"Where you go unconscious" (5)

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"I need someone to show me around this mansion you guys call home," Janaya says while looking around, and taking a mental picture of everything

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"I need someone to show me around this mansion you guys call home," Janaya says while looking around, and taking a mental picture of everything. "Unless you want me to look around on my own."

Everyone yelled "NO," Janaya just shrugged her shoulders and mumbled an "I didn't think so." Andre sighs heavily and says, "Just take your pick from the boys."

Janaya smirks a little and goes over to the boys who are in a curved line. She started fat the start of the line, which was Jamar. She looked him up and down mumbling "Your too happy, and it's low-key scarring me." After him, she went to the next person which was Julian, "You seem quite too quiet, I don't know if your plotting against me, so.... no"

She finally gets to Jahmal, she looked him up and down in disgust. Jahmal fidgeted seeing the look she gave him. "I don't like you anymore. Don't get me wrong I did I just don't like you anymore." She gave him one more look up and down, contemplating her options. "but I guess you'll do."

"Well, the criticism was unnecessary," Jamar says. He then turns around to go upstairs, not feeling the need to be in that room at that moment. Janaya just rolls her eyes and walks to the other side of the living room where there is another flight of stairs. She turns around not feeling anyone following her, and says, "come on."

With that, both Janaya and Jahmal walked up the stairs. Janaya learned about different things about the family and the house. She actually learned who was who.

"Where am I going to be?" Janaya asked him.

"What do you mean," Jahmal asked. Not being sure of what she meant. Janaya rolls her eyes not knowing how he didn't get what she was saying. It was obvious to her what she meant.

"I meant where do I lay my head at night, close my eyes, and you know where you go unconscious after a hard day." Jahmal was astonished, to say the least. What seven-year-old describes going to sleep, as going unconscious.

Jahmal didn't know what to say after that, and Janaya knew. She knew just by looking at his facial expression, and she thrived off the fact. This new fact also told her that his 'tell' is his facial expressions. She liked knowing this, it gave her an upper hand. Meaning, just in case something goes wrong she could always go to him to find the truthful answer because she knows his tell.

"Follow me," was the only thing that he could get out. They walked through the corridors until they got to the stairs again. They walked up to one more flight of stairs and went through another set of corridors. By this time Jahmal had regained his self

"When you walk through these double doors there are everyone's rooms from youngest to oldest," Jahmal explained. "Your room will be right here," Jahmal said pointing to a door that was bare compared to the other occupied rooms.

"You can decorate it however you want. We will all probably go to the store to get you more supplies," Jahmal explained. Janaya nodded her head letting him know that she was listening.

After Jahmal finished explaining things that Janaya had no interest in. She finally made the excuse that it was her nap time, and practically ran upstairs. Jahmal knew he was talking a lot, but not too much that Janaya would run away.

With a shrug of his shoulders, Jahmal went to go find his twin. He always liked to check up on his twin. Ever since the incident both Jahmal and Julian didn't like to spend that much time apart. The incident made everyone on edge, and they all dealt with it their own way.

Jahmal finally reached his twins' door. He knocked but didn't wait for an answer to go in. He didn't really care what he saw. Living with the two being brothers was like two girls talking in a bathroom. They gossiped about school and other things that they kept hidden from the rest of the family.

"Hey, whatcha doing?" Jahmal says while standing right in front of the now-closed door.

"Do you think she is right for this family?" Julian asked getting right to the point. "I mean she feels familiar, but I don't know if it's a good or bad familiar." he continues.

Jahmal just nods his head knowing where he is coming from because he got the same feeling. "I think we should give her a chance, but just keep an eye out," Jahmal says while walking towards the door to leave to go to his room. "Oh, have you seen my phone I thought I had it with me, but I can't seem to find it?"

"No, I haven't seen it, but I'll be sure to tell you if I do," Julian responded. With that Jahmal walked to his room.

On the other end of the corridors, there sat Janaya looking through Jahmal's phone.

On the other end of the corridors, there sat Janaya looking through Jahmal's phone

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