

"Your training begins now. Y/n go back to your room and get dressed." Pale skin walked away into the dark hall. Kai had already shut her door. She must be shy. 

I found clothes already in my closet. Hmm? strange. I changed and went outside to meet kai. She wore all black. Pale skin showing off her belly and arms. Her legs covered in long pants. 

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