Tom Riddle x Harry Potter

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'why do you ask such a thing'

he watched as the words silently stained into the paper, he.. supposed he'd asked too many things, or perhaps his questions were inappropriate. Despite the months he'd spent talking to Tom he never supposed the boy could feel, much less through the book. It made him question magic itself, as little sense as it made anyway.

'im curious'

The words almost instantly dissapeared.

'curiosity is a sin, Harry'

he watched as the words appeared and vanished, leaving him with a heavy sickness in his stomach, laying his head down. Moments later though as he began to drift off he felt himself attempt to switch positions, then leaving himself to stare at the ink soaked page of orders.

'get off. '

'you disrespectful boy!'

'you will not treat me as a pillow!'

He could make out few sentences as the words overlapped over themselves, leave him to try to stop this rather confusing outrage.

Though in a panic he quickly licked the page, leaving the entire text to vanish.

'do that again.'

He felt himself again, grow ever so slightly curious as he again, licked the page, watching as the writing rather seeped into the paper rather than vanished. At this he quickly shifted the paper into his mouth, sucking and chewing as the paper seemed to grow resistant, almost moving on its own.

Moments later he felt himself shoot up as he could've sworn the pages tasted like skin, or maybe sweeter.

'i did not tell you to stop'

This time he just stared at the words, he felt himself harden as he let the words seep in, allowing his mouth to return to the pages. He watched as the sweet taste returned, leaving him to bite the paper, trying to break it.

He felt himself begin to let go as he vigorously stroker himself, unbuttoning his pants, ruining his shirt as he reached for leverage over his body. Moments later he felt himself jerk his hips forward as he began to pump himself, mauling the books pages to the best of his extent.

As he looked down at the book he watched the pages fill will orders, wanting him to continue, to do better,to stop messing up. He felt himself begin release as the book just continued, stopping,or atleast slowing as he began to once again deepthroat the pages, ruining them.

As a few minutes of this slowly passed he just listened as a boys silky began to fill his head, taking control of his movement, guiding him,as suddenly, he let out a long whimper as he felt an empty feeling seem to fill him.

He tightly gripped onto his cock as he continued to roughly pump himself, trembling as the feeling worsened. He felt himself begin to release as the feeling roughened, leaving him to begin crying.

At this the silence seemed to weigh down on him, his nails imbedding themselves into his cock as he now unwillingly fucked himself, scratched himself, pleased himself.

He watched as the pages sweetened in taste, his cock now throbbing as his very being threatened to pass out, to leave him hurting, wanting. Quickly he felt himself quickly jam two fingers into him, stabbing into his prostate as he struggled to maintain his tiring high, repeatedly trying to release but to no avail.

He felt his hips jerk forward into his hand as he violently fingered himself, feeling himself tense up around his three going on four digits. Pounding them into his prostate,
on the verge of collapsing. He watched himself relax entirely as the sweet sensation of releasing hit him like the imperius curse.

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