"Making statements, assuming" (30)

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"Hey, Kristen," Janaya says moving from her position to get him a glass of water

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"Hey, Kristen," Janaya says moving from her position to get him a glass of water.

The officer had stepped out a little while ago. he told them to call him when they needed any other help with this case.

"How you feeling?" she asked rubbing his waves.

"A little tired."



"Well, I'm gonna go find a doctor or a nurse that can come take a look at you," Janaya said while walking out the room causing.

"Well, I'm gonna go find a doctor or a nurse that can come take a look at you," Janaya said while walking out the room causing

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When Janaya left I examined everyone in the room. All of Janaya's family was here and some new girl who looked to be in her 20s.

"Who is she?" I ask nodding my head towards her which was a bad idea. Now my head low-key hurts.

"I am your 'father's' sister Imani, nice to meet you." She says then comes closer to me to sit on the chair that was close to my bed.

"I didn't know he had a family," I say trying to think to see if I had any memory of her. This just makes my head hurt a little bit more.

"A little after you were born he and his wife, your 'mom' completely disappeared," she pauses with a sigh, "They deleted all of their social media accounts, moved to another house, and changed numbers."

I just nodded and thought about what she said. A little bit later Janaya came in dragging a scared doctor by his pants leg.

"Okay, I'm gonna check your vitals and make sure you are okay. Just so you know you will have to stay overnight. But don't worry about that, it's just protocol." The doctor said.

He just did a normal check-up and said that everything was alright and I could go home tomorrow. The mention of 'home,' made me shiver. I didn't want to go back. Once he left I turned to Janaya's Mr. Andre.

"Where am I going to live?" I ask with the hope to live with them.

"Well, legally you would have to live with either your aunt or uncle." That's disappointing.

I turn to Janaya who is sitting beside me on the side that my 'aunt' was sitting on. I think she thinks she is protecting me from her.

"What do you think?" I ask her.

"I don't know she was doing the most when I first met her. But she doesn't have any signs of being mean to people. But I think over time she would be very annoying to be around." Janaya says. You would think that she would whisper that stuff. "At least she's pretty." She adds with a shrug.

I just nodded my head.

"Why can't we take him in?" asked Janaya and I was wondering the exact same thing.

"Because that's not how it works," answered Jervonte.

"Well, then how do it work? You guys took in a random kid from off the street, so why can't we take in a kid from a house?" She asked tilting her head to the side.

"Th-that's different?" Andre studdered when he answered and made it seem like he was asking.

"Oh ok," Janaya then laid down on my good arm. I could tell she was tired it was past both of our bedtimes.

"Awww, young love," Imani said.

I just mugged at her because why is she making statements, assuming. Reminding me of the rap by emmanuel and Philip Hudson.
(Rap up top👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾)

"Now why you gettin in our bidness? I got love for him, I'm not in love with him ms ma'am." She said 'ms. ma'am' in the B Simone tone. "I already got me a man."

"Well excuse the heck out of me," Imani mumbled getting on her phone.

"Who is your man?" asked Jahmal.


"I already told you he is too old for you." responded Jahmal

"Age ain't nothin' but a number." She responded cooly.

"Jail ain't nothing but a place." Answered Julian.

"I don't mind talking to him through a glass window or at a table. We'll make it work just like Kimmy did on 'The Parkers.'" Janaya said nodding her head as she spoke.

That made almost everyone in the room choke on air.

"Does he even know that ya'll are together?" Questions Jamar. I just looked at him like he was dumb of course he doesn't know.

"He doesn't know it just yet."

"Giving very much Nikki Parker ."

After a few more conversations everyone went to sleep. Janaya first and Andre last.

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