Arthur Weasley x Lucius Malfoy pt2

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Task 3 had been to make his inclinations apparent but not act upon them—even if Arthur had attempted to take action. Lucius felt satisfied their interaction in the back hallway accounted for the completion of that task and now set his sights on the fourth item on his list. With a giddiness he rarely felt, he sat down to fresh parchment and dipped his quill in the inkwell.

Starting on Tuesday after the Malfoy party, Arthur received the first of several notes at his desk in the Ministry. The handwriting did not give away the sender this time as it was less exquisite than Lucius' usual script.


I didn't think you would notice me then, but I'm so glad you did. Thinking of you fondly.

Yours, in 1967 and now.

He read it three times. The note seemed clear that Lucius wanted him, but Arthur didn't trust it. He hid it in a file buried in his desk drawer. Thursday another note arrived, addressed in the same handwriting.


After you fell asleep that night, I watched you for a long while before snuggling against you. When I did, you wrapped an arm around me without waking. I've never forgotten how it felt to be in your arms.


Arthur couldn't help but smile as he read this note. He hadn't actually been asleep then, wanting to see what Lucius would do once he thought Arthur wasn't watching. He'd taken so long to do anything Arthur had assumed he'd fallen asleep, but then he'd snuggled against him. As if no time had passed, Arthur could recall the exact sensation of wrapping his arm around Lucius' body and pinning him to his bare chest. Lucius had kissed his flesh a few times before settling in.

A shrill bell went off, shocking Arthur into his current reality.

He jerked up, eyes flying to the clock as his alarm reminded him he'd promised to meet Molly for lunch in ten minutes at Diagon Alley. Perhaps Lucius hadn't intended Arthur to treat his wife with all that money, but he didn't really care. Molly deserved every nice thing.

A surprise awaited him in front of Leaky Cauldron.

"Bill!" Arthur exclaimed, pulling his eldest son into a tight hug.

"Hey dad!"

"I ran into our son at Gringotts right after he happened to bring back a massive delivery of treasure. Says he's only got a few hours until he has to head back." Molly said, her chest puffed up with pride.

"Mum, lower your voice, please." Bill hissed.

"This is such a wonderful surprise! I didn't think we'd see you until Christmas." Arthur said as they started into the restaurant. "Tell me all about Egypt."

Midway into a fantastic lunch. Arthur noticed Molly's expression darken.

"Arthur, what a coincidence!" Lucius' silky voice called from behind him.

Arthur turned to find the blond with Barty Crouch.

"Lucius, Mr. Crouch." Arthur gave a nod.

"Bartemius and I were just talking about you over lunch." He smiled at Molly and Bill. "Hello, Molly. This must be William, your eldest?"

"Yes, he's in town for work." Arthur said.

"You work for Gringotts, right?" Barty asked Bill.

"Yes, sir, started just after Hogwarts."

"He graduated Head Boy." Molly bragged.

"Mum," Bill muttered through pink cheeks.

"What? You did. Plus you just got promoted last year to Curse Breaker." Molly said.

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