"4lifers" (23)

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It has been two weeks since Janaya gave her phone to Kristen

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It has been two weeks since Janaya gave her phone to Kristen. They had been talking every night since, and their bond has grown stronger. 

They were all at school, and Janaya, Kristen, D'Shaun, Alex, Jewel, and Diamond were all sitting around an art table. They were all talking about the weekend, which was the next day, and what they were gonna do. They were waiting for the teacher to pass out the paintbrushes, water, and canvases. Kristen was going to come over to Janaya's house to spend the night for the first time. When D'Shaun first got word of this he got mad because he was jealous as always. But he has been working on not being so jealous.

"What are you painting?" D'Shaun asked Janaya trying to look over her shoulder. Janaya quickly moved so he couldn't see.

"You're not allowed to look at it until it's finished," Janaya said turning her head to look at him, then dramatically turning her head back around. Which put a pout on his face. 

Art is a class that the whole group liked, even though more than half of them could draw or even color between the lines on a good day. They just enjoyed being able to draw and paint what they were feeling in the moment. They couldn't just sit and talk while they were in their other classes, and that is what made art so special. 

Kristen was so excited to be able to go with Janaya. He might have fibbed to Andre about his parents knowing where he is going, but Kristen didn't want to be in his parent's presence for anything. He was happy to be getting out of the house and getting away from his family drama if you can even call it that. Janaya knowing that what he was going through lifted a weight off of his chest. He thought that once people found out they wouldn't want to be his friend anymore, and the fact that Janaya stayed meant that they were 4lifers🤞🏾

Soon the class was finished, and it was time to go out for recess. They all went to their usual place, which was the swing sets. D'Shaun was pushing Janaya, and Alex was pushing Kristen while the twins swung by themselves. They have all bonded well together, so whenever they were together all you would hear is laughter.

"Do you guys know what's for lunch?" Diamond asked. You could hear her stomach growling from the other side of the playground. 

"Maybe it's pizza like we have every Friday," Jewel responded sarcastically while rolling his eyes. Janaya laughed. She and Jewel had some similar qualities like they were both blunt and a little bit sarcastic. If you heard both of them talk you would have thought that they were the twins. 

"You didn't have to be so mean." Diamond sadly said, she was even pouting a little. I guess you can tell that she's the sensitive type. 

"I mean that was a dumb question" Jewel and Janaya both mumbled at the same time. Diamond huffed and hopped up off the swing to go sit on the bench close to the swings. 

Jewel huffed knowing that Diamond wasn't going to be happy until he apologizes to her. 

"I'm sorry for being mean DeeDee," Jewel said using the nickname that he gave her.

"It's ok Jewel, I guess I need to stop being so sensitive." 

They both walked back over to the group and got back on their swings in a happier mood. 

"Come on it's almost time for lunch, and we have to get there first," Alex said while running up to the front. Alex has a watch that he uses to make sure he gets first in line for lunch. The teachers haven't even called them to come to line up yet. I guess you could say that he is the one who is always ready to eat.

They all walked up to where they usually lined up and started random conversations until the teacher tells them it is time for everyone else to line for lunch. When it did happen everyone ran in grabbed their lunch boxes or stayed at the classroom door ready to get their school lunches. 

They all sat with their friends and talked about random subjects while eating. After lunch, they had three more classes before they had to leave. Meaning an excited Kristen left with an even more excited Janaya for their sleepover. 

I need help!!!!!!!

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I need help!!!!!!!

I need someone to give me a girl's name


Oh, and don't forget to...




Also if you have an idea that you want to see in a chapter let me know.

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