car ride with a stanger

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A/N: Contains mention of suicide.

POV: Key

Marlo put me down in a car seat, at first, I was reluctant, but then I remembered that if she stopped hard I probably would fly through the window, so I was okay with it. Marlo turned to me from in the front seat “are you okay back there” I nodded happily and Wren smiled “yes I am okay” she said in a voice I never heard her use before, but it made me feel a little light-headed like before. Wren put her arm in front of me, when we came to a rough stop and I bumped forward a bit. My mind was no longer fuzzy, but I did wonder how I ended up in a car seat, I did not recall telling them to put me in one. I looked at Wren and said, “Wren why am I in a car seat” I saw her eyes go wide for a second then she tapped Marlo then mouthed something to her, so Marlo stopped the car. Marlo walked over to my side, and she open the door “hey my love” she kissed my cheek “why am I in a car seat Marlo and where are we off to anyway” Marlo looked at Wren “You regressed, and I have no idea what age you regress to, so I put you in a car seat just in case also we are going to May's house” I crossed my arms “May's house why” I wasn't trying to sound rude “So you can see Coda remember” I shook my head and Marlo gave Wren a confused look “Never mind that love here play some games and just enjoy the ride” she handed me her phone and I shrugged um okay then.


POV: third person

It was weird that Key didn't remember anything from when he regressed. Usually, they remember after regressing right Marlo shrugged off that thought and drove the rest of the way to May's house, luckily May didn't leave that far away.

POV: Wren

Marlo was about a minute away from May's house when my brother texted me back.


Sparky: hey I looked it up and I found your baby boy.

Wren: okay give me something!

Sparky: full name Jaden Ashton Richard. Birthday January 12, 2003. Age is 19 years old.

Wren: I knew everything besides the name so please what did you find that I need.

Sparky: I wanted to avoid saying it but okay this boy Jaden uh he was pronounced dead on his 15th birthday said to be suicide.

Wren: Oh um okay thanks text you later okay.

Sparky: okay bye sis I love you.

Wren: love you more bye.

I turned off my phone to see that Marlo had just pulled into the driveway, “Can you get Key, he fell asleep”? Marlo smiled at me and I nodded, then she left the car with May living me and Key alone. I looked at Key, I wasn't mad because he had a right to keep it to himself, but I felt sad for the poor boy. What would have to happen for a 15-year-old boy to think about suicide? I didn't want to think about, or I might cry and wake up Key. I opened my side of the door then got out and walked to his side then picked him up, placing one hand on his head and one hand on his bottom, so he wouldn't fall.

POV: Key

I woke up in a bed and a room that wasn't mine. Did I get kidnapped again? What if my dad got me… What if he killed Marlo and Wren wait no maybe it is just something else. I got out of the bed and turned on the desk lamp then let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding when I saw Coda in his bed sleeping peacefully see I told you dad isn't coming back yet now go back to bed or find Wren and Marlo I nodded, but then I yawned and decided that it was too late to bug them, so I went back to bed.

Be a voice,
Not an echo.

(707 words)

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