Draco Malfoy x Lucius Malfoy pt1

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Nighttime had fallen long ago and only one Malfoy was in attendance. Narcissa, not surprisingly, was still 'out' and Lucius had yet to make an appearance. However, as the metal hands of a large grandfather clock threatened to cover three, a loud thud echoed down the empty halls as the front doors to the manor were closed heavily. Soft tapping accompanied tired footsteps as Lucius Malfoy made his way first to his bedroom and then to his study. One of the largest rooms in the house, the study was located at the end of a hallway, just a few doors down from Draco's room and a guest room. As he approached, Lucius placed his hand on the brass doorknob he had turned so many times to enter his haven. Just as he was moving to open the door, however, he was compelled to turn towards a similar door located just feet away in the other direction.

"Hell, I forgot Draco returned today." He spoke under his breath.

Creeping towards the boy's room, Lucius paused to stealthily rotate the knob in his grasp and open the room to his view. The elder Malfoy looked inward and his gaze softened upon seeing the room as it was. A candle burned low upon a bedside table, the wax threatening to spill over the edge of the holder onto the wood. Its glow wasn't nearly strong enough to light the entire room, but it illuminated the most important parts.

Draco, sleeping heavily, was tangled within the deep green sheets of his king sized bed. He had chosen the bed linens to represent a small portion of his love for being a Slytherin. A plush silver comforter was draped, in a mess with the sheets, across his midsection and legs, though one of them was exposed and dangled halfway off of the bed. What could be seen of his body was bare, his chest rising and falling evenly. Lucius trailed his gaze over his son, examining everything about him. He had grown to be quite the young man, a true example of what a Malfoy should be; handsome, intelligent, talented in class and as a wizard. He made his father proud, though he admitted that he didn't always show it.

His ears picking up a soft groan, Lucius looked to his son's face. White blonde hair was mussed and splayed out wildly on the pillows, sticking to Draco's face in places. He seemed uneasy and distraught, perhaps caught up in a nightmare. Although he was a bastard, he was still a father and Lucius quickly moved to sit on the side of the bed, placing his hand on the younger male's shoulder. Shaking him gently, Lucius attempted to wake his son from the darkness of sleep.

"Draco. Dragon, wake up. You're dreaming." His deep voice emanated quietly from his lips. "Come now, boy."

"Bloody hell…" Draco groaned, his heart racing as he drifted back into his conscious body. He became increasingly aware of a hand on his shoulder and a deep, familiar voice pulling him into a more aware state.


Silvery grey eyes opened to meet with similar smokey ones. Draco was more than surprised to find his father at his bedside.

"Sir…?" Draco asked quietly.

"You appeared to be caught up in the throes of a nightmare. I was just looking in to check on you and decided to wake you from it."

Draco sighed heavily and closed his eyes once more before replying to his father.

"It was a nightmare father, an old one. Even though I've seen them before, they never get any easier to cope with."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, Draco. We all have nightmares."

"But I shouldn't be so weak. I shouldn't be so afraid of something that's not even real." The young man opened his eyes and looked away, clearly embarrassed in front of his ever-powerful father who had made sure to not raise a coward.

"Dragon…" Lucius spoke gently as he took his son's chin in his hand and tuned his head back around until their eyes met once more.

"Even I have things I fear, and in the world of dreams, not even I can control what I do and do not fear."

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