as many ways No. 11

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[as many ways to make a teacher blush]

'I wish for our nights to never end. While he insists we do nothing more then touch, I find I've become addicted to just the sound of his voice as it lulls me to sleep. I wish for more time to spend in his arms. I wish for more time to make him love me...'

"You're awake?" Snape asked sleepily.

"Yea, sorry. Did I wake you?"

"Hmmn." Snape said as he wound around Harry's lean body.

Harry rolled over and sat up, looking down at Snape. Really looking for the first time.

Snape wasn't overly thin but he wasn't fat, a nice amount of meaty flesh to show his age. Not a lot of chest or underarm hair, but a complete forest as it traveled between his legs.

Harry smiled as the idea of the 'Forbidden Forest' took on a whole new meaning.

"What are you looking at?"

"You." Harry answered honestly. He loved Snape's body. He didn't care that it wasn't how other's viewed as 'handsome' or 'beautiful', it was all the same knowing that Snape was with him. Was his.

Snape smirked and pulled Harry down for a kiss.

It was a simple kiss, just a brush of lips. But Harry smiled as he returned it. He even loved Snape's slightly yellowed, crooked teeth.

"You keep looking at me like that and I'll be forced to give you detention once again." Snape said as he pulled back and rolled on his stomach, his arms crossed under his head.

"Isn't that how we ended up here anyway?" Harry joked as he showered Snape's back and shoulders with light kisses.

"I thought we ended up here because your dorm mates are still upset at you for slipping them a lust potion and had to wait ten hours for a release."

"Oh, they'll get over it. From what Ron and Hermione said, not everyone was unhappy with the ending result."

"I'm sure." Snape looked over his shoulder at Harry. "I don't have any classes today. Do you want to stay in? I could have one of the house elves bring something."

"That sounds perfect." Harry kissed Snape's cheek as he got up. "While you do that, I'm going to get a shower."

Harry walked into the bathroom, aware of Snape's eyes on him as he went, and turned on all the tabs. Once it was warm enough, he got in and just let the water run over his body. He loved his time with Snape but he was always glad to get a chance to get rid of any bodily fluids that may have been exchanged in the process.

Really, he didn't mind, that is until it got to the point that he had to scrub it off. Which was what he happened to be doing now. His skin was blotchy and red and it stung. It was the price he paid for the peace of mind he got from being in Snape's arms. Plus the amazing orgasms that came with it.

Harry turned off the water and stepped out, grabbing one of Snape's black bath robes from it's place on the back of the door and going into the bedroom. Snape wasn't there.

Harry frowned but decided Snape must have went into one of the other rooms.

He found Snape on the couch in the sitting room, reading a book and a large pot of melted chocolate and berries on the small table; wearing a robe just like the one Harry had on.

"This is supposed to be breakfast?"

"Since we are going to spend the day in bed, I thought we may indulge a bit." Snape said as he put down his book. He turned to hold out his hand to Harry, which he took, and pulled the younger onto his lap. "I hope you don't think it too forward of me."

"Nope." Harry said happily as he kissed Snape. "So do I get to feed you?"

"If you like, but I do hope I get a chance to do the same."

Harry bit his lip and groaned. He picked up a strawberry and dipped it in the thick chocolate. He licked the tip then held it at Snape's mouth, waiting for him to take a bite, which he did a moment later.

Snape licked at Harry's finger holding the leaves of the half eaten fruit, then brought Harry's head down for a kiss. He ran his tongue over a spot where Harry had gotten the chocolate on lips chin, then he ran lower.

Snape dipped his hand in the melted bowl and brought them up to Harry neck, smearing them on the skin. He moved his mouth to that spot and started to lick it clean. He listened and enjoyed the little meows and moans that came from Harry.

He rocked his hips up, rubbing himself against Harry in a desperate way to relieve the tension that Harry's moans were causing. He bit onto Harry's ear as Harry started to thrust back.

Just slow, painfully slow thrusts that teased rather then relieved. Harry opened his robe with one hand as the other hand wound into Snape's greasy hair. He angled his hips so that his cock would rub the opening of Snape's robe and slide in to connect with warm skin.

Snape groaned as he sucked harder on Harry's neck. He ran his hands down his back and grabbed his ass, bringing them closer, creating more friction.


Harry and Snape turned to the door to see Hermione and Colin run, giggling and holding Colin's camera, from the room.

The implications were clear.

Colin and Hermione had taken a picture of the two.

Snape blushed a red that would put a Weasley to shame and covered his face with a pillow, mumbling something about 'Bloody Griffendore's multiplying'.

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