"Don't feel guilty" (28)

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When the doctor said that it was like everything shattered around them

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When the doctor said that it was like everything shattered around them. 

"I am so sorry for your loss of Christen Morris." The doctor said. 

"WAIT," screamed Janaya, "did you just say, Christen Morris?" She asked walking slowly up to the doctor with a mean glare.

The doctor nodded his head.

"You got the wrong family. This is Kristen James's family. I also hope that you are not the doctor that is helping MY Kristen. If you could mix up names and give the wrong people a flipping heart attack then you could mix up the charts too." Janaya says looking the doctor up and down with disgust.

Then she turned around and sat back down in her chair. Andre sat beside her and started rubbing her back.

"You wanna go for a walk?" he asks. 

It was just to clear her head and possibly stop her from picking her lip anymore. It was already starting to bleed. Without saying a word she stood up and started walking down the hallway. She walked got on an elevator and pressed random buttons when finally she came across the baby section.

She stayed outside of the room looking in. She wondered how it would be to be a newborn baby. Someone who just cries, eats, sleep, pee, and poop. Of course, imagining peeing and pooping in a diaper felt weird to her. Like just sitting around in your own pee and poop is just nasty. But not having to think, not having to do anything sounded good to her. Especially in the position she is in right now. She wondered how it would feel to not have to worry about anyone, in that way she kind of envied babies. She knew it was silly, but she didn't know what and why she had this repeated feeling that was hurting her heart. She just knew it was there.

"Hey, are you lost?" a woman in scrubs asked her. 

"Nope," Janaya said still looking in the window that allowed her to see the babies.

"Are you related to one of them?" The woman asked again.

"Nope," Janaya repeated, "Have you ever lost someone?" 

"Unfortunately, yes"

"Well I have someone important to me in here, and I'm scared I'm gonna lose him," Janaya said now looking at the woman.

"Have the doctor come to walk to you and your family yet?"

"Nope," Janaya said now staring off in the distance, "I feel like I can hear the clock ticking, and with every tick, I get more nervous than before. I keep running the usual 'what ifs' in my head, which I know is not helping." 

Janaya's eyes start to water, and she brings her hand up to her nose and rubs the bridge of it. 

"First take two deep breaths," the nurse said, "Is this person strong?" 

Janaya thought for a second then nodded. Kristen is seven years old and has been abused, for God knows how long, and never broke down to her knowledge. Yes, he was quiet, but unless you know the specific signs then you wouldn't have known that he was being abused. She couldn't help that feeling that deep down it was her fault. She didn't tell anyone right away, and if she did this wouldn't have happened. Even though Kristen didn't want her to tell anyone, she still should have, she should have known better.

"Then what makes you think that he isn't going to make it through?" 

Janaya shrugged her shoulders, then sat on the nearest chairs. 

"Come on," the nurse said waving her hand towards the exit, "Let's go find your family." 

Janaya followed her to the exit with one final look at the babies. She walked to the elevator and pressed the button to the floor where her family was waiting for her and to hear about Kristen.

"Have you heard anything about Kristen?" She asked Andre with hope in her eyes.

"Yea, the other boys are in the room now," Andre responded. 

That's when Janaya looked around the room and noticed that Jamar and Jahmal weren't in the room.

"What were the injuries?" She asked quietly not wanting to hear something too bad. 

"He has broken ribs, a concussion, a broken arm, and a lot of bruises."

"Did he pass out from the concussion?" she asks.

"Yes, and because his body was exhausted." He answered, "It would have been more severe if we didn't get there at the time we did. That was because of you. If you hadn't given him that phone, let him know that he could call you, answer the phone when you did and dragged us out of the house. He probably wouldn't be alive in that hospital room. So don't feel guilty, we're human, we make mistakes." Andre said while bending down on his one knee to see Janaya eye to eye. 

Janaya gave him a big hug after that. 

"What room is he in?" 

"He's in room 120 on the third floor," Andre said then looked around, "HEY!" he said pointing to the nurse that was at the reception desk. Which was the same nurse that had brought Janaya down to see her family. "Can you show her to her friend's room, she knows where to go." 

The nurse nodded and with one final goodbye, Andre left to the police station. 

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