as many ways No.10

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[as many ways to make a teacher blush]

'I crave his touch, his skin against mine. I need it. My mouth waters when I see him. I want him...'

Harry tossed his diary across the room in frustration. It had been three weeks since he'd so much as kissed Snape.

"You really should talk to Ron about all this, he's done nothing but sleep and go to class. He's like a muggle zombie." Hermione said as she joined Harry in her room.

"Stupid prat will get over it, just like Ginny did." Harry got off the bed and stretched. "Do you have the potion?"

"Here." Hermione handed him the small phial. "Simple, but very strong. It's one of the more powerful lust potions. Be careful, only a drop is needed. The effects last for ten hours."

"Then what makes it so powerful?"

"The consumer can't reach orgasm until they bring the brewer to orgasm too."

"But you're the brewer..." Harry said with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, but I used your blood in the potion, not mine. Which means, in theory, you will be viewed as the brewer."

"Thanks." Harry grinned. "Dobby!"


"Harry Potter called Dobby, sir?" The house elf squeaked.

"I need you to put this in his morning drink. Be careful. Only one drop is required in his goblet. Don't get caught."

"Yes, Harry Potter, Dobby is doing what Harry Potter asks. Harry Potter is Great wizard sir." Dobby said then vanished with another 'POP'.

"Ummn... Harry?"

"Yes, Hermione?"

"Do you realize that you said 'he' not 'Professor Snape'?", I said Snape... Oh bloody hell! You don't think Dobby would have... already...?"

Harry didn't wait for Hermione to answer before he took off to the Great Hall.

He panted his arm out to steady himself against the door frame.

Hermione came up huffing, and stood beside him. She looked into the Hall, everyone seemed to be fine... for the moment. She hoped Dobby hadn't been too excited by the prospect of helping Harry and had noticed the misuse of words.

Harry rushed into the crowded Hall, going to random people to tell the not to drink anything.

Harry ran to Ron and grabbed his drink just as he was putting it to his lips, not noticing the juice hit Seamus in the face as he was taking a bite of toast. "Don't drink the pumpkin juice!"

Harry glanced behind him, Seamus was sputtering, then he looked up at Harry with bright eyes. Harry gulped as he noticed other boys doing the same thing. They were advancing on him. "Guess Dobby did do it." Harry mumbled.

He looked at the Head table to see Snape take a swallow of his drink. As much as he should've been rejoicing at the sight of Snape's eyes glowing with lust, he was too worried by the growing number of boys gathering around him. Each so hot for him they needed a dunk in the cold water of the Black lake. Harry hoped they would go and drown themselves before he was left at their mercy.

Hermione leapt forward and grabbed Harry by the back of his robe and dragged him from the Hall as the boys praticaly drooled.

"Oh bloody fuck!" Harry screamed as he came to his scenes and they took off down the corridor. "That potion may have been a bad idea."

"Really?" Hermione snapped. "Come on, we have to get you someplace safe. Where can we go that no one will find us?"

Harry thought for a moment. "Snape's rooms? I mean, I was trying to get him anyway, what harm would it do to get caught by him?"

"Okay, okay... Anyone else have access to his rooms?"

"The Headmaster but I know he isn't a treat."

"How do you know Harry? If he took that potion, he's-."

"Dumbledore takes a potion every morning that keeps other potions from affecting him. He said it helped when you had to meat with enemies with out warning."

"Right." Hermione nodded. She looked back behind her. "Come on, we need to hurry. I think they're getting closer."

Harry speed up as Snape's room came into view. He turned to his friend. "Thanks. If you see Snape, tell him where to find me." He said as he whispered a password and ducked into the room. The portrait closing behind him.

Once inside the room, Harry took the time to really look around. Everything was neat and clean, books and papers on tables and chairs. Harry was struck by how alike this room was with Hermione's. But he guessed it had to do with the fact that both were incredibly smart.


Harry turned to see Snape storm into the room. "Sir..."

"You slipped everyone a potion. I know you did, don't deny it."

"I wasn't going to sir." Harry said as he pressed his body to Snape's. "You said we couldn't have sex because I'm a student so I asked Hermione to see if there was a rule against it. She hasn't found the book yet but it's only a matter of time. And speaking of time, do you know how long this potion lasts?"

Snape grunted as he tired, and failed, to keep from bucking his hips forward.

Harry licked his lips and smiled.

Snape couldn't take it any more and pushed Harry against the nearest wall and thrust one of legs between Harry's. He held Harry by the hips as they rocked together, simply rutting each other to completion time and time again.

The day passed away much quicker then what Harry wanted it to. It was fun, getting to explore Snape's body and to have Snape return the favor. But soon it was time for the potion to clear his system and Snape to scowl at Harry about the side effects of potions and improper handling.

"So." Harry smirked at Snape as they lay in each others arms after another orgasm, this one with out the potions pull. "How many students noticed you were hard on the way down here?"

Snape blushed and ducked his head under their makeshift pillow, mumbling about stupid Gryffindors' and never leaving the dungeons again.

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