ron Weasley x Draco Malfoy

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"watch it!" Ron shouted as Malfoy quickly shoved past him, knocking him to the floor as well as stepping on his books. "And who might you be talking too Weasley?" Malfoy said as he was tempted to not even bother with giving Ron his time. "You ya dirty snake!" He nearly shouted as every Slytherin in the hall glared as him as Malfoy smirked. "Say that again Weasley.." Malfoy teased as Hermione quickly covered his mouth before he could speak. "Ron. You're going to get yourself killed." Hermione said as she uncovered his mouth. " That's right, listen to the chatterbox mud-blood" Malfoy said as he walked away with his signature grin plastered onto his face.
As Ron walked into class he felt himself immediately become the center of attention as everyone stared at him. "You're late Weasley!" He heard Malfoy Shout from the back as he sat just a seat away from him. "Look who's talkin ya blonde idiot." Phone said and discussed as he looked him up and down in disapproval. "at least I look better than you" Malfoy said quickly as the lesson began.
"Even your handwriting looks used. Ronald Weasley." Draco said as he looked over Ron's shoulder to see his scrambled notes. "Even your hair looks plastic." "At least plastic looks much better than a burlap sack" Malfoy said confidently as he walked away, ruffling Ron's scratchy hair as he walked away. "Get ya filthy 'ands off me!" Ron shouted at Malfoy as he walked off to his next class."hey! I wasn't don't talkin' to ya ya filthy serpent!" Ron yelled as Malfoy turned around,"I'm surprised you even know what a serpent is"Draco said as he quickly began to run as Ron began to chase him. As Ron soon chased Malfoy into the bathrooms he felt himself being shoved to the ground as Ron tackled him. "Stay down ya dirty snake." Ron hissed at him as he almost wanted to kill Malfoy. "atleast I don't look like a used towl" Draco shot back as he turned his head to narrowly avoid Ron's hand as he attempted to punch him. He quickly shoved Ron to the ground and soon held his wand to the boys neck. "And you call yourself a wizard!" Draco continued on his rant as he was soon kicked to the side. "atleast I worked my way to be one instead of buying into a school that I didn't even make it into!"Ron angrily shouted as he was shoved to the wall. "No! I earned this!" Malfoy snapped back as he held a small pocket knife to Ron's neck. "You're bloody mad Malfoy!" Ron yelled as they soon began to hear footsteps coming towards the bathroom. Though as soon as the door swung open Ron felt himself turn bright red as Malfoy kissed him,the door quickly shutting as he was kicked in the stomach before dropping to the floor as Draco ran out.

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