as many ways No. 14

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[as many ways to make a teacher blush]

'His hands as the move, the way he walks, the sight of his hair blowing out behind him as he walks away. It makes me want to claim him as my own. To show everyone that he is mine and mine alone to love…'

"I'll see you later Hermione." Harry said as he grabbed his cloak.

"Why are you going now? When you didn't g after him right away, we thought you didn't want to go."

"Had to wait until after curfew. Dumbledore didn't say anything about the pictures but I don't want to press my luck. Bye."

"Wait, take these with you." Hermione said as she shoved two neatly wrapped presents into Harry's arms.

"What are these?"

"Presents for you and Snape, so you can spend the rest of Christmas together."

"Ummn… Thanks." Harry said. "Bye."

Harry walked slowly down the empty corridor, trying to not draw attention to himself show any teachers be lurking the halls.

He paused just out side of Snape's private rooms, his hand poised to knock, when it opened with a slow creak.

"Come in Potter."

"Hello sir."

Snape looked up. "Well, are you going to sit down?"

Harry sat down quickly. "Are you mad at me?"

"What for? For the pictures, for the album? Or maybe I should be mad with the fact that you are too ignorant to think about the result of your actions before you do something."

"I'm sorry, you haven't been talking to me. You even stopped coming to the Great Hall. I didn't know how else to get your attention."

"Well you have it now!" Snape sighed. "I haven't been in the Castle at all for the last few days. That is why you haven't seen me."

"Oh…" Harry fiddled with his hands. "Did it have to do with Vol- with him?"

"… No. Believe it or not, I used to live as a muggle. I had a family, I had a job; I had everything a muggle man could want. It was after I left the Dark Lord. Albus thought I could do with a break. None of us expected me to fall in love. But then Albus had me come back to teach, I really had no choice. If I didn't teach the Ministry was going to put me in Azkaban."

"So you left your family?"


"I get it sir." Harry said as he tried to keep his tears from spilling over. "I'll just go."

Snape got up a pulled Harry into the circle of his arms. "I go back every year to see them, they are like friends to me. I have a son, he's a year older then you, he calls me Uncle Dave. After being away so long, I know now that the love I had for my ex-wife is nothing compared to love I feel for you."

Harry was unable to utter a sound as Snape swooped down to claim his lips. Harry let himself surrender to kiss, his knees felt weak and his head was spinning.

Snape picked Harry up and sat him on the edge of the desk. "I don't want you to trouble yourself with presents for me."

"Oh!" Harry pulled the two presents from his back pocket and handed one to Snape. "Hermione sent them down for us."

Snape raised an eyebrow but took the gift, slowly un-wrapping it. He nodded softly when he saw the wonderfully handcrafted wand holder. He had been meaning it get a new one for years.

Harry opened his as quickly as he could, after seven years; he was still in awe for getting things. He laughed when he saw Hermione had once again gotten him a book. He looked at the title, 'Hogwarts and you?' He couldn't help but feel he had seen that book somewhere before. He opened it up to the place Hermione had marked and gasped.

"What?" Snape asked as he looked over Harry's shoulder.

Harry gulped as he started to read the page Hermione marked for him. " 'By law Slytherin-Vs-Griffendor, any student/teacher relationship is no longer prohibited for favor of Slytherin as long as said student is a legal age of consent and is fully aware of bylaws subjected to per family code of dominate member of relationship.' …"

"I didn't want you to enter a relationship with me until you knew the consequences." Snape said as he kissed Harry's shoulder. "I wanted you to know what you were getting yourself into."

"So we can be together?" Harry asked.

"Yes." Snape kissed Harry on the lips, running his tongue along the edge and pulling away when Harry opened. "But many will not agree with it. Gryffindor believed Slytherin only wanted to make the law legal so he could absorb the powers of youthful witches and wizards. He said it wasn't a matter a wanting, he was unable to control his families pull."

"So what is your family fine-print?" Harry giggled as Snape kissed down his neck.

"My spouse must give me an heir with in the first year or all their magic will be transferred to me and I must take a new wife."

Harry turned and wrapped his arms around Snape's neck. "So what do you say we get started?" Harry leaned up close so he could whisper in his ear. "Every time my tattoo flutters its wings, it sends little vibrations across my body."

Harry pulled back to admire Snape's blush then hoped off the desk and tugged him into the bedroom.

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